Mx Female Salon Kitty: Sex, Lies and Microphones in WW2 Berlin [NSFW]


Mar 19, 2013
[TW: Nazism, lots of Nazi imagery, prostitution. Basically this is Naziploitation: The RPG]


"Espionage is the second oldest profession, without the morals of the first"

Venus and Mars, sex and death, all's fair in love and war. Love-making and war-making have walked hand-in-hand ever since Judith shortened Holofernes by a head. Great battles have been lost thanks to indiscreet pillow talk. Anyone who wants to win a war knows this, with one of the most notorious examples being the Third Reich's Salon Kitty.


(For the record I have a low opinion of the Tinto Brass movie. I instead recommend this. And if this makes you laugh then I would totally fucking marry you).

This RP will be based around your character's tenure at one of the most notorious brothels in history, Salon Kitty. There are a variety of different possibilities here, and I have some character ideas listed below to help streamline things. Typically the women at Salon Kitty were professional sex workers recruited by the Sicherheitsdienst into working there, but there were a number of "civilians" chosen for their looks and loyalty. They recieved a basic espionage training (pistol shooting, code breaking, etc) but their real work was done in the Salon's plush bedrooms.

Events will be largely determined by our heroine's character, but I do hope to establish a story arc we can lead her along. I have developed a number of important NPCs and plot-points that could be used. Essentially I will be running this as a GM, with your heroine's armour being lingerie and her battlefield, a plush velvet bedroom. Kinks will also vary a lot, but there are a few constants of mine that stand out here. I have a real penchant for 40's glamour, particularly lingerie, and we're well catered for here. (Oh, they had designers then!)

Obviously this is a historical RP but you don't need to be an expert on the era. I am extremely well-versed on this time and place and can promise a very believable enviroment. People have told me they feel intimidated about historical RPs due to their ignorance of the subject, so I am more than happy to make that part easier. The Wiki article about the place has all you need to know, really.

TONE is kind of important here. This is a generally dark theme, but one that also involves a certain amount of camp and humour. I am not looking for a litany of woes, but equally I do not want to do an 'Allo 'Allo RP. There is a lurid realm that can be found between these two poles, and that's where we're headed.

Here are some character concepts that could be used or developed upon:

Top of her class in the Glaube und Schönheit Society, 18-year-old Gretchen was recruited for her Aryan looks and unquestioning loyalty to the Reich. That loyalty becomes quickly and progressively undermined by the contradictions of her new role. It is essentially the story of a girl forced to either sell her soul, or lose it altogether.

Seemingly the image of German perfection, the 25-year-old Angelica is actually a spy for the Russian NKVD. She has built up an elaborate cover and infiltrated the Salon to spy for Moscow. This is a deadly game with immense risk and only her wits to protect her. It would definitely be the most espionage-heavy storyline.

An American actress who came to Germany in the '30s, and stayed after marrying a wealthy aristocrat. His death in battle leaves her vulnerable and she accepts an offer to work at the Salon. At the same time, she is contacted by the OSS, and presented with an ultimaum: become a double agent for American intelligence or be denounced as a traitor. In her world where her choices become increasingly desperate, what decisions does she make?

A statuesque 40-year-old of aristocratic heritage who lost both her husband and son on the battlefield. She joined the Salon in the belief that if they gave their bodies for the Reich, so should she. Her devotion to the cause is challenged by the realities she now confronts. A woman for who price has never been an issue now finds herself counting the cost.

Aged 21, a Roman bella donna in every sense, she was personally tapped by Kitty due to her notoriety. Her life of idle hedonism changes adruptly when she makes the worst mistake of her profession: falling for a cilent. Suddenly she's in a position of wanting something more, just as the bombs are beginning to take everything apart.

The 22-year old Ursula was born Rachel Weiss in the Jewish quarter of Berlin. As the Nazi persecution first disrupted then destroyed her family, she shed her new identity and sought out revenge on their killers. She has infiltrated the Salon as the best means of effecting this. She soon finds herself wondering just how much she can sacrifice in their name.

For most of her 23 years Yvette had no interest in politics, prefering her parties with a small 'p'. But then the Boche invaded her country, and her beloved brother disappeared into a German camp. Possessed with a single-minded mission to find and rescue him, she has come to the Salon to exploit its secrets. Hiding her hatred she trades her body to save his.

There are two core NPCs who need some attention: the titular Kitty, and Schellenburg. For the former, Patty Arquette's Boardwalk Empire character is perfect. For the latter, we have Inglorious Basterds Fassbinder. Yes he's the wrong rank don't @ me Wehraboos.

(I'll never forget all the girls at school going on about how sexy Ralph Fiennes was in Schindler's List. Learned a lot about the feminine mind that day.)

If you haven't been utterly put off by the theme, the overthinking, and the complexity, then let's do this thing. Nothing is truly set in stone here, let's a lot to work with. I would truly welcome any critique or comments on the whole thing.

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Y'now we could probably work Elsa Schneider in here somewhere


It's disgraceful, you're old enough to be her grandfather.
Well, I'm as human as the next man.

I *was* the next man!
The 2008 Spike Lee joint Miracle At St Anna features an Axis Sally who is very ahistorical but also very sexy so it's okay

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