One of the last places in the land untouched by man, the great forest far from the Capital itself stood ominously still, it's trees with their black bark standing silent guardians to the forbidden place. Villagers had avoided this place for as long as anyone could remember, legends of an ancient civilization lost within it's borders, a grand kingdom that awaited those who were valiant and powerful enough to reach it. Of course such a kingdom had long faced into the treacherous terrains and deadly creatures of the woods. Beasts with razor sharp claws and a hunger for human flesh lurked in every shadow, creatures that not even the mind can conjure. It was a forbidding place, a place of mystery, a place where no one dared enter alone, and those who did never came back.
For Vincent Valtiere, It was home, the place where the gods exiled all the darkest things in land, the more vile monsters. It was where he was born, where he was raised, where he became a man. Vincent's lone figure stood by the entrance to his forest, perched in one of the great trees overlooking the great plains and hills separating his forest from the human world. It was peaceful, night had not quite yet fallen and shadows had gathered around his home, twilight setting in. Vincent lay in a cradle of branches, relaxing peacefully in his solitude, both of his eyes closed. This was his favorite time of day, the time before the day and the night, it was poetic really, the peace. Vincent's dark form lie draped over a couple branches of the tree, his dark robes separating to show the red clothing underneath, the tree held Vincent's body almost like a throne would hold a king, yet the forest had always embraced sweet anarchy, He did not rule the wood, it simply lived with him.
Vincent had distracted himself with a raven that had taken perch in the branches of the tall tree he had climbed, perching mere inches from his hands. They had so much in common, the shiny black feathers and Vincent's long dark locks, the red eyes, the reputation of a thing of the night. Vincent stirred when a noise could be heard from below, a soft light coming from the darkness of the woods. Vincent opened a brilliant red eye, keeping his demonic one shut "Reveal yourself, spirit" Words slowed from the man's lips, silent as a stream, yet almost like rolling thunder, the powerful voice of a mage.
THe spirit turned to him, coming out from where it was watching, it was no spirit, it was something else. Vincent's eyes narrowed and he corrected his body, dropping from the tree with the black bird following him down "What brings you here, lady of mystery" Vincent recognized a deity when he saw one. The figure stepped forward toward him; a feminine form shrouded in a robe, Vincent was unable to see her face.
"Dark one" A voice echoed in Vincentâ??s head, almost causing him to flinch
"You are needed, Twilight is returning, we need your aid"
The voice was beautiful, feminine, and unmistakably divine. The words were silky and smoothe, practiced. "You have gifts, and we need you as one of our chosen. Go to the capital, there you will meet others, They need you shadowwalker" Vincent turned away a little "I don't answer to gods" he spoke softly, but no answer came, the goddess was gone.
Vincent turned to the forest, he wasn't being given much choice, he had to at least see what was going on in the capital. The warlock walked into the forest, traveling on the trail deep into the wood to his him, a large tree, one similar to the one he grew up in. The male entered the grove, lifting his staff and speaking to himself, a red light shining from the gem on the staffâ??s top. The nearly impenetrable thicket parted for him, allowing passage deeper into the woods, and closing behind him. The male entered his home, walking down the stairs he had carved from the earth and the wood and entered the place where he had been living most of his adult life.
Once inside, Vincent traveled to his room, his home was rather comfortable, despite being inside a great tree and under the earth. He gathered his things, changing out of his silken robes for weatherproof cloak and strapping the bits of armor he wore. The male spent some time fastening the gear he would need to his body with straps and buckles, his sword, souldrinker being the last addition. Before he put on the layered robes he always wore, finally taking up his staff and potions before leaving, opening the way and heading out to the road to Corus, joined by the very same Raven, the creature alighting on the manâ??s shoulder.
Darkness had set in fully by the time Vincent made it to Corus, A dark figure; alone save for a single bird perched on his broad shoulder. Under the hood, he could have been any traveler, even though his stave gave him off as a practitioner of the Arcane arts. The men at the gates of course stopped him, as travelers at this time were rare. A tall, burly guard approaching Vincent wordlessly, blocking his way â??Now, stranger, where do you think you are goingâ? The burly man was full of confidence, perhaps used to being bribed or paid to enter by lone travelers, the shadows within the hood remained silent except for when the night guard decided to lean in
A single piercing blood red eye rose, appearing from behind silken black locks and the guard jumped back with a yelp â??Oh shit!â? Even this far, the redeyed watcher of the forest was recognized, the guards opened the gates for Vincent without even bothering to confiscate his weapons and he entered the city, looking about at the posted signs, his target was a particular Inn, he could feel it. The man walked through the streets, people giving him a wide berth as he walked; using his staff to aid him as he walked In his black cloak he almost looked like a priest. Finally, he found the inn he was looking for, the one he had felt was right, he entered, and looked around. From under the hood, only half of Vincentâ??s face showed, his right side covered with his bangs, as he preferred it.
Vincent stood tall and looked around, stepping forward only enough to practically smash into another person. â??Watch itâ? The raven that rode on his shoulder cawed and he hushed it, no need to start a fight this late at night. Vincent looked around, his eye finally catching notice of a female who had just ordered some food. Vincent approached her, giving the serving girl a sweet smile as he approached.
Surprisingly, she smiled back. Vincent forgot he had a different effect on women, in the candle light, the parts of his face that were revealed appeared flush and lively, his smile pure and his nearly alabaster skin glowing, his eye color only complimented the long silken hair that framed, and partly colored his face, when he smiled, he was actually quite attractive.
Vincent ordered something light, he had after all packed food for his trip here. He sat down at a table nearby the female and looked her way â??Beautiful night isnâ??t itâ?