Mx Female David's Kinky List !


Jan 10, 2023
In the multiverse
Hello all and welcome to DKL !

In here I will post my ideas, current cravings, and generally what I am into
Keep in mind this is a work in progress !​

About me:
  • 25 year old 🧍‍♂️
  • Work a full time job, so I might not reply instantly​
  • Will discuss and roleplay only over DM (Might create a discord account if there's enough demand for it)​
  • HeteroSexual​

Age gap
Soft Non-con (where MC/YC get into it after a while)

  • Rich household member x Servant​
  • Rich Female x Male manservant (or vice-versa)​
  • Human x Mythical Being​
  • Human Male x Mermaid​
  • Merman x Human Female​
  • Fairy x Human​
  • Prince x Servant/ Mythical Being (ex. mermaid) / Mythical Being Servant​
  • Royalty x Non-Royalty​
  • Bride x Best man​
  • Bride x Bride's Maid​
  • Brother x Sister​
  • Master x Slave​
  • Stripper x Client​
  • Stripper x Stripper​
  • Teacher/Professor/Principal x Student​
  • Whore x Customer​
  • Test Subject x Test Subject​
  • Researcher x Test Subject​
  • Boss x Employee​
  • Sci-fi Soldier x Alien​
  • Father/babysitter​
  • Boyfriend/girlfriends younger sister​
  • Boss/employee​
  • Father/daughters friend​
  • Girlfriend/boyfriend younger brother​
  • Group rp (with other F and/or M).​

Coming later !

Keep in mind that these are just ideas, if you'd like to RP with me, DM me ! Suggestions are welcome !
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