Mx Female Modern, slice-of-life adventures with multiple characters


Jan 1, 2023
Hi! Just a quick information for now, I'll try to expand it further later.

What am I looking for?
I'm mostly into modern (possibly also fantasy) slice of life themes - slow, light-hearted stories with fair dose of smut. Mainly seeking RPs including one main character and multiple of NPCs, either played by me or the partner.

What style do I RP in?
I usually play in third person. In terms of post length - I think that one-two para posts provide the best balance between the dynamics and number of details, but that - of course - depends on the scene being played. I would prefer to play on the Discord, but I am also open to playing in PMs if that is your preference.

I'm not really into any dark, violent or disgusting themes. I tend to avoid overly sexualized RPs, just because they get boring really, really fast. Also, not into any fandoms - just because in most cases I don't know them and I won't be able to provide satisfying experience either for me or for my partner.



If you find this thread interesting, or just want to talk about it further, feel free to drop a PM or ask me for my discord!
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