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The Raka (HeyItsJess and Carly)


Dec 26, 2022
The story so far, Part 1:

Elliquiy Role Playing Forums

Play-By-Post: Non-Consensual Human => NC: Human-Freeform Solos => Topic started by: Carly on November 25, 2022, 09:37:22 pm

Title: The Raka (imjessme and Carly)
Post by: Carly on November 25, 2022, 09:37:22 pm

The land of the free nations had had a dramatic history. The kingdoms of Shu Han, Ravka, Fjerda, Novyi Zem were constantly distrustful of each other or at times all-out hostile.

Many wars between the nations had lasted generations, and as such the populations learned that peace likely was only temporary, but in recent memory peace was the case. Although skirmishes did occur on boarders, and royalty of each nation did indeed snub the others more often than not, no full scale wars between these nations had occured for decades. It was an uneasy time at first, with every nation expecting it to be some trick and a surprise attack from the others to happen any day, but as the years past and trade between the nations flourished, the people and the ruling castes had began to spend their efforts in more civilian projects instead of preparing for war.

Armies still existed of course, and there were monster uprisings to supress after all, but it was currently a golden age as far a the land of free nations was concerned. As golden as it has been in known history anyway. Due to this thankful time of prosparity, new buildings were made and more money had been streamed to the unfortunate, and as such some long standing social issues could be finally addressed by buerocrats and nobles alike.

Nobyi Zem was mainly a port nation that specialised in fishing, and had a growing pearl and whaling trade. Whale oil for lanterrns from Novyi was highly sought after, one ounce burning for three times as long as whale oil from elsewhere, and it burned almost without smoke or fumes, making it highly prized by scholars and accademics as well as any who read or worked at all hours of the night.

Ravka was the nation of the elves, but also had a informal population of fairies who's numbers none could guess. They excelled at creating musical intruments and all things wooden. Their bows were second to none, and their archers unparallelled. Fairies were mainly enigmatic, and although they had powers none understood, it wasn't true magic but based on something that related to responces to certain behavior or actions of another and were powers that couldn't be called on at will. Typically they were known for curses more than anything else, but they also seemed to be linked to a realm different to the world and had knowledge none could explain. They traded mainly in secrets and information. The best spies were fairies from Ravka - for several reasons. They mainly had a neutral relationship with the elves that dominated their kingdom, the elves learning to only deal with them when the need was great.

FJerda was the land of the dwarves, and had incredible deposits of ores of different varieties that was traded at prices that mostly only the rich could afford. Their smiths and masons were masters of their art, and many were hired to create statues or works of art for other nations. Although technically one could get iron or steel in most places, only the best steel or worked metal goods were from Fjerda. To lay claim to their works, an embossed mountain often was seen on the bottom of their goods.

Shu Han was the traditional land of the humans and the bread basket for the free kingdoms. Although they also colenised Novyi Zem several hundred years ago, no place had larger populations or as a diverse culture as Shu Han. Grain of all kinds was produced in abundance in the kingdom, and massive stockpiles of it was stored underground in each of their fortified towns, making it possible for most towns to last out sieges for decades. Grain also was their prime export. Although nowdays many of this nation had begun growing more fruit due to a breakthrough in being able to dry fruit so it would keep and be sold far away or stored for long periods of time without rotting or spoiling. Recently the dried fruit trade had been making a fortune, while fresh fruit was abundant and cheap in almost all places in Shu Han. Due to several reasons the cuisine of Shu Han was never dull or never barren, a point of national pride.

Lastly Keroh, a spiritual centre that had a large population of monks of different faiths. It was also the training centre of almost all the magi of the Free Kingdoms. All magi were futanari, or futas as some called them. Meaning they were women with magical male genitalia that could change in size, shape and texture to be exactly what their female lovers most desired. It was also true that depending on what sexual positions they conceived offspring with their lovers, or if another magi was also involved in the act - would direct what sort of magi would be born from the union.

There were many difference between magi and the normal populus. They were also incredibly beautiful women and didn't age after thirty years and could heal perfectly without blemish, deformity or scaring. They also had no deformity of any kind due to their linage or bloodlines, and they had no body hair other than their head of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. They had no body scent of any kind. They also had bodies without an ounce of fat, which was lithe and subtle regardless of their lifestyle.

Their were several types of Futa or magi, and they could only be born from one or more magi coupling with a women of perfect blood - not royal blood necessarily, but blood that implies how well formed their bodies and minds are.

All magi were historically only sexually attracted to perfection in women, and although they could be as romantic as anyone else, their offspring were so sought after by the heads of state they were never encouraged to marry, and directed to impregnate as many suitable women as possible. Such pregnancies were a boon to the women who expected to be a mother of a magi, for not only were magi highly respected but their immediate blood relatives including their mothers were too. Direct blood relations with a magi had their own noble title - called "Galantha" a term and title adopted in all the free kingdoms. All Galantha were be able to live opulently and have all their expenses paid for by the royalty of the nation they lived in for their entire lives. Each kingdom didn't agree to much, but all agreed to have Galantha immediately granted noble titles, estates, servants and a position for one of their family to be on the ruling council if they desired. Although they were not made royalty, they were only one step below it culture wise everywhere, and traditionally wore golden robes as a mark of high noble station recognisable in all the free kingdoms.

Those that were Magi or Futa could easily demonstrate their uniqueness to others if they cared to, as all of their kind had magic abilities that were overt, but because they were so revered it became tradition they wore gold jewellery in their hair or on their head - such jewellery reserved for identifying magi were known as Skain Skain could be as simple as a gold coloured silk ribbon, to tiara's, to elaborate head pieces that were works of art themselves.

The traditions surrounding the magi, and their direct blood family, the Galantha, was so thoroughly embedded in all the free kingdoms culture that it became tradition for gold only to be able to be worn by such families, and not others, not even royalty no matter the nation. It also became a serious offence to wear gold in any way if not related to a magi directly. So too, over time, nobility everywhere became dominated by magi and their families. Although not a perfect system of deducing nobility, nobility formed this way was more or less workable and over time Galantha became associated with integrity and fairness, and respect for them grew in the hearts of the common populous.

Magi or futa were trained at Keroh, even if their families belonged to other nations. It was agreed by all the free kingdoms, that Keroh would serve all nations in the regards to training magi and loaning them to other nations, and all magi made to have a lifelong service to the crown starting immediately after they had mastered their individual talents. Something that occured typically at twenty years of age or there abouts. Training for futa or magi started at the age of ten and generally went on for ten years in the temples of Keroh dedicated to their particular needs. Usually they were trained by magi simular to themselves but with considerable experience but occasionally masters of arms and the likes were hired to either teach differnt forms and styles, or teach defences against them.

All futa were magi, and all magi futa, and very magically talented in at least some regard. Although none were entirely sure all the kinds of possible magi, there were seveal common classes.

First the clerics, the most common. These could heal wounds and cure diseases and the likes, and even remove curses. They could even reverse aging on the elderly, and it was even possible for them to regrow others limbs or remove defects of a family bloodline.

The second common class of magi were the mages, they could perform the greatest array of feats, from disappearing and appearing close by in a blink of an eye. True far-distance teleportation. Teleportation of themselves as well as others, and even the creation of portals - permanent gateways linking two distant locations through a rift in reality that anyone or anything could use. Although in order to create permanent effects certain special types of rare materials were required, but Teleportation and gateways were not the limits of their abilities by any means, but were the ones mages were most known for.

There was some grey area between magi that were clerics and magi that were mages however, as typically most mages had at least some ability to heal themselves and others, and clerics had at least some abilities common to mages. Their was a lot of variation between individuals and no one cleric or mage was like another.

The third most common magi were the chi-warriors. Magi that had mastered the magic of chi in their bodies and minds - giving them superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, coordination, grace and awareness. They quickly became true masters of weapons when trained in, and although they didn't have healing talents comparable to a cleric magi, they could channel chi to at least heal themselves, as well as being able to make devastating attacks with even their bare hands and feet if they had time to channel chi to do so. Some were rumoured to even be able to shatter solid blocks of granite with an open hand strike if they had enough time to prepare.

Keroh was deemed a sacred place to all the free kingdoms, being the traditional training ground of magi, and also the spiritual centre of several religions. It certainly was beautiful enough to pass as one by most peoples standards. Currently less than one hundred magi were known to be alive in the free kingdoms, but half of them were either training new magi or apprentice magi themselves. This left few available to service the crowns desires. Mostly due to the presence of magi, monster surges and monster threats were all but eliminated in Keroh, but that was certainly not the case in other lands of the free kingdoms. Kingdoms that were always requesting Keroh to loan them the services of magi.

The other lands had their own armies and weapon masters and the likes, but there was always a risk that sending them to fight would lead to their deaths. For truly dangerous missions, especially monsters or criminals that were exceptionally powerful or well established, Keroh trained Magi were the answer. Indeed Keroh Queens had been loaning their magi to other lands since the land was founded. Huge amounts of gold were traded between royalty of Keroh and other nations for even a month service of a magi. Much more if more than one was requested - and indeed it was the trend, as as powerful as the magi were alone, they were much more effective when in a team of two or more magi. So much so it became custom for magi to pair up and work as a duo when they were on missions in other lands. Such teams of two magi all the lands called "Raka".

It was the very day Arya was due to be sent abroad as a trained magi - today being the last day of her apprenticeship. At the age of twenty she was as fine a pupil as her masters could hope for, and had passed all the formal tests as early in her life as it as possible to do so. She was truly gifted, all her masters were incredibly proud of her. Her magi class - Chi-warrior. Her favourite specialty - swords.

Arya Moonglow's mother was from Shu Han, indeed most but not all magi families were. Her family was exceptionally proud of her and indeed blessed themselves to be related to her. Arya shared the raven coloured hair and fair skin and blue eyes of her mother and like her mother, she was tall and lithe, and subtle in physique. All her physical features exquisitely perfect. All magi could say the same though.

All nations other than the dwarfs of FJerda had magi related nobility. Something the dwarves were a little bitter about, but give them ale and they would be thinking of something else soon enough.

Ayra had just finished her demonstration of her final sword kata in the temple of Zess to her masters and was sheathing the long blade silently. The temple of Zess was a Chi-warriors most formal building, and used for graduation ceremonies of all Chi-warriors. She had been told the day before she would be partnered with a mage magi to form her Raka. To a individual as talented with magic and sorcery as Arya was talented at the martial arts. A student her peer in talent and dedication. A magi called Thalia.

Apparently there was rumour of demons rising in other lands. Arya thought that was just rumour and couldn't be true, for surely demons were all wiped out long ago. But rumours in Keroh were often based on truth. It was to address these demons a new Raka was needed.

Today she would know, and meet her peer Thalia for the first time. Questing together as true magi both.

To formalise Arya's graduation there would not be words, but the masters would leave a single gold ring on a pedistal. If one wasn't there when she finished her final kata, it would mean at least another year or training before she graduated. If one was there it means she had passed and could begin to serve the lands needs as a full magi.

Arya didn't need to look up to see if she had the ring, she knew it was there - all her katas forms were perfect, but looked up anyway. Indeed a single gold ring was present. The masters having left the room silently after placing it. No doubt talking of her prowess to each other or of the years of her intensive training.

Arya walked to the pedestal and donned the ring on her left hand. The ring wasn't just gold but enchanted by mage magis to be able to magically hold incredible amounts of objects in a magical dimension. A ring that when populated with supplies or goods would weigh as much as if it was empty - simply that of a ring its size. Filling the ring with any object could be done by touch while willing it, and willing a specific object out of the ring was just as easy. Thus removing the need for pouches, satchels, bags, saddle-bags, back-packs and the likes. All magi got one when they graduated. There were highly prized and rumoured to take two months to make by two mage magi, the financial cost of the rare materials that were used up enchanting the thing, unspoken. The art of making them reserved to only the elder magi, for traditional reasons more than anything else.

The rings were called "Renki Rings" and they gave a magi dignity - as none with their talents wanted to try and save others while wearing a heavy back pack or weighted down with a dozen heavy pouches on their belt. Only magi had such rings. Not even royalty had them - although they certainly did desire them.

Her her first act being a true magi Chi-warrior would be to leave the temple of Zess and go to the armoury and take her pick of masterfully crafted weapons to store in her Renki Ring. Something Arya was indeed looking forward to... Title: Re: The Raka (imjessme and Carly)
Post by: imjessme on December 03, 2022, 01:23:19 am Wind whistled through passages and tunnels, allegedly impossible in the subterranean caverns. Rumor had it that the wind was not wind at all, but the restless spirits of those gone before, brushing past, gently touching, light as air. Others claimed that the breeze was caused by the natural flow of magical energies, concentrated in this holiest of places. Still others rejected both fanciful theories, instead presuming that tunnels, either natural or human-made, connected the underground chambers to the surface, allowing fresh air to circulate. In fact, the truth, was that the wind was a combination of all three.

The only sound was of the wind, now a gentle breeze that brought warm early-summer air that moderately raised the temperature, making the tunnels a little more comfortable. Thalia was grateful for the warmer air against her bare skin, keeping her at least somewhat comfortable. As was tradition, of course, she strode through the winding tunnels entirely nude.

As familiar as Thalia had become with the Temple of Gilea, she had never been to this part. No one had, or rather, no one she knew had. These tunnels led to the deepest part of the underground complex, guarded by massive oak and steel doors, not to mention more than a few grim-faced guards. An aspirant was only allowed through the doors once she had taken the last of her tests, and was required to go alone, to allow her time to reflect on her training and the lessons she had learned over the last decade. They went nude as a reminder, a symbol, of their connection with the earth and its elemental powers. That part, at least, wasn't unusual to Thalia. Aspirants, during the final two or three years of their training, were required to wear very little, often just a small cloth pouch, large enough only to contain their genitals, held in place with thin string, and even that garment existed only out of practicality. Having one's cock bobbing back and forth with each step was distracting, to say the least. Suggestions had been made that perhaps it would be a good idea to wrap, or otherwise contain, the aspirants' breasts, for the same reason, but it was decided that such coverings would conceal too much, would create too much of a barrier between nature and bare skin. It was simply a hardship they, and Thalia, had learned to live with.

Now, however, she wore not even the pouch, and every bit of her wobbled with each step. She wasn't overly-endowed, neither breasts nor cock, at least not at the moment, but as was true with all of her kind, that endowment was still on the larger end when compared to either of the other genders. It was as though the gods themselves had decreed that they, the rare futas of the world, regardless of their profession and choices in life, were always and forever destined to be creatures of sex, and of reproduction.

As she walked, Thalia began to notice a low, barely-audible humming, or droning. Truthfully, she may have been hearing it for several minutes, without noticing, the noise slowly creeping into her awareness until she was unable to ignore it. It was coming from ahead, she decided, then realized the obviousness of her conclusion. Was it coming from the Ritual Chamber? It had to be. As far as she knew, that was all that lay ahead. After another minute, a dim glow appeared, somewhere farther down the tunnel. It, and the hum, swelled as she approached, now sure that she was both seeing, and hearing, her destination.

Soon, the tunnel opened, the walls quickly receding to either side, forming a massive underground chamber. Thalia looked up first, astonished to find the ceiling several dozen feet above her head, the dome disappearing into shadows. When she peered down, she saw the pit: a massive chasm, impossibly deep, gaping before her, several feet away. Rumor had it that, before, in the more savage days (though some would call them more "pure", rather than "savage"), an aspirant who failed her final tests, either for the first time, or after three attempts (it depended on who was telling the story), was expected to toss herself into the pit, voluntarily ending her life, and sparing the others from having to clean up. That, of course, was not the rule now, and truth be told, could very well simply be a story, invented by the older aspirants to scare the younglings, or by the instructors to keep the aspirants in line. Probably both.

"Thalia of Grendor," came a voice, echoing slightly, though not nearly as much as the vast chamber suggested. "Step forward, and kneel." Thalia knew the voice, had heard it for years, though only occasionally. The Head Instructor herself was conducting her evaluation. Was that normal? And she had used that stupid "of Grendor" surname that wasn't a surname at all. Thalia hated it, but then, what else were they supposed to call her? It wasn't as though she'd had a surname when she first arrived at the Academy.

Hesitating only a moment, a few seconds, Thalia stepped forward, closer to the edge, until she could lean forward enough to peer over and into the infinite blackness below. Her stomach did a quick flip, and suddenly the rumors seemed all-too possible. She took a step back, giving herself a good bit of space between her toes and the edge, then slowly lowered herself to the polished stone floor, kneeling, resting her butt on her heels. She waited. There were no words, no sound except for that low hum. It seemed to come from everywhere, and nowhere at the same time. The constant noise began to... she pictured it as a kind of vibration in her head which, she realized, was exactly what sound was. This was different though. This was like she had touched one of those galvanic batterons that the technocrats like to play with. Or so she'd heard anyway. It made her teeth want to clench shut.

"Thalia of Grendor," the voice of the Head Instructor said, repeating her full name, "You have been tested, and you have been judged. The Council of Elders has deliberated. Against my better judgement, the decision has been made to finalize your training. You will join the ranks of the Kal-Mara, and be paired with another to form a Raka, and sent out into the world to better it, and to contribute to the population of our kind."

Thalia's heart swelled. She sucked in a breath, realizing that she hadn't been breathing for several seconds. Her gasp of relief was apparently louder than she'd intended, as the Head Instructor seemed to address it.

"Do not revel in this decision, Thalia of Grendor. As I said, it was made against my judgement. You have shown remarkable skill and impressive power. However, you do not demonstrate the wisdom to use either. Do not mistake my meaning: you are intelligent, but you are brash. You are impulsive and quick to anger. Your emotions rule you, and that will shape and taint your magic." There was a pause, probably to let the warning sink in. Thalia gritted her teeth, partly at the indignity of the insults, and partly because they were true.

"With that said," the Head Instructor went on, "you nonetheless have been accepted into our order. You are no longer an Aspirant, and are hereby granted the title Initiate." Thalia noticed footsteps behind her, the kind that could only be made by bare feet on solid rock. "You are hereby frocked, and made one of us." As this was said, a robe of black material, something that felt as soft as silk, but as heavy as wool, was draped over her shoulders. "Accept too this token; a representation of our best wishes for you and your journey."

From behind her, another young woman, an aspirant, stepped around. The girl looked a few years younger than Thalia herself, maybe in her seventh or eighth year. She, too, wore the traditional ceremonial garb, which is to say nothing. Her blonde hair fell below her shoulders, and blue eyes glinted in the dim lighting. Like all of the others, her breasts were ample without being overly large, and her cock and balls, which would be large on a man, were, for the moment, rather average for her peculiar gender. She bore no erection, a common malady that afflicted those of her age, and instead, her genitalia simply dangled and swayed with her movements.

As Thalia watched, the aspirant held out a gold ring. Thalia raised her right hand, held it out rather than grasp the ring, and allowed the girl to slip it onto her third finger. Thalia brought her hand back, close to her face, examining the ring. Rather than a single band, it consisted of over a dozen fine strands, braided together in a complex pattern. This was her Renki, the gift given to all Magi upon their graduation. The style itself was unique to the Kal-Mara.

"Go now," the Head Instructor was saying, as the aspirant moved to the side. "Go to the Grand Hall at the center of Keroh. Enter through the Door of Sorrows, and speak the name of your Rakala, your companion. You will be led to her." There was another brief pause, and then, "Good luck, Thalia of Grendor. You will need it."

As Thalia emerged from the unassuming hollow that eventually led to the massive underground complex, she blinked, then squinted. Kal-Mara aspirants were certainly allowed up to the surface, but still spent most of their time in dim tunnels. She held a pale hand up to the sun, shading her eyes and shutting them until her vision could adjust. After a minute, she dared to look again, opening bright violet eyes to the world. Green grass swayed in the gentle breeze, and the perfume of wildflowers filled her nostrils. The sun was warm on her skin, even through the heavy cloak she had received only hours before. There was very little beneath it, save for a set of modesty garments. Most people, other magi included, were rarely comfortable with the nudity that the Kal-Mara embraced. For the sake of better public relations, the magi of that order put up with covering themselves. Come to think of it, that would need to be one of her first stops, after meeting with her Rakala.

With that thought in mind, Thalia set out, immediately thankful for the sandals she now wore, meager as they were. Years of being barefooted had toughened the soles of her feet, but even they were not prepared for the sharp rocks that littered the path down from the hills and into the city proper. While they would work for now, she doubted if they would hold up for very long. Another provision she would need to obtain.

The Door of Sorrows was actually quite a bit smaller than Thalia had assumed, standing not much higher than any normal chamber door, and without decoration. Instead, wooden boards, banded together with steel or, more likely, iron, swung open on hinges that squealed. That was a surprise too: the door wasn't even locked. Beyond was a small chamber, no more than a dozen feet across in both directions, though constructed of what appeared to be fine marble, in stark contrast to the door. Thalia turned to shut it, only to find an ornate, intricately-carved surface, apparently constructed of a single, solid slab of some kind of hardwood. The scene in the center depicted magi, one of each of the major classes, in pitched battle with a kind of scaly, clawed monster. With only the gentlest of pushes, the heavy door swung shut with a thunk.

"Hello," came a soft, gentle, genial voice from behind her. Thalia spun, not expecting anyone to have been nearby, let alone in the room with her. However, she found herself in the company of a rather small, rather old, rather balding man, wearing the simple brown robes of a mid-level functionary. He hunched slightly, likely due to his age, which had the effect of aiming the top of his smooth head directly at her. He had to strain to meet her eyes, something Thalia found incredibly embarrassing. "Ah, I see you wear a Skain," he said, smiling politely and gesturing toward Thalia's head. Thalia touched the side of her head gently, self-consciously, feeling the gold strands threaded through her dark chestnut hair. "You are one of the magi then? A Kal-Mara? Here to meet your Rakala?"

Thalia nodded. "Yes. Her name is..." She hesitated. Remembering names was never one of Thalia's talents. "Arya...? Arya Moon...blood? No. Moon...shadow... no... Moon...glow. Moonglow."

"Arya Moonglow," the man repeated, not quite a question, not exactly a statement. "Mm-yes, yes," he agreed with a nod, as though needing to confirm the name himself. "Yes, this way please." Without waiting, he turned and ducked around a corner that Thalia swore wasn't there a moment ago.

He took her through narrow hallways, grand ballrooms, past high balconies, and through a tunnel made entirely of glass, that seemed to pass along the bottom of a river. She watched fish of all shapes and sizes swim past the transparent walls, and thought she saw, in the vague gloom a few feet away, something with more than a few tentacles, each equipped with little suction cups.

"Here we are," he finally proclaimed, opening the door to what turned out to be a small-ish, though well-appointed sitting room. He gestured toward a wooden chair, richly upholstered in fine red material, sitting next to a table, across from its identical counterpart. Both chairs faced a large, though unlit, fireplace. "Why don't you have a seat, and I'll go get Arya for you?" While his words were kind, inviting, Thalia could tell that anything else wasn't an option. She was to sit, and to wait.

"Sure," she agreed, still unsure of the whole situation, but... willing to go along, for now.

"Good," the man said with a grin and a nod. He rubbed his hands together then, one over the other, before turning and leaving. Thalia sat in the suggested chair, only then realizing just how tired her legs were from her walk. With a heavy breath, she relaxed, enough that she began to slouch in the chair. That was fine though, she didn't care.

It was cold in the room, she started to notice, which made no sense considering summer was just starting. Still, the chill in the room began to permeate even her thick cloak, and it was starting to become uncomfortable. She glanced at the fireplace, then pulled her lips into a tight, thin line. Might as well, she decided, then raised her hand no more than shoulder height, twiddled her fingers in a technically meaningless gesture, then watched as a flame lept from the stacked logs. In only a few minutes, the other logs had caught, and already she was feeling the comforting warmth.

"At least it'll be cozy," she said out loud. Title: Re: The Raka (imjessme and Carly)
Post by: Carly on December 05, 2022, 11:14:53 pm

Arya Moonglow wore the Chi-warrior attire, made of Sal-silk. For the moment though, she had changed her elaborate Skain she had when she was being tested, to one that as a simple gold-silk ribbon to keep her hair tied back in a low pony tail.

Sal-Silk was as the traditional material for all magi for several reasons. It was extremely subtle, and was a pleasure to wear. It more or less was immune to wear and stains and didn't tear or catch easily. Lastly it was effectively immune to acid and fire for reasons no sages who studied the material knew. It had a natural deep rich black hue which couldn't be bleached, it kept is colour even when continually exposed to the sun, nor did the colour fade with time. Although not strictly true always in history, Sal-silk was only effectively reserved for magi and royalty due to how incredibly difficult it was to obtain. Only certain fairies of Ravka had been able to go near the strange moths that made the silk deep in their forest, as the moths were very dangerous to all other races and could leave severe magical acid-fire burns by the briefest touch that were incredibly painful and scarred horribly. How the fairies avoided such a fate harvesting the rare silk was a mystery they chose not to reveal. What they requested for the precious raw silk was generally information of the strangest regards that only the truly powerful had the means to acquire.

Arya's standard Chi-Warrior attire was called an Als, ( which served most practical functions and was a simple covering over her breasts, as well as a separate split leg skirt, leaving her arms, shoulders, lower legs, stomach and her back bare. This was accompanied by hard-leather laced sandals of a matching colour. Chi-warriors though never wore underwear covering their loins, it was deemed a skirt was enough. Chi-warriors could very efficiently and easily channel mana to keep them cool in summer or warm in winter. And like all magi, Chi-warriors could maintain weak a mana barrier around their body which didn't effect most things, but was perfect for repelling simple vermin like mosquitoes and flies and the likes, also magi's skin didn't burn in the sun. So all things considered, there wasn't any need for Chi-warriors to have different clothing for different seasons. Many did anyway as they realised some they met could sometimes feel cold just looking at them wearing such revealing clothing on a cold winters day. Arya however, was so used to the Als, the thought of wearing anything different didn't occur to her. If it rained though and she was outside, she would simply wear her hooded rain proof robe over them.

The Renki Ring she was given was already full of general supplies before it was given to her, and before she entered the armoury she used her will to check its contents so she could familiarise what she had. Sure enough as expected there was:

A full steel weapon-oil flask and cleaning cloth and sharpening stone edged-weapon maintaince kit, a bedroll and many-layered silk blanket, black-steel cooking utensils, black-steel mess kit, assorted full steel flasks of hair-cleaning oils, three large cakes of unscented soap, a small steel hand-mirror, hair brush and nail-care vanity kit, a stack of Nefroom Reeds (Which were rigid light-green coloured reeds about the thickness and length of ones little finger, and grew native to the forests of Ravka. They made a special white foam on contact with saliva - which was a substance perfect for cleaning one's teeth. A Nefroom Reed was only meant to be used once before being disposed of. The taste and scent of using one was nearly identical to a lemon), flint-and-steel kit for lighting fires, a bulls-eye lantern and five full lantern oil skins, a 100 foot-long silk rope and mallet and pinions climbing kit, 5 full leather water-skins, large sacks of dried fruit, assorted nuts and jerky, several wheels of cheese and about ten loaves of hard-bread. There were also an oil-treated rainproof hooded Sal-Silk robe and two additional spare sets of Als with matching sandals, all of which custom tailored to Arya's measurements. It also had her elaborate, bejewelled, gold Skain, which she would wear only for formal occasions or when she was with royalty.

The third last item in her standard equipment was a large fold out map of the free kingdoms of excellent quality and wax coated for it to resist the elements and be able to manage frequent use with minimal wear.

The second last item was a book titled "A Sages Guide to the Free Kingdom's Beasts" which was a book on monsters known to exist in different lands. There were vivid hand drawn illustrations and detailed descriptions, their strengths, weaknesses and any strange abilities they had, as well as their habits and lifestyles were all written down. This book was not to be trusted though, as all were told that exceptions to what was known were frequently encountered. Still any knowledge, even if partially accurate was better than knowing nothing.

The last item was a small booklet called "The Intimate Art of the Magi" that explained the different sexual positions required to make a magi offspring of different types when coupling with suitable women, details of the culture expectations and practices of different places when intending to do so, and also explanations of different sexual positions between magi of the same Raka and the effects they had on each other as well as any watching. It was a book Arya desperately wanted to read, but now wasn't the time.

It was rumoured that mages and clerics had additional sacks in their supplies packed with stranger items that related to their specific abilities, especially due to mages ability to magically enchant objects, and clerics ability to create magical healing potions, salves and balms, but as with all rumours in the chi-warrior sisterhood had about the other types of magi - nothing about them did Arya really knew for certain

To some who would wonder why pouches of currency wasn't included in the supplies of magi, magi always being on incredibly dangerous and vital missions to benefit the kingdoms as a whole, it was simply expected others they meet to provide all they needed when they were away. If one were to have to house them and manage their necessities for a long period or have to give up a horse or anything of considerable value, or perform extensive service to a magi that needed it, they were encouraged to write to the masters of Keroh of their hardship, to later be financially compensated three times their losses worth within the month. This tradition was always followed by all parties and was very practical, for it ensured that the populous as a general rule would give their best to help magi, and it ensured that the presence of magi were well received generally, and their needs addressed promptly. Besides it was a common phrase that "Masters of Keroh are wealthier than the Gods", so they could afford to be nice to everyone.

The cost of supplying magi with needs they didn't manage themselves was generally a mute point though as the magi often were invited to stay in palaces of royalty when in cities, or in the most opulent locale possible that was close by as esteemed guests, as it was deemed an honour to house them and provide all they desired, an honour which the ruling families would be first to offer. Magi' not accepting the ruling families hospitality without VERY good reason was deemed the height of shame for a ruling family - as others would assume the magi would only do so if the ruling family was untrustworthy or corrupt. This generally meant that the lower classes never really had much to do with magi unless being requested to reveal more about certain monster attacks they knew of.

The only thing left to do before meeting Arya's Rakala was to collect her choice of weapons from the armoury. She had dreamed of this moment for a while, as only grand-master-smiths provided for the Chi-warriors, and thus every weapon in the armoury was of exceptional quality. Still Arya didn't have to linger, she had known what she would choose ages go. Arya ignored the maces, for she could channel chi-mana to strike with her bare hands to provide crushing blows if required. But swords and daggers on the other hand were defiantly going to be taken by the young magi.

Arya quickly selected five master-forged swords, three melee daggers, and a dozen throwing daggers, a quarterstaff, two spears, as well as a sturdy composite bow and two large leather quivers full of black-feather-fletched arrows. She paused for a while before selecting a double handed axe and a hatchet also - for luck. They already came with their own sheaths and body belts and straps, but could be immediately equipped directly from the Renki Ring, and similarly returned in a moment, which was what Arya intended to do for most of her weapons. After she took the weapons from their mount hanging's on the wall, she stored them in her Renki Ring without pause. She did however enjoy the familiar feel of a sheathed sword on her left hip though and a sheathed dagger on her right, unless she was in a place guaranteed to be safe. So, for the moment, her ceremonial sword and dagger used in her graduation ritual were both in their sheaths hanging from her belt.

Some often wondered why Chi-warriors never used armour or a shield, the reason was that after a certain point of mastery over ones body, especially if one had Chi-warrior techniques mastered, it was much more practical to EVADE attacks than to resist them. Being inhumanely fast and exceptionally mobile, flexible and coordinated was a Chi-warriors prime strength. Armor and shields would only hinder that.

Arya now had her Renki Ring stored with everything she could want, at least for the moment. Just using her supplies in her Renki Ring, she could live without hunting, foraging or requesting food from another for a month if she had to, and could be needless of a fresh water source for about three days in comfort, perhaps double that if she was frugal with her water skins.

Arya's acute awareness noticed someone approaching, and she stood ready to receive them. A while later a old balding man and mid-level functionary, judging from his brown robes, simply nodded to her and began walking back the way he came. Arya was expected to follow - for the man would lead her to where her Rakala was. Those in brown robes were selected due to their excellent memory. They knew everyone on the island almost, and never forgot a face. They knew peoples habits and routines and where they most likely would be at different times. All useful traits to have for the tasks typically assigned to them.

Feeling much more secure, Arya's thoughts drifted as she followed the man, making her way out of the armoury towards the room where her Rakala was likely waiting. What did she know of her Rakala ? Well Arya knew she was a mage, and an exceptionally talented one, at least magically, more than any other of the current generation at the very least if what her masters had told her was true. Her true ability however would only be able to be known by being tested on missions like what was in stall for their Raka today.

Arya Moonglow knew her name was Thalia of Grendor. If Arya recalled the term correctly Grendor meant "of now-where". Very strange. How is it that Thalia was an orphan ? Surely her parents would be very proud of her and would want themselves and their family to enjoy the titles and benefits of being nobles just like any other magi family. Were they criminals ? Where they fairies of the unseelie court ? Did they have a dark mystery they wanted to keep hidden ? Arya wanted to pry but thought that likely would be the worst thing she could do when meeting her Rakala for the first time. There was a good chance that Thalia didn't know herself. Even if she did, there is a good chance she would want the truth to be kept to herself and not even trust her Rakala with it.

Arya had wondered a lot about what her Rakala would be like, and mages were by far the most mysterious of them all. Rumours about them ranged from one extreme to another, and if even a fraction of them were true they could be very different to the Chi-warrior women Arya had spent the last decade with. Sure Arya had trained with some mages in battle forms, but that didn't leave any opportunity to inquire about their life. They were as deep a mystery to Arya as they were to a typical peasant of Nobyi Zem.

Arya walked through the halls towards her destination following the man, and spied one of the domesticated cats staring at Arya as she made towards the room reserved for them both to meet. Cats were quite a common presence in Keroh, especially in the temples and although not sacred animals to the main faiths, it was strictly forbidden to harm them in any way, regardless of what mood one was in or what antics the cat had done. This rule applied even to magi, and failure to follow this custom was met with strict repercussions.

When both Arya and the man were outside a particular door, the man nodded to her silently and strode away. So this was it. Arya opened the door and gracefully strolled into an opulent sitting room before closing the door behind her. She was immediately impressed by an incredibly beautiful woman lounging in a wooden chair overlooking a lit fireplace.

She saw her Rakala at last - and Arya was not disappointed. Thalia was even more beautiful than Arya imagined. She was wearing a Skain and Renki Ring, as expected, and a cloak over black robes often donned by mages. It made sense for their to be a lit fire as the room was chilly even with a fire going which meant Thalia had not been waiting long. The start of summer was often that way in Keroh. Could mages regulate their body temperature in a similar way Chi-warriors did ? Arya didn't know, likely they could, for their talents in magic were second to none, but if that was the case Thalia didn't seem to want to do it at least for the moment. Perhaps she just liked lit fire places. Perhaps for novelty sake Thalia didn't care to use magic to keep her body warm but was humouring herself to use means common people did.

Arya bowed her and clasped her hands together formally and spoke "Greetings Initiate Thalia of Grendor. Congratulations on your graduation. I am Arya Moonglow, Chi-warrior, graduated Initiate magi as of today. It is an honour and a pleasure to be assigned your Rakala as I am sure you are talented as you are beautiful, a rare gem, and I hope to prove your equal with in all ways possible or at least strive to be. Its my duty and honour to journey into danger with you as long as I live and protect you from harm. It is also an honour to be perhaps considered your lover also if you deem me acceptable, for reasons of tradition, necessity as well as pleasure." It was the typical speech a Chi-warrior Rakala would say to a mage Rakala when meeting for the first time, but Arya meant every word.

Arya then willed her sword and dagger into her Renki Ring with a touch and moved to sit on the chair beside Thalia. Strange. All other mages Arya met made Arya feel anxious, thinking they could see inside Arya's soul at a simple glance. Arya had been nervous when thinking of trying to make a good lasting first impression with her Rakala, but for some reason Thalia made Arya feel tranquil. Was it a magic ability she had ? Arya assumed so. But first things first. Thalia deserved to know more of Arya, even if she couldn't or wouldn't reveal the same about her own family.

"The Moonglow family were middle class dairy farmers and makers of cheese in Shu Han for as long as we have records for before they became Galantha due to my human mother Asja Moonglow meeting both my magi mothers, Casseen Goldleaf, and Luna De'Lrin."

Even though one or more magi used their penis to create offspring with a human mother, it was generally considered rude to call magi fathers, it was accepted that magi simply had multiple mothers. The magi offspring's surname and family identity was always that of their human mother, due to being raised by her for the first ten years of their life. Also typically it was only the humans mothers side of a magi parents that had much spare time for them afterwards.

"The cheese the Moonglow family used to make originally was from goats milk only but was well received by most. My family got is name when a mayor of a village claimed wheels of our cheese glowed at night when under the light of the full moon. Although it is a harmless urban myth and not based on fact, it became a well known rumour and thus the name stuck with my family nevertheless ever since.

When the Moonglow family became Galantha nobles of Shu Han, they were given estates in the north of the capital, just below the mountains, which always had plenty of rainfall and sunshine, as well as extremely fertile soil that also drained well - which is great for growing all sorts of crops - but also perfect for growing grass for dairy production. My family quickly put the land to good use in the way they knew best. They now own hundreds of dairy cows and just as many goats to supply a range of cheeses for local consumption as well as export to other lands. They also supply goats milk an cows milk to the surrounding villages. Recently we have started shipping cheese to the dwarves of FJerda - and it was an unparalleled success ! We received profits far beyond what we get from selling cheese elsewhere, allowing us to provide all our milk at cost merely for the goodwill with all the villagers that live close by. Unlike other noble families who's estates income is based on other things, our families wealth is entirely dependant on the weather though. But so far its served us very well. We are not the richest nobles in Shun Han by a long shot, but we are among the most wealthy for how long our family has held their estates.

The Moonglow family signet is two circles, one large and one half the size with a gap in between, the larger circle is meant to represent the sun, the smaller one the moon, and is embossed on all our dairy product's packaging. All my family other than myself wear a gold ring embossed with that signet, mainly for waxing-sealing-letters, but also as a point of pride.

If you accept the fact that we may mother Chi-warrior offspring, it means you will be formally part of my family. Something all my family would be honoured to happen - which is my hope too. Asja, my human mother, is dying to meet you and often insists in her letters to me that we both stay at my families estates whenever possible so she can know you in person. I think she has dreamt about what you may be like more than even I have !"

Arya smiled then suddenly felt self conscious before looking to the fire, she caught herself rambling due to how entrancing her Rakala was to stare at. Did she really just say that ? Talk of making Chi-warrior babies and being part of the Moonglow family already ? Oh well, so goes the dignity of being a talented Chi-warrior and noble also.

Arya expected Thalia to laugh. But as much as Arya blushed and second guessed herself, that feeling of tranquillity pervaded soon afterwards. It wouldn't be long now until one of the masters would ensure the letter of their initial mission was given to them. Then Arya would know if the demon rumour was true or just a false rumour. Still it didn't leave much time for Arya and Thalia to get to know each other first before things became serious. There was the ship journey to whatever land they were to go to though, they could always talk more then.
Title: Re: The Raka (imjessme and Carly)
Post by: imjessme on December 11, 2022, 11:02:45 pm How to meet your life partner? That was the question that occupied Thalia of Grendor as she waited, sitting before a now-roaring fire in a chair far more padded than even her bed had been at the academy. How to present herself to the person who would become her companion, her life partner, her friend, her lover? They would, time and time again, put their lives into each other's hands, and build a bond of trust stronger than any other. All Rakas were chosen carefully, painstakingly, and none had ever failed, or so went the official line at least. Even if one or two actually had split up at one point, the failure of a Raka was remarkably rare, to the point that none could recall it happening in living memory. Thalia wasn't sure if she should take that as reassurance that the meeting, and the partnership, would go well, or more as pressure to ensure that it did. If anything, this was quite a bit, she thought, analogous to the arranged marriages still practiced by some of the more "traditional" nations and regions: there was no expectation of love, necessarily, but certainly one of loyalty, of duty to each other. It was... a lot, to say the least.

Thalia's reaction, her defense mechanism against such charged, high-expectation situations was to affect a kind of aloof disdain, bordering on crass and coming very close to rude. It allowed her to absorb the seriousness of the situation in little, manageable bites that were more easily digestible. As such, by the time the functionary returned to the room, opening the door and gesturing for someone else to proceed in before him, Thalia had positioned herself more across the chair, one leg over the arm rest, the other stretched out, heel propped on the floor.

The woman, girl, warrior, person... whatever word worked best... who entered was... not what Thalia expected. She was, in a word, breathtaking, in Thalia's case literally so: as she caught the first glimpse of her Rakala, she sucked in a breath, and was unable to let it go for several moments. Arya was beyond beautiful, far past gorgeous, and into a realm of unearthly, ethereal form that Thalia's mind couldn't quite grasp at first. This... was not enough, not yet, to entirely change Thalia's mood, but it went a long way.

What finally did change her mind, what eventually, but firmly, convinced the mage of this arranged pairing, was Arya's frank sincerity. The greeting was formal, stilted, and from any other set of lips, would have come off as perfunctory. Not from Arya though. She meant every word, every compliment, every admiration. Goddess, she was so real that Thalia couldn't possibly maintain her aloof disdain for the whole setup. Even when Arya went on about making children, possibly together, and about meeting her mother, Thalia sensed nothing but honest sincerity.

"Let's... get there when we get there," were the first words Thalia spoke to her Rakala. Not an auspicious start, nothing as grand as Arya's introductions, but, to her mind at least, necessary. "First... would you sit?" She gestured to the other chair, separated from her own by only a small wooden table. "It's... I'm..." Thalia sucked in a breath, letting her shoulders rise, then slump as she let it out in a large huff. "I'm not good with the formal stuff, alright? Sorry. I'm... very pleased to meet you though, and... thanks for sharing your background and all of that about your family. I would do the same but um... well... I'm 'from Gondor', you've probably heard so..." Her eyes slunk over to the fire.

"I'll uh... tell you what I can about myself though. I just graduated. I'm a mage... um... obviously. I specialize in the Yoneth form, so lots of fire and things blowing up. I can light a fire by thinking about it." She gestured to the fireplace. "Well... almost, anyway." She left out the other form she knew, the one she excelled at even more than Yoneth, the one they didn't teach at the academy. "I can heal a little bit as well. Mostly myself, but with some time, some effort, and usually some ingredients, I can heal most wounds." Again, that was mostly true, and really an under-exaggeration. Related to that other form, Thalia could heal damned-near anything, at least within reason. It might kill her in the process, but she could do it.

Wanting to change the subject before she got too close to things she shouldn't and couldn't speak about, Thalia moved on to the mission ahead of them. "Did anyone tell you anything... about where we're going? What we're doing? I've heard that they're fairly tight-lipped about that stuff until right before a Raka leaves." Title: Re: The Raka (imjessme and Carly)

Elliquiy Role Playing Forums

Play-By-Post: Non-Consensual Human => NC: Human-Freeform Solos => Topic started by: Carly on November 25, 2022, 09:37:22 pm

Title: The Raka (imjessme and Carly)
Post by: Carly on November 25, 2022, 09:37:22 pm

The land of the free nations had had a dramatic history. The kingdoms of Shu Han, Ravka, Fjerda, Novyi Zem were constantly distrustful of each other or at times all-out hostile.

Many wars between the nations had lasted generations, and as such the populations learned that peace likely was only temporary, but in recent memory peace was the case. Although skirmishes did occur on boarders, and royalty of each nation did indeed snub the others more often than not, no full scale wars between these nations had occured for decades. It was an uneasy time at first, with every nation expecting it to be some trick and a surprise attack from the others to happen any day, but as the years past and trade between the nations flourished, the people and the ruling castes had began to spend their efforts in more civilian projects instead of preparing for war.

Armies still existed of course, and there were monster uprisings to supress after all, but it was currently a golden age as far a the land of free nations was concerned. As golden as it has been in known history anyway. Due to this thankful time of prosparity, new buildings were made and more money had been streamed to the unfortunate, and as such some long standing social issues could be finally addressed by buerocrats and nobles alike.

Nobyi Zem was mainly a port nation that specialised in fishing, and had a growing pearl and whaling trade. Whale oil for lanterrns from Novyi was highly sought after, one ounce burning for three times as long as whale oil from elsewhere, and it burned almost without smoke or fumes, making it highly prized by scholars and accademics as well as any who read or worked at all hours of the night.

Ravka was the nation of the elves, but also had a informal population of fairies who's numbers none could guess. They excelled at creating musical intruments and all things wooden. Their bows were second to none, and their archers unparallelled. Fairies were mainly enigmatic, and although they had powers none understood, it wasn't true magic but based on something that related to responces to certain behavior or actions of another and were powers that couldn't be called on at will. Typically they were known for curses more than anything else, but they also seemed to be linked to a realm different to the world and had knowledge none could explain. They traded mainly in secrets and information. The best spies were fairies from Ravka - for several reasons. They mainly had a neutral relationship with the elves that dominated their kingdom, the elves learning to only deal with them when the need was great.

FJerda was the land of the dwarves, and had incredible deposits of ores of different varieties that was traded at prices that mostly only the rich could afford. Their smiths and masons were masters of their art, and many were hired to create statues or works of art for other nations. Although technically one could get iron or steel in most places, only the best steel or worked metal goods were from Fjerda. To lay claim to their works, an embossed mountain often was seen on the bottom of their goods.

Shu Han was the traditional land of the humans and the bread basket for the free kingdoms. Although they also colenised Novyi Zem several hundred years ago, no place had larger populations or as a diverse culture as Shu Han. Grain of all kinds was produced in abundance in the kingdom, and massive stockpiles of it was stored underground in each of their fortified towns, making it possible for most towns to last out sieges for decades. Grain also was their prime export. Although nowdays many of this nation had begun growing more fruit due to a breakthrough in being able to dry fruit so it would keep and be sold far away or stored for long periods of time without rotting or spoiling. Recently the dried fruit trade had been making a fortune, while fresh fruit was abundant and cheap in almost all places in Shu Han. Due to several reasons the cuisine of Shu Han was never dull or never barren, a point of national pride.

Lastly Keroh, a spiritual centre that had a large population of monks of different faiths. It was also the training centre of almost all the magi of the Free Kingdoms. All magi were futanari, or futas as some called them. Meaning they were women with magical male genitalia that could change in size, shape and texture to be exactly what their female lovers most desired. It was also true that depending on what sexual positions they conceived offspring with their lovers, or if another magi was also involved in the act - would direct what sort of magi would be born from the union.

There were many difference between magi and the normal populus. They were also incredibly beautiful women and didn't age after thirty years and could heal perfectly without blemish, deformity or scaring. They also had no deformity of any kind due to their linage or bloodlines, and they had no body hair other than their head of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. They had no body scent of any kind. They also had bodies without an ounce of fat, which was lithe and subtle regardless of their lifestyle.

Their were several types of Futa or magi, and they could only be born from one or more magi coupling with a women of perfect blood - not royal blood necessarily, but blood that implies how well formed their bodies and minds are.

All magi were historically only sexually attracted to perfection in women, and although they could be as romantic as anyone else, their offspring were so sought after by the heads of state they were never encouraged to marry, and directed to impregnate as many suitable women as possible. Such pregnancies were a boon to the women who expected to be a mother of a magi, for not only were magi highly respected but their immediate blood relatives including their mothers were too. Direct blood relations with a magi had their own noble title - called "Galantha" a term and title adopted in all the free kingdoms. All Galantha were be able to live opulently and have all their expenses paid for by the royalty of the nation they lived in for their entire lives. Each kingdom didn't agree to much, but all agreed to have Galantha immediately granted noble titles, estates, servants and a position for one of their family to be on the ruling council if they desired. Although they were not made royalty, they were only one step below it culture wise everywhere, and traditionally wore golden robes as a mark of high noble station recognisable in all the free kingdoms.

Those that were Magi or Futa could easily demonstrate their uniqueness to others if they cared to, as all of their kind had magic abilities that were overt, but because they were so revered it became tradition they wore gold jewellery in their hair or on their head - such jewellery reserved for identifying magi were known as Skain Skain could be as simple as a gold coloured silk ribbon, to tiara's, to elaborate head pieces that were works of art themselves.

The traditions surrounding the magi, and their direct blood family, the Galantha, was so thoroughly embedded in all the free kingdoms culture that it became tradition for gold only to be able to be worn by such families, and not others, not even royalty no matter the nation. It also became a serious offence to wear gold in any way if not related to a magi directly. So too, over time, nobility everywhere became dominated by magi and their families. Although not a perfect system of deducing nobility, nobility formed this way was more or less workable and over time Galantha became associated with integrity and fairness, and respect for them grew in the hearts of the common populous.

Magi or futa were trained at Keroh, even if their families belonged to other nations. It was agreed by all the free kingdoms, that Keroh would serve all nations in the regards to training magi and loaning them to other nations, and all magi made to have a lifelong service to the crown starting immediately after they had mastered their individual talents. Something that occured typically at twenty years of age or there abouts. Training for futa or magi started at the age of ten and generally went on for ten years in the temples of Keroh dedicated to their particular needs. Usually they were trained by magi simular to themselves but with considerable experience but occasionally masters of arms and the likes were hired to either teach differnt forms and styles, or teach defences against them.

All futa were magi, and all magi futa, and very magically talented in at least some regard. Although none were entirely sure all the kinds of possible magi, there were seveal common classes.

First the clerics, the most common. These could heal wounds and cure diseases and the likes, and even remove curses. They could even reverse aging on the elderly, and it was even possible for them to regrow others limbs or remove defects of a family bloodline.

The second common class of magi were the mages, they could perform the greatest array of feats, from disappearing and appearing close by in a blink of an eye. True far-distance teleportation. Teleportation of themselves as well as others, and even the creation of portals - permanent gateways linking two distant locations through a rift in reality that anyone or anything could use. Although in order to create permanent effects certain special types of rare materials were required, but Teleportation and gateways were not the limits of their abilities by any means, but were the ones mages were most known for.

There was some grey area between magi that were clerics and magi that were mages however, as typically most mages had at least some ability to heal themselves and others, and clerics had at least some abilities common to mages. Their was a lot of variation between individuals and no one cleric or mage was like another.

The third most common magi were the chi-warriors. Magi that had mastered the magic of chi in their bodies and minds - giving them superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, coordination, grace and awareness. They quickly became true masters of weapons when trained in, and although they didn't have healing talents comparable to a cleric magi, they could channel chi to at least heal themselves, as well as being able to make devastating attacks with even their bare hands and feet if they had time to channel chi to do so. Some were rumoured to even be able to shatter solid blocks of granite with an open hand strike if they had enough time to prepare.

Keroh was deemed a sacred place to all the free kingdoms, being the traditional training ground of magi, and also the spiritual centre of several religions. It certainly was beautiful enough to pass as one by most peoples standards. Currently less than one hundred magi were known to be alive in the free kingdoms, but half of them were either training new magi or apprentice magi themselves. This left few available to service the crowns desires. Mostly due to the presence of magi, monster surges and monster threats were all but eliminated in Keroh, but that was certainly not the case in other lands of the free kingdoms. Kingdoms that were always requesting Keroh to loan them the services of magi.

The other lands had their own armies and weapon masters and the likes, but there was always a risk that sending them to fight would lead to their deaths. For truly dangerous missions, especially monsters or criminals that were exceptionally powerful or well established, Keroh trained Magi were the answer. Indeed Keroh Queens had been loaning their magi to other lands since the land was founded. Huge amounts of gold were traded between royalty of Keroh and other nations for even a month service of a magi. Much more if more than one was requested - and indeed it was the trend, as as powerful as the magi were alone, they were much more effective when in a team of two or more magi. So much so it became custom for magi to pair up and work as a duo when they were on missions in other lands. Such teams of two magi all the lands called "Raka".

It was the very day Arya was due to be sent abroad as a trained magi - today being the last day of her apprenticeship. At the age of twenty she was as fine a pupil as her masters could hope for, and had passed all the formal tests as early in her life as it as possible to do so. She was truly gifted, all her masters were incredibly proud of her. Her magi class - Chi-warrior. Her favourite specialty - swords.

Arya Moonglow's mother was from Shu Han, indeed most but not all magi families were. Her family was exceptionally proud of her and indeed blessed themselves to be related to her. Arya shared the raven coloured hair and fair skin and blue eyes of her mother and like her mother, she was tall and lithe, and subtle in physique. All her physical features exquisitely perfect. All magi could say the same though.

All nations other than the dwarfs of FJerda had magi related nobility. Something the dwarves were a little bitter about, but give them ale and they would be thinking of something else soon enough.

Ayra had just finished her demonstration of her final sword kata in the temple of Zess to her masters and was sheathing the long blade silently. The temple of Zess was a Chi-warriors most formal building, and used for graduation ceremonies of all Chi-warriors. She had been told the day before she would be partnered with a mage magi to form her Raka. To a individual as talented with magic and sorcery as Arya was talented at the martial arts. A student her peer in talent and dedication. A magi called Thalia.

Apparently there was rumour of demons rising in other lands. Arya thought that was just rumour and couldn't be true, for surely demons were all wiped out long ago. But rumours in Keroh were often based on truth. It was to address these demons a new Raka was needed.

Today she would know, and meet her peer Thalia for the first time. Questing together as true magi both.

To formalise Arya's graduation there would not be words, but the masters would leave a single gold ring on a pedistal. If one wasn't there when she finished her final kata, it would mean at least another year or training before she graduated. If one was there it means she had passed and could begin to serve the lands needs as a full magi.

Arya didn't need to look up to see if she had the ring, she knew it was there - all her katas forms were perfect, but looked up anyway. Indeed a single gold ring was present. The masters having left the room silently after placing it. No doubt talking of her prowess to each other or of the years of her intensive training.

Arya walked to the pedestal and donned the ring on her left hand. The ring wasn't just gold but enchanted by mage magis to be able to magically hold incredible amounts of objects in a magical dimension. A ring that when populated with supplies or goods would weigh as much as if it was empty - simply that of a ring its size. Filling the ring with any object could be done by touch while willing it, and willing a specific object out of the ring was just as easy. Thus removing the need for pouches, satchels, bags, saddle-bags, back-packs and the likes. All magi got one when they graduated. There were highly prized and rumoured to take two months to make by two mage magi, the financial cost of the rare materials that were used up enchanting the thing, unspoken. The art of making them reserved to only the elder magi, for traditional reasons more than anything else.

The rings were called "Renki Rings" and they gave a magi dignity - as none with their talents wanted to try and save others while wearing a heavy back pack or weighted down with a dozen heavy pouches on their belt. Only magi had such rings. Not even royalty had them - although they certainly did desire them.

Her her first act being a true magi Chi-warrior would be to leave the temple of Zess and go to the armoury and take her pick of masterfully crafted weapons to store in her Renki Ring. Something Arya was indeed looking forward to... Title: Re: The Raka (imjessme and Carly)
Post by: imjessme on December 03, 2022, 01:23:19 am Wind whistled through passages and tunnels, allegedly impossible in the subterranean caverns. Rumor had it that the wind was not wind at all, but the restless spirits of those gone before, brushing past, gently touching, light as air. Others claimed that the breeze was caused by the natural flow of magical energies, concentrated in this holiest of places. Still others rejected both fanciful theories, instead presuming that tunnels, either natural or human-made, connected the underground chambers to the surface, allowing fresh air to circulate. In fact, the truth, was that the wind was a combination of all three.

The only sound was of the wind, now a gentle breeze that brought warm early-summer air that moderately raised the temperature, making the tunnels a little more comfortable. Thalia was grateful for the warmer air against her bare skin, keeping her at least somewhat comfortable. As was tradition, of course, she strode through the winding tunnels entirely nude.

As familiar as Thalia had become with the Temple of Gilea, she had never been to this part. No one had, or rather, no one she knew had. These tunnels led to the deepest part of the underground complex, guarded by massive oak and steel doors, not to mention more than a few grim-faced guards. An aspirant was only allowed through the doors once she had taken the last of her tests, and was required to go alone, to allow her time to reflect on her training and the lessons she had learned over the last decade. They went nude as a reminder, a symbol, of their connection with the earth and its elemental powers. That part, at least, wasn't unusual to Thalia. Aspirants, during the final two or three years of their training, were required to wear very little, often just a small cloth pouch, large enough only to contain their genitals, held in place with thin string, and even that garment existed only out of practicality. Having one's cock bobbing back and forth with each step was distracting, to say the least. Suggestions had been made that perhaps it would be a good idea to wrap, or otherwise contain, the aspirants' breasts, for the same reason, but it was decided that such coverings would conceal too much, would create too much of a barrier between nature and bare skin. It was simply a hardship they, and Thalia, had learned to live with.

Now, however, she wore not even the pouch, and every bit of her wobbled with each step. She wasn't overly-endowed, neither breasts nor cock, at least not at the moment, but as was true with all of her kind, that endowment was still on the larger end when compared to either of the other genders. It was as though the gods themselves had decreed that they, the rare futas of the world, regardless of their profession and choices in life, were always and forever destined to be creatures of sex, and of reproduction.

As she walked, Thalia began to notice a low, barely-audible humming, or droning. Truthfully, she may have been hearing it for several minutes, without noticing, the noise slowly creeping into her awareness until she was unable to ignore it. It was coming from ahead, she decided, then realized the obviousness of her conclusion. Was it coming from the Ritual Chamber? It had to be. As far as she knew, that was all that lay ahead. After another minute, a dim glow appeared, somewhere farther down the tunnel. It, and the hum, swelled as she approached, now sure that she was both seeing, and hearing, her destination.

Soon, the tunnel opened, the walls quickly receding to either side, forming a massive underground chamber. Thalia looked up first, astonished to find the ceiling several dozen feet above her head, the dome disappearing into shadows. When she peered down, she saw the pit: a massive chasm, impossibly deep, gaping before her, several feet away. Rumor had it that, before, in the more savage days (though some would call them more "pure", rather than "savage"), an aspirant who failed her final tests, either for the first time, or after three attempts (it depended on who was telling the story), was expected to toss herself into the pit, voluntarily ending her life, and sparing the others from having to clean up. That, of course, was not the rule now, and truth be told, could very well simply be a story, invented by the older aspirants to scare the younglings, or by the instructors to keep the aspirants in line. Probably both.

"Thalia of Grendor," came a voice, echoing slightly, though not nearly as much as the vast chamber suggested. "Step forward, and kneel." Thalia knew the voice, had heard it for years, though only occasionally. The Head Instructor herself was conducting her evaluation. Was that normal? And she had used that stupid "of Grendor" surname that wasn't a surname at all. Thalia hated it, but then, what else were they supposed to call her? It wasn't as though she'd had a surname when she first arrived at the Academy.

Hesitating only a moment, a few seconds, Thalia stepped forward, closer to the edge, until she could lean forward enough to peer over and into the infinite blackness below. Her stomach did a quick flip, and suddenly the rumors seemed all-too possible. She took a step back, giving herself a good bit of space between her toes and the edge, then slowly lowered herself to the polished stone floor, kneeling, resting her butt on her heels. She waited. There were no words, no sound except for that low hum. It seemed to come from everywhere, and nowhere at the same time. The constant noise began to... she pictured it as a kind of vibration in her head which, she realized, was exactly what sound was. This was different though. This was like she had touched one of those galvanic batterons that the technocrats like to play with. Or so she'd heard anyway. It made her teeth want to clench shut.

"Thalia of Grendor," the voice of the Head Instructor said, repeating her full name, "You have been tested, and you have been judged. The Council of Elders has deliberated. Against my better judgement, the decision has been made to finalize your training. You will join the ranks of the Kal-Mara, and be paired with another to form a Raka, and sent out into the world to better it, and to contribute to the population of our kind."

Thalia's heart swelled. She sucked in a breath, realizing that she hadn't been breathing for several seconds. Her gasp of relief was apparently louder than she'd intended, as the Head Instructor seemed to address it.

"Do not revel in this decision, Thalia of Grendor. As I said, it was made against my judgement. You have shown remarkable skill and impressive power. However, you do not demonstrate the wisdom to use either. Do not mistake my meaning: you are intelligent, but you are brash. You are impulsive and quick to anger. Your emotions rule you, and that will shape and taint your magic." There was a pause, probably to let the warning sink in. Thalia gritted her teeth, partly at the indignity of the insults, and partly because they were true.

"With that said," the Head Instructor went on, "you nonetheless have been accepted into our order. You are no longer an Aspirant, and are hereby granted the title Initiate." Thalia noticed footsteps behind her, the kind that could only be made by bare feet on solid rock. "You are hereby frocked, and made one of us." As this was said, a robe of black material, something that felt as soft as silk, but as heavy as wool, was draped over her shoulders. "Accept too this token; a representation of our best wishes for you and your journey."

From behind her, another young woman, an aspirant, stepped around. The girl looked a few years younger than Thalia herself, maybe in her seventh or eighth year. She, too, wore the traditional ceremonial garb, which is to say nothing. Her blonde hair fell below her shoulders, and blue eyes glinted in the dim lighting. Like all of the others, her breasts were ample without being overly large, and her cock and balls, which would be large on a man, were, for the moment, rather average for her peculiar gender. She bore no erection, a common malady that afflicted those of her age, and instead, her genitalia simply dangled and swayed with her movements.

As Thalia watched, the aspirant held out a gold ring. Thalia raised her right hand, held it out rather than grasp the ring, and allowed the girl to slip it onto her third finger. Thalia brought her hand back, close to her face, examining the ring. Rather than a single band, it consisted of over a dozen fine strands, braided together in a complex pattern. This was her Renki, the gift given to all Magi upon their graduation. The style itself was unique to the Kal-Mara.

"Go now," the Head Instructor was saying, as the aspirant moved to the side. "Go to the Grand Hall at the center of Keroh. Enter through the Door of Sorrows, and speak the name of your Rakala, your companion. You will be led to her." There was another brief pause, and then, "Good luck, Thalia of Grendor. You will need it."

As Thalia emerged from the unassuming hollow that eventually led to the massive underground complex, she blinked, then squinted. Kal-Mara aspirants were certainly allowed up to the surface, but still spent most of their time in dim tunnels. She held a pale hand up to the sun, shading her eyes and shutting them until her vision could adjust. After a minute, she dared to look again, opening bright violet eyes to the world. Green grass swayed in the gentle breeze, and the perfume of wildflowers filled her nostrils. The sun was warm on her skin, even through the heavy cloak she had received only hours before. There was very little beneath it, save for a set of modesty garments. Most people, other magi included, were rarely comfortable with the nudity that the Kal-Mara embraced. For the sake of better public relations, the magi of that order put up with covering themselves. Come to think of it, that would need to be one of her first stops, after meeting with her Rakala.

With that thought in mind, Thalia set out, immediately thankful for the sandals she now wore, meager as they were. Years of being barefooted had toughened the soles of her feet, but even they were not prepared for the sharp rocks that littered the path down from the hills and into the city proper. While they would work for now, she doubted if they would hold up for very long. Another provision she would need to obtain.

The Door of Sorrows was actually quite a bit smaller than Thalia had assumed, standing not much higher than any normal chamber door, and without decoration. Instead, wooden boards, banded together with steel or, more likely, iron, swung open on hinges that squealed. That was a surprise too: the door wasn't even locked. Beyond was a small chamber, no more than a dozen feet across in both directions, though constructed of what appeared to be fine marble, in stark contrast to the door. Thalia turned to shut it, only to find an ornate, intricately-carved surface, apparently constructed of a single, solid slab of some kind of hardwood. The scene in the center depicted magi, one of each of the major classes, in pitched battle with a kind of scaly, clawed monster. With only the gentlest of pushes, the heavy door swung shut with a thunk.

"Hello," came a soft, gentle, genial voice from behind her. Thalia spun, not expecting anyone to have been nearby, let alone in the room with her. However, she found herself in the company of a rather small, rather old, rather balding man, wearing the simple brown robes of a mid-level functionary. He hunched slightly, likely due to his age, which had the effect of aiming the top of his smooth head directly at her. He had to strain to meet her eyes, something Thalia found incredibly embarrassing. "Ah, I see you wear a Skain," he said, smiling politely and gesturing toward Thalia's head. Thalia touched the side of her head gently, self-consciously, feeling the gold strands threaded through her dark chestnut hair. "You are one of the magi then? A Kal-Mara? Here to meet your Rakala?"

Thalia nodded. "Yes. Her name is..." She hesitated. Remembering names was never one of Thalia's talents. "Arya...? Arya Moon...blood? No. Moon...shadow... no... Moon...glow. Moonglow."

"Arya Moonglow," the man repeated, not quite a question, not exactly a statement. "Mm-yes, yes," he agreed with a nod, as though needing to confirm the name himself. "Yes, this way please." Without waiting, he turned and ducked around a corner that Thalia swore wasn't there a moment ago.

He took her through narrow hallways, grand ballrooms, past high balconies, and through a tunnel made entirely of glass, that seemed to pass along the bottom of a river. She watched fish of all shapes and sizes swim past the transparent walls, and thought she saw, in the vague gloom a few feet away, something with more than a few tentacles, each equipped with little suction cups.

"Here we are," he finally proclaimed, opening the door to what turned out to be a small-ish, though well-appointed sitting room. He gestured toward a wooden chair, richly upholstered in fine red material, sitting next to a table, across from its identical counterpart. Both chairs faced a large, though unlit, fireplace. "Why don't you have a seat, and I'll go get Arya for you?" While his words were kind, inviting, Thalia could tell that anything else wasn't an option. She was to sit, and to wait.

"Sure," she agreed, still unsure of the whole situation, but... willing to go along, for now.

"Good," the man said with a grin and a nod. He rubbed his hands together then, one over the other, before turning and leaving. Thalia sat in the suggested chair, only then realizing just how tired her legs were from her walk. With a heavy breath, she relaxed, enough that she began to slouch in the chair. That was fine though, she didn't care.

It was cold in the room, she started to notice, which made no sense considering summer was just starting. Still, the chill in the room began to permeate even her thick cloak, and it was starting to become uncomfortable. She glanced at the fireplace, then pulled her lips into a tight, thin line. Might as well, she decided, then raised her hand no more than shoulder height, twiddled her fingers in a technically meaningless gesture, then watched as a flame lept from the stacked logs. In only a few minutes, the other logs had caught, and already she was feeling the comforting warmth.

"At least it'll be cozy," she said out loud. Title: Re: The Raka (imjessme and Carly)
Post by: Carly on December 05, 2022, 11:14:53 pm

Arya Moonglow wore the Chi-warrior attire, made of Sal-silk. For the moment though, she had changed her elaborate Skain she had when she was being tested, to one that as a simple gold-silk ribbon to keep her hair tied back in a low pony tail.

Sal-Silk was as the traditional material for all magi for several reasons. It was extremely subtle, and was a pleasure to wear. It more or less was immune to wear and stains and didn't tear or catch easily. Lastly it was effectively immune to acid and fire for reasons no sages who studied the material knew. It had a natural deep rich black hue which couldn't be bleached, it kept is colour even when continually exposed to the sun, nor did the colour fade with time. Although not strictly true always in history, Sal-silk was only effectively reserved for magi and royalty due to how incredibly difficult it was to obtain. Only certain fairies of Ravka had been able to go near the strange moths that made the silk deep in their forest, as the moths were very dangerous to all other races and could leave severe magical acid-fire burns by the briefest touch that were incredibly painful and scarred horribly. How the fairies avoided such a fate harvesting the rare silk was a mystery they chose not to reveal. What they requested for the precious raw silk was generally information of the strangest regards that only the truly powerful had the means to acquire.

Arya's standard Chi-Warrior attire was called an Als, ( which served most practical functions and was a simple covering over her breasts, as well as a separate split leg skirt, leaving her arms, shoulders, lower legs, stomach and her back bare. This was accompanied by hard-leather laced sandals of a matching colour. Chi-warriors though never wore underwear covering their loins, it was deemed a skirt was enough. Chi-warriors could very efficiently and easily channel mana to keep them cool in summer or warm in winter. And like all magi, Chi-warriors could maintain weak a mana barrier around their body which didn't effect most things, but was perfect for repelling simple vermin like mosquitoes and flies and the likes, also magi's skin didn't burn in the sun. So all things considered, there wasn't any need for Chi-warriors to have different clothing for different seasons. Many did anyway as they realised some they met could sometimes feel cold just looking at them wearing such revealing clothing on a cold winters day. Arya however, was so used to the Als, the thought of wearing anything different didn't occur to her. If it rained though and she was outside, she would simply wear her hooded rain proof robe over them.

The Renki Ring she was given was already full of general supplies before it was given to her, and before she entered the armoury she used her will to check its contents so she could familiarise what she had. Sure enough as expected there was:

A full steel weapon-oil flask and cleaning cloth and sharpening stone edged-weapon maintaince kit, a bedroll and many-layered silk blanket, black-steel cooking utensils, black-steel mess kit, assorted full steel flasks of hair-cleaning oils, three large cakes of unscented soap, a small steel hand-mirror, hair brush and nail-care vanity kit, a stack of Nefroom Reeds (Which were rigid light-green coloured reeds about the thickness and length of ones little finger, and grew native to the forests of Ravka. They made a special white foam on contact with saliva - which was a substance perfect for cleaning one's teeth. A Nefroom Reed was only meant to be used once before being disposed of. The taste and scent of using one was nearly identical to a lemon), flint-and-steel kit for lighting fires, a bulls-eye lantern and five full lantern oil skins, a 100 foot-long silk rope and mallet and pinions climbing kit, 5 full leather water-skins, large sacks of dried fruit, assorted nuts and jerky, several wheels of cheese and about ten loaves of hard-bread. There were also an oil-treated rainproof hooded Sal-Silk robe and two additional spare sets of Als with matching sandals, all of which custom tailored to Arya's measurements. It also had her elaborate, bejewelled, gold Skain, which she would wear only for formal occasions or when she was with royalty.

The third last item in her standard equipment was a large fold out map of the free kingdoms of excellent quality and wax coated for it to resist the elements and be able to manage frequent use with minimal wear.

The second last item was a book titled "A Sages Guide to the Free Kingdom's Beasts" which was a book on monsters known to exist in different lands. There were vivid hand drawn illustrations and detailed descriptions, their strengths, weaknesses and any strange abilities they had, as well as their habits and lifestyles were all written down. This book was not to be trusted though, as all were told that exceptions to what was known were frequently encountered. Still any knowledge, even if partially accurate was better than knowing nothing.

The last item was a small booklet called "The Intimate Art of the Magi" that explained the different sexual positions required to make a magi offspring of different types when coupling with suitable women, details of the culture expectations and practices of different places when intending to do so, and also explanations of different sexual positions between magi of the same Raka and the effects they had on each other as well as any watching. It was a book Arya desperately wanted to read, but now wasn't the time.

It was rumoured that mages and clerics had additional sacks in their supplies packed with stranger items that related to their specific abilities, especially due to mages ability to magically enchant objects, and clerics ability to create magical healing potions, salves and balms, but as with all rumours in the chi-warrior sisterhood had about the other types of magi - nothing about them did Arya really knew for certain

To some who would wonder why pouches of currency wasn't included in the supplies of magi, magi always being on incredibly dangerous and vital missions to benefit the kingdoms as a whole, it was simply expected others they meet to provide all they needed when they were away. If one were to have to house them and manage their necessities for a long period or have to give up a horse or anything of considerable value, or perform extensive service to a magi that needed it, they were encouraged to write to the masters of Keroh of their hardship, to later be financially compensated three times their losses worth within the month. This tradition was always followed by all parties and was very practical, for it ensured that the populous as a general rule would give their best to help magi, and it ensured that the presence of magi were well received generally, and their needs addressed promptly. Besides it was a common phrase that "Masters of Keroh are wealthier than the Gods", so they could afford to be nice to everyone.

The cost of supplying magi with needs they didn't manage themselves was generally a mute point though as the magi often were invited to stay in palaces of royalty when in cities, or in the most opulent locale possible that was close by as esteemed guests, as it was deemed an honour to house them and provide all they desired, an honour which the ruling families would be first to offer. Magi' not accepting the ruling families hospitality without VERY good reason was deemed the height of shame for a ruling family - as others would assume the magi would only do so if the ruling family was untrustworthy or corrupt. This generally meant that the lower classes never really had much to do with magi unless being requested to reveal more about certain monster attacks they knew of.

The only thing left to do before meeting Arya's Rakala was to collect her choice of weapons from the armoury. She had dreamed of this moment for a while, as only grand-master-smiths provided for the Chi-warriors, and thus every weapon in the armoury was of exceptional quality. Still Arya didn't have to linger, she had known what she would choose ages go. Arya ignored the maces, for she could channel chi-mana to strike with her bare hands to provide crushing blows if required. But swords and daggers on the other hand were defiantly going to be taken by the young magi.

Arya quickly selected five master-forged swords, three melee daggers, and a dozen throwing daggers, a quarterstaff, two spears, as well as a sturdy composite bow and two large leather quivers full of black-feather-fletched arrows. She paused for a while before selecting a double handed axe and a hatchet also - for luck. They already came with their own sheaths and body belts and straps, but could be immediately equipped directly from the Renki Ring, and similarly returned in a moment, which was what Arya intended to do for most of her weapons. After she took the weapons from their mount hanging's on the wall, she stored them in her Renki Ring without pause. She did however enjoy the familiar feel of a sheathed sword on her left hip though and a sheathed dagger on her right, unless she was in a place guaranteed to be safe. So, for the moment, her ceremonial sword and dagger used in her graduation ritual were both in their sheaths hanging from her belt.

Some often wondered why Chi-warriors never used armour or a shield, the reason was that after a certain point of mastery over ones body, especially if one had Chi-warrior techniques mastered, it was much more practical to EVADE attacks than to resist them. Being inhumanely fast and exceptionally mobile, flexible and coordinated was a Chi-warriors prime strength. Armor and shields would only hinder that.

Arya now had her Renki Ring stored with everything she could want, at least for the moment. Just using her supplies in her Renki Ring, she could live without hunting, foraging or requesting food from another for a month if she had to, and could be needless of a fresh water source for about three days in comfort, perhaps double that if she was frugal with her water skins.

Arya's acute awareness noticed someone approaching, and she stood ready to receive them. A while later a old balding man and mid-level functionary, judging from his brown robes, simply nodded to her and began walking back the way he came. Arya was expected to follow - for the man would lead her to where her Rakala was. Those in brown robes were selected due to their excellent memory. They knew everyone on the island almost, and never forgot a face. They knew peoples habits and routines and where they most likely would be at different times. All useful traits to have for the tasks typically assigned to them.

Feeling much more secure, Arya's thoughts drifted as she followed the man, making her way out of the armoury towards the room where her Rakala was likely waiting. What did she know of her Rakala ? Well Arya knew she was a mage, and an exceptionally talented one, at least magically, more than any other of the current generation at the very least if what her masters had told her was true. Her true ability however would only be able to be known by being tested on missions like what was in stall for their Raka today.

Arya Moonglow knew her name was Thalia of Grendor. If Arya recalled the term correctly Grendor meant "of now-where". Very strange. How is it that Thalia was an orphan ? Surely her parents would be very proud of her and would want themselves and their family to enjoy the titles and benefits of being nobles just like any other magi family. Were they criminals ? Where they fairies of the unseelie court ? Did they have a dark mystery they wanted to keep hidden ? Arya wanted to pry but thought that likely would be the worst thing she could do when meeting her Rakala for the first time. There was a good chance that Thalia didn't know herself. Even if she did, there is a good chance she would want the truth to be kept to herself and not even trust her Rakala with it.

Arya had wondered a lot about what her Rakala would be like, and mages were by far the most mysterious of them all. Rumours about them ranged from one extreme to another, and if even a fraction of them were true they could be very different to the Chi-warrior women Arya had spent the last decade with. Sure Arya had trained with some mages in battle forms, but that didn't leave any opportunity to inquire about their life. They were as deep a mystery to Arya as they were to a typical peasant of Nobyi Zem.

Arya walked through the halls towards her destination following the man, and spied one of the domesticated cats staring at Arya as she made towards the room reserved for them both to meet. Cats were quite a common presence in Keroh, especially in the temples and although not sacred animals to the main faiths, it was strictly forbidden to harm them in any way, regardless of what mood one was in or what antics the cat had done. This rule applied even to magi, and failure to follow this custom was met with strict repercussions.

When both Arya and the man were outside a particular door, the man nodded to her silently and strode away. So this was it. Arya opened the door and gracefully strolled into an opulent sitting room before closing the door behind her. She was immediately impressed by an incredibly beautiful woman lounging in a wooden chair overlooking a lit fireplace.

She saw her Rakala at last - and Arya was not disappointed. Thalia was even more beautiful than Arya imagined. She was wearing a Skain and Renki Ring, as expected, and a cloak over black robes often donned by mages. It made sense for their to be a lit fire as the room was chilly even with a fire going which meant Thalia had not been waiting long. The start of summer was often that way in Keroh. Could mages regulate their body temperature in a similar way Chi-warriors did ? Arya didn't know, likely they could, for their talents in magic were second to none, but if that was the case Thalia didn't seem to want to do it at least for the moment. Perhaps she just liked lit fire places. Perhaps for novelty sake Thalia didn't care to use magic to keep her body warm but was humouring herself to use means common people did.

Arya bowed her and clasped her hands together formally and spoke "Greetings Initiate Thalia of Grendor. Congratulations on your graduation. I am Arya Moonglow, Chi-warrior, graduated Initiate magi as of today. It is an honour and a pleasure to be assigned your Rakala as I am sure you are talented as you are beautiful, a rare gem, and I hope to prove your equal with in all ways possible or at least strive to be. Its my duty and honour to journey into danger with you as long as I live and protect you from harm. It is also an honour to be perhaps considered your lover also if you deem me acceptable, for reasons of tradition, necessity as well as pleasure." It was the typical speech a Chi-warrior Rakala would say to a mage Rakala when meeting for the first time, but Arya meant every word.

Arya then willed her sword and dagger into her Renki Ring with a touch and moved to sit on the chair beside Thalia. Strange. All other mages Arya met made Arya feel anxious, thinking they could see inside Arya's soul at a simple glance. Arya had been nervous when thinking of trying to make a good lasting first impression with her Rakala, but for some reason Thalia made Arya feel tranquil. Was it a magic ability she had ? Arya assumed so. But first things first. Thalia deserved to know more of Arya, even if she couldn't or wouldn't reveal the same about her own family.

"The Moonglow family were middle class dairy farmers and makers of cheese in Shu Han for as long as we have records for before they became Galantha due to my human mother Asja Moonglow meeting both my magi mothers, Casseen Goldleaf, and Luna De'Lrin."

Even though one or more magi used their penis to create offspring with a human mother, it was generally considered rude to call magi fathers, it was accepted that magi simply had multiple mothers. The magi offspring's surname and family identity was always that of their human mother, due to being raised by her for the first ten years of their life. Also typically it was only the humans mothers side of a magi parents that had much spare time for them afterwards.

"The cheese the Moonglow family used to make originally was from goats milk only but was well received by most. My family got is name when a mayor of a village claimed wheels of our cheese glowed at night when under the light of the full moon. Although it is a harmless urban myth and not based on fact, it became a well known rumour and thus the name stuck with my family nevertheless ever since.

When the Moonglow family became Galantha nobles of Shu Han, they were given estates in the north of the capital, just below the mountains, which always had plenty of rainfall and sunshine, as well as extremely fertile soil that also drained well - which is great for growing all sorts of crops - but also perfect for growing grass for dairy production. My family quickly put the land to good use in the way they knew best. They now own hundreds of dairy cows and just as many goats to supply a range of cheeses for local consumption as well as export to other lands. They also supply goats milk an cows milk to the surrounding villages. Recently we have started shipping cheese to the dwarves of FJerda - and it was an unparalleled success ! We received profits far beyond what we get from selling cheese elsewhere, allowing us to provide all our milk at cost merely for the goodwill with all the villagers that live close by. Unlike other noble families who's estates income is based on other things, our families wealth is entirely dependant on the weather though. But so far its served us very well. We are not the richest nobles in Shun Han by a long shot, but we are among the most wealthy for how long our family has held their estates.

The Moonglow family signet is two circles, one large and one half the size with a gap in between, the larger circle is meant to represent the sun, the smaller one the moon, and is embossed on all our dairy product's packaging. All my family other than myself wear a gold ring embossed with that signet, mainly for waxing-sealing-letters, but also as a point of pride.

If you accept the fact that we may mother Chi-warrior offspring, it means you will be formally part of my family. Something all my family would be honoured to happen - which is my hope too. Asja, my human mother, is dying to meet you and often insists in her letters to me that we both stay at my families estates whenever possible so she can know you in person. I think she has dreamt about what you may be like more than even I have !"

Arya smiled then suddenly felt self conscious before looking to the fire, she caught herself rambling due to how entrancing her Rakala was to stare at. Did she really just say that ? Talk of making Chi-warrior babies and being part of the Moonglow family already ? Oh well, so goes the dignity of being a talented Chi-warrior and noble also.

Arya expected Thalia to laugh. But as much as Arya blushed and second guessed herself, that feeling of tranquillity pervaded soon afterwards. It wouldn't be long now until one of the masters would ensure the letter of their initial mission was given to them. Then Arya would know if the demon rumour was true or just a false rumour. Still it didn't leave much time for Arya and Thalia to get to know each other first before things became serious. There was the ship journey to whatever land they were to go to though, they could always talk more then.
Title: Re: The Raka (imjessme and Carly)
Post by: imjessme on December 11, 2022, 11:02:45 pm How to meet your life partner? That was the question that occupied Thalia of Grendor as she waited, sitting before a now-roaring fire in a chair far more padded than even her bed had been at the academy. How to present herself to the person who would become her companion, her life partner, her friend, her lover? They would, time and time again, put their lives into each other's hands, and build a bond of trust stronger than any other. All Rakas were chosen carefully, painstakingly, and none had ever failed, or so went the official line at least. Even if one or two actually had split up at one point, the failure of a Raka was remarkably rare, to the point that none could recall it happening in living memory. Thalia wasn't sure if she should take that as reassurance that the meeting, and the partnership, would go well, or more as pressure to ensure that it did. If anything, this was quite a bit, she thought, analogous to the arranged marriages still practiced by some of the more "traditional" nations and regions: there was no expectation of love, necessarily, but certainly one of loyalty, of duty to each other. It was... a lot, to say the least.

Thalia's reaction, her defense mechanism against such charged, high-expectation situations was to affect a kind of aloof disdain, bordering on crass and coming very close to rude. It allowed her to absorb the seriousness of the situation in little, manageable bites that were more easily digestible. As such, by the time the functionary returned to the room, opening the door and gesturing for someone else to proceed in before him, Thalia had positioned herself more across the chair, one leg over the arm rest, the other stretched out, heel propped on the floor.

The woman, girl, warrior, person... whatever word worked best... who entered was... not what Thalia expected. She was, in a word, breathtaking, in Thalia's case literally so: as she caught the first glimpse of her Rakala, she sucked in a breath, and was unable to let it go for several moments. Arya was beyond beautiful, far past gorgeous, and into a realm of unearthly, ethereal form that Thalia's mind couldn't quite grasp at first. This... was not enough, not yet, to entirely change Thalia's mood, but it went a long way.

What finally did change her mind, what eventually, but firmly, convinced the mage of this arranged pairing, was Arya's frank sincerity. The greeting was formal, stilted, and from any other set of lips, would have come off as perfunctory. Not from Arya though. She meant every word, every compliment, every admiration. Goddess, she was so real that Thalia couldn't possibly maintain her aloof disdain for the whole setup. Even when Arya went on about making children, possibly together, and about meeting her mother, Thalia sensed nothing but honest sincerity.

"Let's... get there when we get there," were the first words Thalia spoke to her Rakala. Not an auspicious start, nothing as grand as Arya's introductions, but, to her mind at least, necessary. "First... would you sit?" She gestured to the other chair, separated from her own by only a small wooden table. "It's... I'm..." Thalia sucked in a breath, letting her shoulders rise, then slump as she let it out in a large huff. "I'm not good with the formal stuff, alright? Sorry. I'm... very pleased to meet you though, and... thanks for sharing your background and all of that about your family. I would do the same but um... well... I'm 'from Gondor', you've probably heard so..." Her eyes slunk over to the fire.

"I'll uh... tell you what I can about myself though. I just graduated. I'm a mage... um... obviously. I specialize in the Yoneth form, so lots of fire and things blowing up. I can light a fire by thinking about it." She gestured to the fireplace. "Well... almost, anyway." She left out the other form she knew, the one she excelled at even more than Yoneth, the one they didn't teach at the academy. "I can heal a little bit as well. Mostly myself, but with some time, some effort, and usually some ingredients, I can heal most wounds." Again, that was mostly true, and really an under-exaggeration. Related to that other form, Thalia could heal damned-near anything, at least within reason. It might kill her in the process, but she could do it.

Wanting to change the subject before she got too close to things she shouldn't and couldn't speak about, Thalia moved on to the mission ahead of them. "Did anyone tell you anything... about where we're going? What we're doing? I've heard that they're fairly tight-lipped about that stuff until right before a Raka leaves." Title: Re: The Raka (imjessme and Carly)
Post by: Carly on December 13, 2022, 09:51:03 pm

Arya Moonglow smiled as Thalia defused a tense situation. It seemed Arya wasn't the only one to have had issues with meeting for the first time.

Indeed it was a special occasion, and although they would have plenty of time for first impressions to be snowed under by more familiarity, Arya wanted to get along with her Rakala as well as she heard others do. The master mages talked of their Rakala as if they were extensions to their own body, in a way this was very much true for magi, as they would perform like a duet when in combat and fighting monsters and criminal gangs, and god knows what else.

But it was very much true sexually, perhaps MOST true sexually. Their nature greatly benefited from sex with their Rakala, this was true for combat related endeavours, as well as endeavours relating to awareness or anything physical, but also helped the culture of places they were to visit, both when coupling with women, and each other.

Arya had not had the chance to read the booklet on "The Intimate Art of the Magi" but had heard rumours of it with other student Chi-warrioresses. Apparently many places, especially the human lands of Nobyi Zem and Shu Han, it was a common belief that seeing Magi's exposed sexual organs, including breasts, was a sign of good luck for dealing with people that intentioned you ill-will. Seeing them couple with each other was a good luck sign for health for you and your lover. Seeing them couple with a woman of your homeland, was considered good luck for the nation as a whole, especially when it came to weather and crops. The more one watched or saw any of these things, the more good luck would come their way. There were some communities that varied in interpretation, but it was considered good everywhere, just the nature of exactly what type of good varied, and cultural expectations surrounding it varied also.

Some took this to extremes, and had the meaning of which change depending on the season it happened - especially elves and fairy communities. But the benefits to normal women the magi coupled with were much more culturally pronounced. Even if the coupling didn't result in pregnancy, women seen to couple with a magi sexually were treated as a good luck charm by the community for a year afterwards and had spiritual significance to the population. Food and other items of necessity would be given to them and their family, in exchange for their blessing. The blessing would be in the form of them describing the sexual union and all details their memory could serve to those requesting to know.

The coupling would also give benefits to their family, if they or any directly related to them had committed all but the most serious of crimes - they would all be forgiven and forgotten without punishment. If the union resulted in pregnancy, of course the benefit to the human mother and her family would know no end. They would be instantly granted estates and noble titles, for their bloodline forever. Almost always they would be loved by the people too. In short, beautiful women who hoped to catch a magi's eye, and more importantly, their lust, had no reason not to do everything in their power to encourage sex of any kind with them. And of course, without practical exception, they did.

Due to cultural reasons alone magi were encouraged to be public when it came sexual organ exposure, even breasts, and especially when it came to sex in any regard. This was reinforced by their masters insisting that magi have a role and duty for other lands. This obviously was to deal with threats mundane people couldn't easily managed, but cultural expectations had to be followed also, as they were vital for the well-being of lands to flourish and stay peaceful. They also mentioned that royalty of each land spend so much gold on hiring magi for even short durations, that every effort to appease their people must be made. In return people would support magi however they could when time was of the essence.

As Thalia talked a little, Arya realised her assumptions on her Rakala's past seemed to be correct. She herself didn't seem to know much about her origins - or if she did was staying tight lipped about them, at least for the moment. Such a mystery though, Arya wondered if they could solve it in their travels. It would be a good thing to do, assuming the secret wasn't one that would ruin her Rakala's happiness. The world had enough sad stories to last forever, they didn't need anymore. Arya thought to speak again now she was more composed. She had expected Thalia to laugh at Arya's attempt at being noble. She didn't though thankfully, much to Arya's relief.

"Thankyou for receiving me, and letting me sit by you. While training I heard many rumours about mages. My fellow students told me master mage magi can possess other people, as well as see through the eyes of cats and ravens and crows, and use them to spy on people. I even heard they could see into your soul just by looking into your eyes, and can predict the future of those they stare at." Arya was silent there for a while, she thought it best not to mention she believed they could. Was it true ? Well maybe ? Arya shook her head to remove such notions, no doubt Thalia would consider her simple if she talked more of those subjects.

"Um, well, where was I ? Oh yes. I know Yoneth is a very rare and valuable talent and greatly feared by all our enemies. And only the most powerful of mages are specialised in fire. My specialty is swords and daggers, but mostly swords. They just sing with a life of their own when they are in my hand, its like I just know what direction and force they want to be willed for and do as they say. As far as our masters matching us together, they claimed they factored many things into the decision. Firstly they mentioned that we would be most formidable battle-wise with each other as our Raka, compared to the other students. They thought our personalities may mesh as we both were very serious about our training, and took to it like a fish to water. As far as all things sexual, well, I am excited by the prospect frankly, it was told we will not have time for romance, and that sex serves multiple purposes for magi and needs to be accepted whole-heartedly and often for many reasons. But I understand I am getting ahead of myself, we, as you say, can cross that bridge when we come to it. I think my mother insisting in her letters we do everything in our power to expand the family with an army of Chi-warrior babies had me being a little forward. But even the idea she can have you join my family also fills her with joy it is infectious. She is desperate to meet you, and know everything and anything about you. If you don't mind when we set sail to our destination I would quill-ink a letter to her talking about you once we are settled in our cabin"

Arya laughed good naturedly then looked at Thalia. Thalia had positioned herself more across the chair, one leg over the arm rest, the other stretched out, heel propped on the floor. This position gave Arya a good view of her front-ward facing set of genitals, even though they were covered by clothing. Sure enough Thalia was a VERY much a futa, that much Arya could easily determine. Also she was more endowed than men were. This was true in her penis' rest state, and could be even more overtly true in sexual situations also.

As strange as it was for humans to do so, it wasn't considered rude for others to stare at a magi's genitals, both of them, but especially their phallus - publicly and in private, as they were considered the source of good for the land, and were expected to be a aspect of pride. They represented magical power, land prosperity, honestly, integrity and many other things. Some cultures even considered a magi's genitals and their sexuality divine. More than one religion was based on this.

Magi indeed had phalluses that changed size depending on their lover's fantasies, and the sexual act being performed. This was true with women as much as it was true with their Rakala, but their penises had default lengths and girths, when at rest. For Chi-warriors this was very important, for not only did the size of ones phallus and testicles relate to how much they had mastered Chi-warrior techniques (the more mastery, the larger the phallus and testicles), but it also determined rank among other Chi-warriors. Even when compared to masters, the elder magi.

Those that were more endowed had more say, their word meaning more, and were to be obeyed by other Chi-warriors if the situation called for it. Chi-warriors also had phalluses typically larger than other magi types. But as far as their phallus size determining hierarchy over other types of magi - it was a mute point, as although Chi-warriors may want to be controlling over others not in their order, in truth each type of magi had their own hierarchy traditions - the details of which Arya had yet to know.

Chi-warriors were more simple minded though than clerics or mages, and resting phalluses size determining rank amongst their order suited their nature perfectly. It was also tradition that the warrior attire, the Als, was meant to be worn without under-garments covering their genitals. And it also had a split leg skirt that was split to the hip on both legs, allowing their penis and testicles to be seen without any covering if one was to be beside the chi-warrior while they walked, among many other positions.

As far as among Chi-warriors, Arya was indeed exceptionally endowed. This came with her mastery of techniques she was training in, but also was true before she was trained. Indeed she was most gifted magically, and in endowment more than all other Chi-warriors currently alive. Perhaps even more so, although none really knew. Her Masters seemed to be uncomfortable with the idea that Arya's endowment meant she was ranked more important than them, even as an initiate and being only twenty years old, when they were many centuries old. Her title being the most endowed Chi-warrior was "Alune" although she was told so a few times, the true importance of which wasn't ever formally explained. Arya assumed it wouldn't really matter as she would be away from other Chi-warriors most of the time.

Still, her enormous endowment couldn't be hidden, regardless of how she arranged her legs, even trying to sit in a lady like fashion. There was indeed a balance of phallus and testicle size as well as battle-prowess. For although increased size of which meant better mastery of Chi techniques, it was also more cumbersome, and a vulnerability which opponents could target. In practice however, which is what Arya had noticed, that increased mastery of Chi methods greatly outweighed the detriments when it came to combat.

When crossing ones legs in public as a magi, it was polite to cross the outside leg over the inside leg, so ones genitals were not covered, even partially by a leg, but exposed directly towards whoever was sitting closest, and indeed Arya did so currently with Thalia. The split in Arya's left leg allowing Thalia a good view of most of Arya's exposed hairless phallus and testicles.

Unlike some magi, Arya still had her foreskin. Even at rest and flaccid, Arya's phallus was hung longer than her knees, and had a girth about a third of her thighs, her testicles the size of large oranges. There was no wonder Chi-warriors didn't wear knickers. It wouldn't just be impractical. No knickers could cover such a thing. Especially in Arya's case. Although Thalia had trained with other Chi-warriors, and saw their penises flash exposed from the split in their Als, as well as bulges in their skirt in other times, none she had noticed came close to Arya's rest size. Indeed it was true, Arya was most definitely, Alune of the Chi-warriors. For better or for worse. An initiate being so however could make things complicated. This fact was in stark contrast to how incredibly feminine Arya seemed in other regards though - in the rest of her form, in gait, and posture, as well as mannerisms, and was counter intuitive to most, especially considering she was a warrior, then again all magi were very feminine, even though their phalluses and testicles were much larger than men's.

"Although my family are nobles, we hire our many milk-maids from surrounding villages, so need to stay on good terms with everyone - thus my mothers insistence we sell milk to their villages at cost price. Our family is a boon to women we employ though. Although most of the time they are milking goats or cows udders by hand, they are paid very well, and don't get injured while working, they are inside where its cooler in summer and warmer in winter than outdoors, and meals and accommodation is provided. My family spares no expense on meals we feed the milk-maids, and their board is of fine quality, especially the beds, which we pay others to clean and maintain. We insist on and enforce good hygiene however, but we provide soaps and fresh water and the likes for them to do so. We also pay for any health issues they have to be seen to immediately by the very best money can provide. All these reasons is why most young women who grow up close by seek employment in our estates when they come of age. Other noble families we have met that are not Galantha don't even try to care about others as far as we can tell.

We however, are much more simple minded than other families that are long standing nobles. Although we are very much welcomed and well thought of by common folk, unfortunately we are not quick witted and have had other nobles speak so about us badly without us knowing how to respond. This has happened several times in council meetings, mainly by two families, the Juckarans, and the Osleys. The first is a family who has high ranked officers in the army, the second are well known and respected academics. I think my mother's desire to have you join our family could secretly also relate to us being shamed by those two noble families so often for being stupid - and that a mage magi related to us could stop their social taunts and ridicule.

There even was a public joke made by them that all women of my family are milked along-side the cows, their breast-milk added to the cows milk as part of our produce - as that's all they could possibly be good for and was the secret to our families success as dairy producers ! This mortified my mother. I do hope being related to simple dairy farmers with this rumour doesn't insult you, for not only are we known for being stupid in high-society, but also we don't have prestige or mystique other Shu Han noble families have.

As harmless as the myth our cheese glowing in moonlight is, we do unfortunately have that other rumour also, which shames our family, one which is now more and more widely circulated thanks to the Juckarans, and the Osleys. Although I aissume their hatred of us is due to our families financial success, they are becoming more than a thorn in my families side. They at first were just dismissive, but they are now out-right hostile. Any association you have with me likely means you gain two very powerful enemies unfortunately. And as successful as my family is recently and currently, we are too new to being nobles for other noble families to consider being allies with us. The established noble families are vey proud, and none want the amnosity of those two families directed their way. Being formal allies with my family simply isn't worth their while. Our family is at our wits end trying to solve the problem, and as of yet your our best hope for a solution. At least in my mothers eyes. I'm sorry you likely will be burdened with this so soon, but I thought it best you know up front."

Thalia did mention what their mission would be, and Arya thought of this for a moment. She was glad for a break in talking about the social hardships her family had being new to nobility of the land and a victim of their social-elitism intrigues.

"I over heard two of my masters talking about demons rising in the land again, apparently in Ravka, the land of the fairies and the elves. I couldn't believe it when I first heard it. But surely they wouldn't send a Raka that has no real world experience and newly graduated facing such a threat. If they wanted us both to, we definitely need missions to get better acquainted and be used to fighting together seamlessly first. But I suppose it depends on circumstance. If other Raka's have failed, or worse, been killed, the masters of Keroh may be desperate. As important as magi are, the needs of the lands that the royalty pay us for is more so.

If I were to guess I think our destination would be Nobyi Zem. They are trying to develop sustainable lumber in new plantations south of the capital, to diversify from fishing and whaling and have had issues with resistance apparently. Also they have been requesting help with pirates on the seas for a while. Apparently this age of trade has created many opportunists also, namely bandits on the lands major roads and pirates on the seas, following trade-shipping routes. For such things Nobyi Zem has been hit harder than other lands, especially so recently."
Title: Re: The Raka (imjessme and Carly)
Post by: imjessme on December 15, 2022, 01:02:28 am
Normally, Thalia was not a very chatty person, and likewise, she didn't often tolerate those who valued quantity of words over quality. So much bluster with no substance, she believed, and more often than not, discovered herself starting to doze as she began to lose interest. Arya, it seemed, was the exception. Though the other woman had much to say, and seemed to do so in long floods of words, Thalia found that she really didn't mind. In fact, far from minding, she eventually realized that she was enraptured in the other's story. She had no desire to interrupt, no cause to try to cut any part of the introduction short. Besides, what Arya said was just so heartfelt, so sincere and from her heart, that interrupting would have been the epitome of rudeness. Actually, that wasn't entirely true. Oh, cutting her Rakala off, interjecting her own comment or simply asking for silence would have pushed the very boundaries of rudeness, but it was not, quite, the pinnacle of impropriety. One other thing, one other act, counted higher.

Thalia's eyes darted downward as Arya adjusted her position, ensuring that Thalia could see her Rakala's genitals. It was the polite thing to do, of course, and while displaying one's penis was not exactly required, refusing to do so, especially after being requested, or after another had showed hers, was quite high on the list of social no-no's. Among her kind, there was even something of a ritual to the display, the wording depending on who showed theirs first. She had to dig for the words though.

"Ah um... thank you, Arya, for sharing with me your holy and divine endowment. You honor me with its display, and I humbly reciprocate, offering my own for your pleasure." The kind of pleasure was never explicitly stated, but the implication was that it could take just about any form. Once the speech was over, Thalia sat up, repositioning her legs more appropriately. Unlike Arya's garment, Thalia's was not specifically tailored to display her loins: the robes were made for practicality, rather than formality. The mages certainly had formal dress that made the display easier, and possible without being overt. At least among those with her talents, it was seen as uncouth to simply undress and put it all on display. A mage, maybe due to the secretive nature of their magic, was expected to follow custom and show, but in a way to suggest that they didn't realize anything could be seen. The social customs of the different magi clans varied greatly, and while Thalia and her peers were taught, Thalia herself had never fully grasped them. The mages didn't seem to have any need for these awkward and stilted procedures, opting instead, for a multitude of reasons, to go about their days entirely nude, or close to it. Explanations ranged from nudity being symbolic of their connection with the earth, to religious pseudo-science claims that the body absorbed magical energy directly from the earth itself, absorbed through the vagina located directly behind their balls. Clothing, allegedly, impeded this process. Realistically, it was more likely due to a complete distaste for complex social customs, the theory to which Thalia subscribed.

With clear theatrics, Thalia complained about the heat in the room, claiming that now, with the fire going well, her outer robe was unnecessary. Standing, she moved to drape the garment over the arm of a small couch against the far wall. Satisfied, she returned, her inner, somewhat shorter robe flowing gracefully around her hips and legs. Occasionally, the outline of another part of her body became visible, then disappeared, as the Sal-silk settled after each step. This time, when she sat, Thalia did her best to ensure that the bottom of her robe fell open, then crossed her legs in the direction of her Rakala, finally returning what was essentially a universal greeting between their kind.

Thalia had thought, but wasn't quite sure, that Arya was quite a bit larger than she herself was. That a Chi-Warrior was better-hung than her Rakala was not unheard-of, and really, not even uncommon. They were known to, on average, be the best endowed of the various magi clans, for reasons that hadn't yet been discovered. By contrast, the mages were more modest in length and girth, though still far surpassing a male in all measurements. While Arya hung noticeably below her own knees, the tip of Thalia's cock ended several inches below mid-thigh, not quite touching kneecap. Unlike her Rakala, Thalia was cut, in the tradition of her magi clan. All mages were cut upon entry to the academy, a tradition that didn't seem to serve any practical purpose, but was still followed because "we've always done it that way".

Now, having properly greeted her Rakala, Thalia leaned into the conversation, picking up more or less where Arya had finished. "So... these families who rival your own, how exactly do they do that? I was under the impression that the natural family of... one of us... was supposed to be the highest of nobility without actually being royalty. Just how rich can they be to compete with that? Unless they have their own..." Thalia's voice trailed off. Having been raised in the academy starting when she was an infant, she hadn't been exposed to much of the family in-fighting and politicking that apparently went on. It all, honestly, confused her, and just seemed unnecessary. Her whole life was spent at the academy. Her needs were met, and that was enough. It seemed, if she really did allow herself to be absorbed into Arya's family, that things would become far more complicated.

"I didn't know my family, obviously," Thalia admitted, feeling the shame of the fact. "As odd as that sounds," she added. "How can a futa, one of the magi, possibly not know her mother, at least? And yet..." The thought of having people around her, people who weren't required to be there, who had interests beyond what she could do, what power she could display and control, was decidedly enticing. Not yet, though.

They went on to discuss their mission, or at least what Arya believed to be their mission. Her suggestion that they take on a few side-quests first, to practice with each other and simply get used to their new lives, seemed like a very good one. "Bandits and pirates," Thalia repeated, considering. "That seems... easy enough... I guess. In Nobyi Zem? That's not too far. What, two days by carriage, day and a half by just horses? Then three on a ship? We'd have to spend a night somewhere during the first part, maybe even just set up camp." She gestured to the fireplace then. "At least I can make us a fire." Title: Re: The Raka (imjessme and Carly)
Post by: Carly on December 15, 2022, 10:29:39 pm

Arya Moonglow noticed the fact that Thalia didn't deny or confirm the rumours Arya told her that were spread among the Chi-warrior students, and sighed, before shrugging her shoulders. Perhaps they were too ridiculous to be given merit. But Arya did believe for a long time when staring at cats in the rooms she had been that more than their gaze stared back at her through their eyes. Still perhaps to entertain such things confirmed others view her family was simple. Perhaps in time the truth will become clearer. They had years to acquaint themselves with each other anyway.

What Arya definitely did appreciate was Thalia revealing her loins to her. When that happened Arya breathed in deeply, and stared at Thalia's penis for long breaths. It was true it seemed, mages were circumcised, and in Thalia's case it revealed a larger cock head than Arya was expecting. Which was a healthy sign. Although not more endowed than Arya, Arya guessed Thalia was more so than other mages. It was certainly true of the ones Arya had met, but she was sure her Rakala would have met a lot more.

As tradition, the Chi-warrior of a Raka should present their penis first, and if their cleric or mage Rakala responded by showing theirs, then it was a acceptance of both parties that the Raka was formally confirmed. Arya was very glad, for Thalia was a beauty amongst gemstones. She had heard that all fire mages had grey eyes, that mimicked the colour of ash. And Thalia confirmed the rumour. Arya wasn't as sensitive to magic as a mage would be but even she could tell Thalia was incredibly powerful. She just had that air of confidence about her that only the truly powerful had. She had met only two other mages that had the same nature, and Thalia trumped both.

"Your phallus is perfect and adorable - I am very pleased, and it just confirms my hopes about you." Arya took a breath, she couldn't smell any scent other than the odor of burning wood of the fireplace, but Thalia's pheromones still effected her, and Arya began to visualise sex with Thalia acutely. She tried to imagine what her vagina would look like. What it would feel like being inside it, what size and shape it would trigger Arya's phallus to be in order to please her. Also there was a desire to receive Thalia also. Arya began to notice changes to her body in response to these thoughts, and quickly used a Chi-technique to stop herself getting an erection. Now wasn't the time.

"As far as rival families, well, although the royal family of Shu Han try to downplay it, there is growing hostility between Galantha and traditional noble families. The virtues of Galantha relate to being perfect in body, a perfect bloodline, also they have closer ties to the common folk. The traditional nobles, who have been given merit in other ways, other than the perfection of the beauty and health of their women, pride themselves on being more able minded. Tacticians, merchants, academics, strategists. The traditional nobles go back many generations, and have developed alliances in all ways, typically by marriage, to other traditional nobles. They are also very acute at playing politics, and it is suspected that some have ties to the underworld, or criminal links. As far a how dangerous a noble family can be. Let me just explain one more detail, something which would change your view on nobles of Shu Han.

You see noble families make up the bulk of the army and navy of the nation. The royal family themselves do have some elite soldiers but they are mainly body guards or guard the palace only, they have their own royal flag ship, a galleon for when visiting other nations at sea, but only one ship. The powerful noble families have many ships, some suitable for carrying soldiers to war, or can wage war on the seas itself.

Its the noble families that have their own legionaries, that pooled together make up the standing army of the land. In time of war its the royal family that demands the noble families fall in line and serve one cause. But make no mistake, the soldiers are more loyal to who pays for their meals and pays them well than any honour of dying for the sake of pleasing a royal command. Each noble family is expected to have as many soldiers or navy as they can practically afford. It has been less an issue during this golden age, the age of peace between countries. But noble families do sometimes war on other noble families, and civil war happens when some plan to over-throw the royal family and seat their own linage on the throne.

My family has no soldiers or navy as yet, but we have impressive profits from the last ten years of trade. We could easily fund having them, but so far have chosen not to. Nor do we have any experience in leading soldiers. But the Juckarans most definitely does have an army, their signet being a stylised hawk holding a branch. My mother thinks they are spreading rumours about my family and shaming us as a political lead up to perhaps wiping us out. If they can gather support from other noble families, and have strong alliances with them, the royal family will be powerless to do anything about it, unless they risk revolt. Nobles have paid for assassinations on other rival noble families in the past also, which is another thing my mother fears.

The Osleys have a signet of two quills crossed, and it was their family that fathomed the breakthrough on how to have dried fruit and vegetables such as tomatoes, for long term storage and export. Their other members are also talented sages and academics. Although they have a small army themselves, they have large political power, and can likely sway other noble families to ally one way or another.

The Moonglows, my family, have made profits above all the other noble families in the past six years running, money we have banked and not used to fund soldiers or a navy. Although we have bought two trading ships - which we hire escort for in case of pirates. Our success has made other noble families jealous. They still have more assets than we do, but not as much liquid gold. To make matters worse, our estates are more scenic and beautiful than most other nobles estates in Shu Han, we have mountains in the backdrop, fresh mountain rivers flowing through our pastures, our own forest, water falls, and just to add insult to injury to the other nobles, we have better weather. The lands we have now have always been coveted, but my family having them and making them so prosperous has just fuelled the flames in those hungry for more. The other Galantha noble families of Shu Han are not as successful and have gathered little attention, their estates not as productive or prosperous.

Make no mistake Thalia, although the royal family of Shu Han is the most powerful family in the land, its the nobles who rule Shu Han more than by royal decree. And the royal family is not powerful enough to face some of the noble families being in alliance against them. The respect magi get by the royal families in all lands, and how immersive magi are in the culture of the common folk, fuels the traditional noble's jealousy of the Galantha. Although they would be fools to say so, many traditional nobles hate magi for what we stand for. They just can't accept anyone could be better than them in such a personal regard. In their minds, they worked to get noble titles, and Ganaltha were just given them, they will never truly respect Ganaltha's as equals."

Arya then paused for a moment as a log in the fire spit sparks loudly for a moment, breaking her train of worry about politics.

"I can't say I understand how it is to be in your shoes and grow up without a blood-family. I don't understand how a mother wouldn't be proud of you, nor want a noble position and titles, estates and all that goes with it. The reason behind you being an orphan may be more complex, or a harder truth. But please know, all my family, especially myself and my mother, would be honoured if you become part of ours. My mother has more than enough natural love to go around if that helps ease the pain of your past. I for one like you as best I can from what impressions I have of you. But as far as our first mission goes ..."

Suddenly the door to their room opened without warning.

This typically was the action of a Master, as servants always knocked, introduced themselves and asked permission to enter first.
Master-mentors felt no such compulsion. Sure enough, a hooded-robed woman entered, and judging by the robes, it was a master mage.

"Forgive the interruption initiates, but you have been talking longer than I care to wait for you to finish. I understand the formalisation of a Raka is important, and normally I would give you more time, but due to special circumstances which I will make clear shortly, there were several waiting for your audience. Besides I was eavesdropping, and heard you both begin to talk of the mission which seemed invitation enough for me. I am Master-Lisah"

Master-mage Lisah

The master-mage then clapped her hands "Sopha, Elaine, Eva, Rayne feel free to enter, the initiates are ready for us !" At this several women, four additional ones in total, entered. All were dressed very differently from each other, and none either Arya or Thalia had seen before.

"Thalia and Arya, you have been pressed harder than we have done for other students, and you have both succeeded in battle-prowess beyond our expectations. This is excellent news for the masters, as it means you are prepared for a type of assignment only the best Raka could be worthy of. Your Masters have mentioned your faults, and your weaknesses, but rest assured, you are both our best hopes for being worthwhile. First introductions are in order. For those with me already, Arya is the Initiate with her hair done in a pony tail who is a Chi-warrior specialising in swords, the other who has their hair loose is Thalia, who is a potent fire mage who has mastered the Yoneth form."

Most of the women simply nodded, the two that didn't display worn weapons curtsied instead.

"Thalia and Arya, although the masters have matched you together, you both will not be on assignments alone, for you will both have the dedicated services of a special ship and its crew as well as certain specialised personnel. This is Sopha" And with that comment, a woman in a white cloak and custom leather armour stepped forward.


"Sopha grew up on the streets of Ahmrat Jen as an orphan. Although her skills in battle do not compare to a Chi-warrior she is extremely good at reading people and predicting fights, and is excellent with concealed blades and improvised weapons. She is fights fast and dirty, and is VERY good at doing so. Her role is body guard, and liaison for any mundane activities required by either of you" Sopha cocked her head to the side momentarily before she stepped back

"Elaine please step forward." At this a red-haired woman in half plate body armour did so.


"Elaine is battle trained, but her core strengths are strategy and tactics. Although she doesn't have the street smarts Sopha has, she knows how to behave in high-society, among nobles and royalty - and has been good at predicting their actions, especially on the battle field when they are in command of many. She has noble blood herself, alas like Sopha, she is human and not a magi, but her expertise for reading the enemy and formulating battle plans is second to none" Elaine then stepped back.

"Eva your next" A woman not wearing armour of any kind, but with perfectly straight long white hair silently moved forward.


"Eva is a magi, but not gifted as a cleric, mage or chi-warrior, but she does has one remarkable talent however. For just by sleeping next to any scrolls, letters, books or tomes, she wakes with their contents memorised perfectly- magically even if the letters and books stay unopened, regardless of what languages they are written in. She can even draw sketches within them herself - for what she memorises this way she has perfect recall. She learned of this talent accidentally early, and has slept next to books on a large array of topics since, making her the perfect sage and advisor for the team." Eva smiled before retreating in a corner of the room

"Lastly this is Rayne" At this a woman wearing makeup stood forward with hands on her hips, giving the initiates a haughty smile as if she knew something they didn't.


"Rayne is also a magi that is unusual. Rayne and Eva are each others Rakala, and together are the most unique Raka we have, but neither suit combat as neither have battle related magical abilities. They do know their way around a sword though, but their skills with swords is on par with the average swordsman.

Rayne is gifted in being able to predict weather, and can sense winds in different areas close by instinctively. She also has a remarkable ability to effect a certain magical ore called Oralite. Oralite, as Thalia no doubt knows absorbs mana from the environment, especially during times of change of weather, and is used to create enchanted items. Well Rayne can make Oralite lighter or heavier, to the extreme, even lighter than air, so much so she can make the ore fall into the sky. She can do this at a range, with precision, with considerable force, and can do so effortlessly for extended durations. She is the key that has made a certain dream of the Keroh masters possible.

For thanks to mainly Rayne, but also many ship-wrights, we finally have a ship infused with Oralite that can float and fly.

It took years of experimenting with Rayne, but indeed a flying ship has been made which is both of yours to command.

We here on Keroh, in secret, and at considerable expense, have recently built such a ship, which is also sea-worthy. All extensive tests we have put it through have passed with resounding success. Rayne is however vital to send it either floating up into the sky and staying there, or descending to float on the sea, river or a lake. Wind is still needed to propel the ship in a direction other than up or down however. As such, the ship needs mundane sailors still to man the sails, the sailors number twelve in total. The ships-hands including the chef number three. All are women, know how to fight and have been chosen due to their loyalty. Rayne is Captain of the ship, and has the ultimate say on all things related to it other than the main mission the ship is on and the mission itself, which is where you both come in Thalia and Arya."

The master then produced a scroll out of her robes and unfolded it on the table between Thalia and Arya.


"This sketch is an artists depiction of what the ship looks like in fight. The ship is one of its kind as you have gathered. Unless another like Rayne gets born, there will be no other like her. The ship is of course a woman, Her name is Lady Sparrow. And she will be both of your core means of transport, as well as all of your main accommodation. She will be your home and more for the foreseeable future for all of you. I hope you will grow to love her as much as the masters do.

As powerful as magi are, there have been issues as far as organising transport for them, as doing so alerts others of their coming, and sometimes that hasn't always gone our way. Lady Sparrow solves this, as well as something else I will give you Thalia. Its a magic scroll."

The master mage handed a scroll to Thalia, that looked more or less normal other than its colour was green, not off brown. It had a simple white silk ribbon tied around it in a loose bow, keeping it rolled up in a cylinder shape.

"I have a sister magical scroll, and whatever is written on one is immediately seen on the other and vice versa, with all ink being cleared from them both at dawn and dusk each day. I will have your sister magic scroll with me always, and will check it frequently for updates from you all. This ensures our mission suggestions and communication between your team and your masters at Keroh are not known by others and stays secret. Furthermore, the exact mission you choose to do out of the ones masters like myself suggest via the scroll is up to all of you to decide. Please understand that the mission leaders are you both Thalia and Arya. But the others exist to support your endeavours, so don't take advantage of them, especially Rayne and Eva, for know they are valuable magi also. They will follow both of you as leaders however due to your performance as students, raw talent and dedication to the magic arts.

They are to be protected, for as valuable as both of you are, Rayne and Eva are also unique, but the loss of Sopha or Elaine would also be a crippling blow to what you all as a team can accomplish. None of you are easily replaceable, and you must ensure the safety of each other as best you can. This is especially true of you Arya, Arya you need to protect everyone if its in your means to do so.

The Free Kingdoms are in a golden age, but only as far as them not actively waring with each other. But make no mistake, you all as a team are needed. Although some suspect demons rising again in Ravka, all lands are having problems currently. Something we have shielded the students from until this moment. For in FJerda, the dwarves have reported monsters appearing in their lands from the east. In Shu Han, some noble families are gearing up for civil war, and in Novyi Zem bandits and pirates are dominating trade, and everywhere criminal gangs are gaining increasing control of the cities.

The six of you together is code named team Angel, and are combined, Keroh's greatest asset. Lady Sparrow and Angel were made for each other, and its not coincidence both have become ready at the same time. Now without further adue, all please make your way to the docks and board the Lady Sparrow, Rayne will show you both to your shared cabin. The sooner Angel is away on the Lady Sparrow, the more relieved all masters of Keroh will be. For Lady Sparrow and you all represent a kings ransom in investment for peace for the Free Kingdoms. This day is a milestone for a decade in careful planning by the major master magi of this island. Arya, Thalia, welcome to the team. It is time for the Lady Sparrow's maiden voyage."
Thalia began feeling the small tingle at the base of her neck long before Lisah entered the room. Really, she began to notice something was up while Arya was still explaining the situation with the Shu Han family, and their standing with the other nobles. Politics, unfortunately, often went over Thalia's head. Maybe if she had been raised in a proper family, in a situation where peaceful and even cordial relations with other powerful families meant success or failure of your own fortunes, then politics might have carried some more weight.

It wasn't that she didn't understand, it was that she didn't care. Thalia was a mage, a warrior, taught to fight, to survive, to bring down her enemies and to defend her friends... whatever friends she had... Though, she had a friend now, didn't she? Arya, her Rakala, was supposed to be that, and more: companion, life partner, lover to one degree or another. Right now, this friend was imparting wisdom that she deemed important, and the best Thalia could do was stay silent, but mostly let the words just kind of... flow past her. That... wasn't going to work, not if the Raka was going to last, and the two Rakala were to survive. It then struck her as odd that their roles, to an extent, seemed to have been reversed. Traditionally, or at least stereotypically, the mages were seen to be the more bookish, the more interested in the minutiae of an adventure and its background. Here, though, Arya, the Chi-Warrior, was by far the more knowledgeable.

There were, at least, a few points that Thalia managed to cling on to; points which stood out, and upon which she felt she needed to comment. "Your family has made themselves targets," she said, without trying to soften her point. "One big target, it would seem. You say that the other families mostly can't afford a single ship, yet you have two. Granted, there's a difference between a military ship and a trader, but either one seems to be out of reach for most. Your success has put you in the spotlight, and apparently, in somebody's crosshairs. So then..." Thalia crossed her arms beneath her breasts, then cocked her head to the side. "These families; Juckaran, Galantha, are they just rich noble families, or were they elevated due to having magi among them? Because... it seems like it could be very dangerous, very stupid to attack a family who was made noble by giving birth to a magus. You should have special protections, right? Something? Even if not, or not officially, I can't imagine that the people would put up with... given our... mythical status and all... wouldn't there be some kind of... uprising or...?"

Arya pivoted the conversation, talking about how the Moonglows would welcome Thalia as one of their own, and she thought she started to understand just why they would be so eager to include another magus. Maybe that wasn't it, maybe their intentions were nothing but honorable, and they probably were, if Arya was any indication of the rest of them. Still, only a fool would fail to understand just how much another magical warrior among their ranks might shift the political conversation.

The tingle had been growing steadily, and Thalia was familiar with it enough that she knew the exact moment when a master-mage was about to enter the same room. Sure enough, on cue, the doors to the room opened, and five women stepped in. The introduction, at least of title, was more for Arya's sake: no mage could possibly mistake the status of a master-mage, even if only due to the small magic tension their attention created at the very top of the spine, or likewise, at its release the moment their eyes met. The name, however, was unknown until it was spoken.

Immediately, or at least as quickly as was reasonably possible, Thalia turned to face Lisah, lowered her head deferentially, then spread the lower half of her robe, fully revealing cock and balls, without the use of any cute positions or poses, so that the view was entirely unobstructed. Such was the custom when meeting a master-mage, the gesture used similarly to a military salute. Lisah didn't return the display, which in these circumstances wasn't considered rude, especially if the situation or conversation was urgent.

At first, Thalia was a little confused: Rakas usually ventured out alone together, the two Rakalas needing only each other. Often, other companions could be picked up along the way, as needed, either as temporary help, or permanent additions to what was called an En-Raka, which referred to the Raka itself, the two magi, and their various non-magi crew. Having an En-Raka from the very beginning implied... well, many things, the most obvious of which was that the mission ahead of them was expected to be difficult, or dangerous, or both.

Thalia watched, and listened, as each woman was introduced, especially noting Eva, and her unique talents. There was an attraction there, not only for the looks of the straight-haired blonde futa, but also for her skills, and how Thalia could utilize them to maybe catch up to her Rakala's knowledge of the world. Eva could act as tutor, and one far more interesting, in several ways, than the teachers at the academy. As she studied the other, Thalia noticed pale eyes, which seemed to shift between green and blue, studying her back. Eva had seen the display a moment before, had seen Thalia's cock, and her eyes now seemed focused on that area of the robe which now covered them again.

Thalia... felt something. Her cock was doing something, and a moment later, her balls as well, though she couldn't quite tell what. The feeling was similar to the start of an erection, as blood flowed down and into her long shaft, but it wasn't the same. She thought she'd experienced it before, but not often, and when no erection appeared, she thought she understood: Eva was transmitting her own desired shape for Thalia's genitals and, picking up on the signal, Thalia's body was reacting, adjusting and reshaping. She tried not to blush, tried not to notice what was happening, and managed to do so only because Lisah's final introduction was so absolutely astounding, so distracting and unexpected, that even a full erection would have faltered.

Just after discussing how rare ships were, even among the wealthiest families, they were to be given one, one that could fly. The idea was absurd, it was impossible, it was... exciting.

Thalia hadn't been carrying anything herself, other than the clothes, food, magical trinkets, and other sundries in her Renki ring, and so she had no bags to stow, either in their shared quarters, nor below decks. This meant that when they entered, she and Arya, she was unencumbered, and able to take in her surroundings.

The two Rakala were to be quartered at the aft end of the ship, in what would have been the captain's quarters on a normal sailing vessel. It was, other than the main cargo hold, the most spacious enclosed area, not to mention, by far, the most luxurious. Rugs covered most of the wooden deck, with benches against the bulkheads to either side. A round table dominated the very center of the room, with half a dozen very expensive-looking chairs positioned around it. Against the forward wall stood a chart table, along with a holder for ten or more rolled maps. At the very aft, beneath three large, arched windows, sat a very large, very singular bed.

Thalia stood next to Arya as they both observed the apparent intended sleeping arrangement. "I guess we're sharing," she mused. "You'd better not snore."

As the "intruders" where in turn introduced to Thalia and Arya, a few more things made sense. Arya did notice her masters did push her harder than her fellow students throughout the years, and was thankful she wasn't alone, and that it was for a purpose. A "test" that was passed, and by the sound of it a high honour to be in charge of a specialised team. The most talented one's the masters have put together yet.

Arya noticed that Eva didn't look at Arya for long, and had her eyes trained on Thalia, well more specifically her privates. Her eyes went wide seeing Thalia formally greet a master mage. Arya, being a Chi-warrior didn't have any formal greeting rituals to master mages that were not Chi-warriors, but it seemed Eva liked what she saw of Thalia, and Arya's excellent senses detected more.

She could see Thalia's phallus growing in response to Eva, and in turn Eva's own phallus grew too. They were adjusting to each other's vagina. Some may assume Arya would be offended that this wasn't happening between Thalia and herself, but Arya only saw it as a good sign. For Rakala took time to adjust to the other, and if Eva and Thalia hit it off before Arya and Thalia did - or were more active with each other sexually, that wasn't an affront to Arya. For it was known to happen, and when it did, it bonded more than one Raka together. Typically there would be one or two of the four that were the prime lovers of them all, and that was natural. In this case Arya gathered Thalia may be the sexual key for all four of the magi in getting along.

Even if Thalia nor Arya had sex with Rayne, the fact if Thalia and Eva could be active would be more than enough to ensure the two Raka would work as an effective team, creating what was formally known as a "Ser-Raka", and if Eva and Thalia were the key lovers combining both, their titles would change to "Ser-Rakala". En-Raka, of course, was the name of a group of people of a mixture between the standard races as well as magi, which were under the magi leadership.

From what was explained by Master Lisah, an En-Raka for them had already been organised, technically it meant any working with non-magi including magi themselves, but in practice the ships sailors would not be involved in most actions. And in all likelihood Rayne and Eva would likely have to be kept safe.

Arya assumed she mostly would deal with Sopha and Elaine for a lot of what a Chi-warrior and core protector of a Ser-Raka would have to do. And frankly Arya thought it very likely that Eva would bond perhaps even more closely to Thalia than herself - this would definitely be the case mentally, as both were mind-focused, where Arya was more action-focused. And Thalia, being the mind of the Raka would more likely value Eva's opinion as the sage and teams advisor over Arya's own.

Arya didn't mind how things seemed to be shaping out. Besides, with any luck, it wouldn't be a matter of competition, far from it, more an extended family, larger than one Raka. Such things were known to generally turn out well, even though they sounded like complexity out of hand to those that were not magi.

But it working out well was only the case when romance wasn't entertained. If one of them fell in love however, that's when things got truly complicated. But it was ingrained in all students who were magi that there will be no time for romance anyway. Arya mainly smiled broadly at what seemed to be happening. Both Rayne and Eva were special and being the protector of all the magi elevated Arya's position, even amongst magi, for not only was Arya the Chi-warrior Alune, but also a Ser-Raka member by the looks Eva and Thalia gave each other - as well as the response their genitals had from each others presence. It was the highest honour one could hope for being so early in her career as a trained magi.

Arya though to say something to confirm her approval of anything intimate happening between Eva and Thalia, as although such bonding was a good sign and encouraged culturally within magi, Arya thought her personal approval may also ease Thalia's inclinations, but it turned out other things happened in quick succession.... Before Arya knew it the were on board the ship. The ship was made of light-coloured wood, that seemed sanded to perfection. All its finishings were marine bronze, and it was obvious no expense was spared making the fine vessel.

The mission leaders cabin was shown to Arya and Thalia, and Arya whistled appreciately seeing how well it was laid out. It screamed style as well as functionality.

"Well I am not really sure if I snore, I have always slept alone up until now ... "

Rayne then entered with Eva in tow, without knocking, this wasn't considered rude as all magi considered others as close as family, and could intrude on each others personal space at whim. It was the culturally accepted thing, but for some it took some getting used to.

"Yes these are your quarters, Eva and I don't mind that you both are deemed more important than us and will lead all missions and have individual say that has more authority than us, for although Eva and I have incredibly useful and rare talents, it will be both of you in the thick of danger most of the time - and that comes with certain perks." Rayne explained, her hands again on her hips, chin high. See definitely had an air of being the Captain of the Ship. Which she was. And proud of the fact too. She certainly had the attitude for being a Captain.

"Do feel fee to both roam the lower decks, as well as inspect our cabin if your curious, both Sopha and Elaine share a rear deck together in a cabin room adjacent to ours both of which is directly below this one. We have supplies for over three months without needing to re-supply. We have swords and daggers, shields, chain mail and bows and arrows to equip all sailors in case its needed. All sailors have fighting, sailoring, fishing and carpentry skills, and can follow the direction of the lead carpenter in case of repairs being needed. The main carpenter is called Fiona, who doubles as a bronze-alloy smith, she is excellent at both and knows how to get others to follow her lead. The sailors respect her. The Chef's name is Linda, and the Cabin girl is Holly. The cabin girl's main job is to keep the cabins clean, including the privy, as well as perform any day to day duties required of us magi. And yes each cabin has a proper privy, not a chamber pot. Meals can be sent to your cabin if needed.

Below decks, there is spare sails and rope, the sailors quarters, which are mainly hammocks and a marine trunk for their goods. Dedicated kitchens, privies, a mess, an armoury, crafting station, wood and oralite repair-supplies, food and water crates and barrels as well as cargo space of around one hundred cubic feat for purposes we may need later. Being the mission leaders both of you outrank us all, but please be advised that Elaine, Sopha, myself and Eva know our specialty, so ignore or over-rule our opinion only if you have good cause. Welcome to the Lady Sparrow both of you. The master wants us to set sail as soon as possible. Thalia, due to you being the head mage, its your order which the master is waiting on"
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