Mx Female Sexy Star Trek TNG Game

Jan 5, 2023
Welcome to my (admittedly) super specific Request Thread!

While this may expand over time, it probably won't go too much farther than what I am going to have here. What can I say, it's what I want. :)

That said, as a gamer within the scenario I've describing, know that I'm VERY versatile. Love to explore different possibilities and keep things fresh within the scenario(s) I'm outlining.

Note: I'm going to start with the idea, since if you don't like it, you can save some time and move on. :) If you are interested, I'll try and explain a bit about who I am as a gamer so you can decide if we are compatible as potential writing partners.

With all that said, here we go!

Idea 1 - Deanna Troi, Sex Counsellor
In this idea, I would be playing several partners / the universe in general surrounding Deanna Troi from Star Trek TNG.
You would be playing the titled character!
To be clear, that means I would be GM-ing, with a strong focus on her primary sexual partners.

About the Star Trek Universe: Looking to play opposite a fan, but doesn't need to be anyone who knows massive detail. I am a casual fan: I know the episodes and characters, but don't know all the Trek-language/pseudo-Science, and I won't hold you to account for any massive detail. We can fake whatever we need! :)

Note: While I would be willing to play all of the following sexual partners, I know that can be alot all at once!
I am willing to ease into it, starting with one, then expanding as it feels right.

Preference to be read from top down!

1. Tasha Yar - Want Deanna to bring Tasha out of her shell by encouraging her to explore her dominant side, making Troi into her private submissive.
2. Barclay - Want Deanna to encourage the nervous engineer to come out of his shell by doing things to her that he never would think he could do. She remembers how he was secretly recreating her on the holodeck, and knows he wants her. She gives him free reign to explore his fantasies with the real woman instead.
3. Single-Appearance Ensign - Willing to consider your favorite one-time appearance officer, male of female. That extra who showed up at the Helm or Ops or at the Transporter in an episode you liked. Idea would be that they are a junior officer who needs a push. Deanna provides that. We can discuss the specifics of how she provides the incentive.
4. Worf - They end up with each other in the shows, but the show ratings would never allow the exploration of what that means. Worf warned her a few times that a non-klingon might find their mating dangerous. He'd be rough (though I'm not into anything too violent, basically talking about hard sex, BDSM, etc) (Variant: he has a half-klingon lover in several episodes. Perhaps they share Troi between them? I would play both of the klingon couple)

(other ideas may follow as they occur!)

Me as a Gaming Partner
> Bias towards being the dominant in a game. Sometimes equal/tender, especially as the relationship builds. Rarely submissive.
> Will post at least once a day. Sometimes more. If not, I will leave a note saying how long I expect to be gone.
> No pressure. Post when you want. Willing to pause if interest wanes and pick it up later.
> I post a few paragraphs. Basically, whatever is needed to keep the story moving forward.
> If I have a talent, it is for investing emotion in my characters! Even though I might be playing more than one, they will all feel like real people!
> As I said above, while I want to hold to the texture of the scenario (want it to feel like Trek) I am friendly to casual fans, being one myself. :)
> Kinks: Only thing I want to mention is not being into toilet stuff, dark stuff like violence/snuff/etc, beastiality, or anything too bizarre like vore
> All partners / characters need to be over 18, and of adult mentality.
> Anything else, just ask! I am great at communication, and will keep to whatever I promise to match your needs as a partner.

If you are still reading, send me a message, and we can chat about the details!
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