Mx Female Shadow's RP list *Mature/NSFW*


Dec 30, 2019
Hi! Shadow here.

*Placeholder scary encompassing shadow image.*

I've been role-playing for around 13/14 Years now. Mostly been same few partners for the last year or so. Looking forward to getting to know new people.

I'll add an extensive list in the next day or so for kinks (got an F-List but I want to update it first). Short version, though. I lean more on the Dom side but I can accommodate some switch tendencies. My main aim is always to thoroughly discuss our interests/limits and tailor the scenario so that we can both enjoy. For those wanting to know how much I type... It depends. I'm very accommodating, my default is liking to type quite detailed roleplays but I can very easily go either way. My themes can be very mature and depending on the roleplay sexual in nature at times, though it is not my focus (or rather, don't expect it to happen in the first 5 minutes - I like logical build or reasonings for things).

Only rule I have is 18+ characters and roleplayers. I like to have most of my character be between 25-50 with a preference for late twenties/early thirties, though I am flexible with younger (as long as above 18).

Got two scenarios to begin with that I'd love to get started with talking over with the right partner (I plan to add more over the next week).

Scenario 1 {Cyber Punk Fandom}:
So this first one is more of a loose idea I'd love to flesh out with someone (open to changing parts, like whether it's a scandal, etc.). This RP is intended to be an initial clash of Dom characters, with the favour starting to shift to mine. As it goes on, our characters will gradually begin to corrupt one-another. This will have dark & mature sexual themes.

My idea is getting two Corp characters (my character & yours) from opposing companies. The company my character worked for had gone into debt due to a murder & huge scandal which hurt our publicity, and eventually ended up being bought out by a rival company (yours), and I've been transferred from the head of marketing into your office, as your new PA.

The added part to this story is the entire scandal was setup by your character. What I'm after is a quite confident and domineering woman to goad over her achievement, at least initially. But what if one day, after an especially bad day for my character - they decide to do some digging, tired of their lot in life and find out not all of her evidence was disposed of as she thought?

Now, there's no chance of bringing back what was. And your company is much bigger than my character's, going public wouldn't help progress the ladder. They would just be assigned as a new PA to someone else, and ruin your position entirely. However, what if it were used as leverage? The higher position your character gets into, the more mine has to gain. After all, if morals are thrown out of the window and you use your... 'charms' to further your place in society, then who says anyone needs to know about our little secret?

Scenario 2 {OC or Fandom - you decide}:
This scenario will be based around a stalker - you. My character will be a celebrity (thinking musician, but open to suggestions) and it would be set just prior to a pandemic. Your character manages to find out the hotel I'm staying at and will be going back to after an event, including the room number. What my character doesn't remember is that yours met mine a couple of years back at a signing, and has been obsessed with them ever since.

After the event, I come back to my penthouse in the hotel and sleep. I am completely unaware that your character has snuck in during the event, and waited for me - sneaking into my bed and joining me in sleep. The next day, my character wakes up shocked, confused and a little terrified of how someone got in his room. Calling security panic hits as a violent strand a new disease has been discovered in the hotel and the security staff have ordered us to remain in the penthouse under quarantine.

I'm not after a complete psychopath here or anything like that but more someone who has had a hard time, and developed a parasocial relationship with my character through their content. My character wants to set boundaries, but eventually changes those boundaries and tries to help you through yours. This will cover some mature & sexual themes.

Food for thought on scenarios I'll expand on later:

Star Wars fandom
Inheritance Cycle fandom
Lucifer fandom-esque setting (Devil tired of his lot, and wanting to join human society)
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