Mx Female A tale of darker fantasy


Jan 7, 2023
There's few reasons for a person to enter Darkwater. More than just a simple paradise for undead and abberations, Darkwater is filled with mages who seek to make their fortune. You've heard tales about the unspeakable power that can be gained here, which comes through artefacts or earning influence. But what do you do when you're inside the city and find the walls closing around you?

This is an open-ended story centered around your character. Perhaps you're a witch or practitioner of the supernatural. Your decisions have led you to Darkwater where you seek the next step of your adventure - whether it's finding power, earning fame or gold, perhaps even on a quest of your own.

People aren't what they seem and everyone seems to have a goal, a scheme, or an idea at greatness. There's trouble brewing and cult conspiracies, yet you seek to meet your goals whether they're realistic or completely unheard of.


This is a story where I'll be playing the world and characters around your MC. Ideally your character will dabble in the supernatural, be politically inclined, and have a clear goal she wishes to achieve. Here are a few ideas:

- Vengeance against someone who wronged her, perhaps in the high society or council
- Seeking a lost treasure which could make you incredibly rich, or give you untold power
- Making your way up through the ranks to become somebody worthy of respect and admiration
- Finding herself estranged in a city like Darkwater and letting the fates decide

Let's discuss and come up with your character and her motivations, I'm friendly and eager to hear your ideas.
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