Mx Female Alchemist's Emporium - Employees wanted, willing or otherwise! Other ideas added

A Journey

Jun 23, 2020
Fast acting healing potions, anti-ageing lotions and spell enhancing drinks, this shop has them all, each concoction seemingly more impressive (and more expensive) than the last. As would be the case for any alchemist that wants to keep earning a living, the secrets behind their creation are a closely guarded secret, known only to the proprietor and his most trusted employees.

However, the creation of the items that line the shelves are a secret for more reasons than simply to keep competitors at bay.

Behind closed doors, elves are forced into a state of perpetual arousal to harness their fluids for potions, lesser demons have their horns broken off, reshaped or filed, then left to grow back and start the process all over again, to say nothing of the various uses for virgin blood, even from non-magical creatures. Captured creatures of various races are used as little more than a source of valuable ingredients for alchemy.

The most broken, subservient or well trained are permitted to help with the various tasks in or around the shop, with the strictest of orders governing what they can say or do, especially around customers unless they want to return to their previous life alongside their sisters.

These are simply brief examples of ways to get involved with the shop. Feel free to bring your own, and more than happy to flesh the ideas below out further for whatever you have in mind before playing.

So you've heard about how the item shop makes its goods, perhaps it came from a slave that was less broken than he believed, maybe you interrogated a slaver on just where his latest stock came from, or through some other means.

But those captured creatures have to be caught somehow. Perhaps you're unaware the shopkeeper started out as an adventurer and is more competent than you expected. Maybe you came with a party for a numerical advantage but underestimated his home field advantage. Perhaps you just got unlucky and a loyal slave you 'freed' knocks you out cold while you're distracted.

You and anyone you brought with you are in his clutches now, alongside those you came to save. Better hope you're a worthwhile specimen...

This could go any number of ways. A fresh capture, unruly and in need of breaking in, a well trained, valuable purchase, or someone less involved, perhaps a guard or mercenary hired for their lack of morals or compassion, increasingly dragged into the seedy side of the business.

Perhaps you were the first step on the shop owner's journey. Exploring your body and making use of its properties is what led him to found his business. Captured or willing, broken or subservient, made to accept her role or taking pride and pleasure in it, you're his faithful right hand, ensuring things run smoothly both on the shop floor and in the back of it.

Typically, most people that get hired by the shop end up working there for life, but they rarely know that going in. Perhaps you're hired to escort the owner on a business trip as a guard, or working behind the counter to pay off your debt for the expensive potion you needed. Either way, you're probably going to get involved in ways that you hadn't expected when you were hired.

Happy to play the item shop in any of these forms, and happy to progress through them if desired as the RP progresses.

Hasn't even come up with the idea of an item shop that extracts ingredients from employees yet, just a travelling alchemist's shop. This is the very beginning of the story! By accident or out of curiosity, initial tests are performed and the valuable nature of other creatures are discovered.

A simple travelling alchemist with a wagon, a horse, basic equipment and at most a handful of creatures, likely none of them too dangerous.

At least two large carts, one for the shopkeeper, alchemical equipment and finished goods, the other(s) for 'employees'. There may be some guards, or at the very least some loyal members of the shop capable of combat.

A shop with a basement. Some of the more troublesome employees may have been sold due to the lack of space to keep them properly restrained yet productive, however, with a proper shop and the funds from doing so, there should be more than enough startup funds to make a success of it and start making connections.

A vast basement, with numerous improvements for housing particularly dangerous (and valuable) creatures, the local nobles are likely paid to look the other way or are actively purchasing goods from the item shop at this point. Variety and number of creatures are plentiful.

That's about the gist of it, NSFW f-list profile with more information, pictures, some possible employees, kinks, etc. here.

I'm a literate, multi-para roleplayer with several years of experience under my belt and I like to think I'm pretty easygoing and friendly. I'm more than happy to come up with ideas of my own, listen to your own or discuss things if you're struggling to come up with ideas but are interested in playing in any of the scenarios above.

What more could you want to know?

Not everyone's into fantasy and I'm not exclusively into it either. Here are some other settings and ideas.

As much as I've enjoyed shows like The Mandalorian, I'm much more interested in characters that can use the Force, primarily Sith given the sorts of themes I enjoy. For those reasons, the Old Republic era with its abundance of force sensitives is likely the best fit.

This could go either way, with a Sith Master taking in a skilled (and attractive) apprentice, always seeming to find one reason or another to 'punish' her, be that a disappointing showing during training, failing to follow orders to the letter, or her latest failed attempt to strike her master down.
Alternatively, a Sith Master takes in a promising apprentice, only to find out that he's better at manipulating minds with the Force than she is at resisting such manipulation. Perhaps she's still more skilled in other facets, or maybe she's bested completely despite having had many more years of dedicated training. Rather than killing her, however, he's happy to use her to his benefit. She could end up holding onto some of her pride in public while being forced to cater to the whims of her apprentice in private, or be more publicly humbled. Either way, there are far more enjoyable things to do with your former Master than simply killing them.

Light and dark, good and evil, Sith and Jedi. While they usually get on about as well as oil and water, such a clash can still be fun. Perhaps the pair are long-time rivals, giving as good as they get, or their 'rivalry' is entirely one-sided, with their Jedi counterpart always finding themselves outdueled, outmanoeuvred or outgunned. But, every other time, things didn't go quite perfectly from there. The plucky cast of side-characters broke her out of the transport taking her to a high-security cell, a handy vent just big enough for her to climb out of happened to be in her holding cell... You get the idea. But not this time. Aboard a capital ship with a full contingent of soldiers, the Sith that caught her onboard and perhaps others besides, escape or rescue is a distant hope. Of course, it could be their first time meeting, and by sheer bad luck they just happened to get themselves completely and thoroughly captured by their enemy.
From there, the futility of resistance, their faith in the Force and their morals are gradually eroded through the many means available to a Sith, likely culminating in a fresh Sith apprentice.

Who doesn't love superheroes, superheroines, and of course supervillains to oppose them? I'm very flexible with the setting and the character(s) I'm playing across from here, though I do have a type of character/power in mind for myself, so I'm not intending to take requests that I play as some canon character or another. To be clear though, I'm happy for my partner to play a canon character or characters.

In brief, I like the idea of playing a villain or at least an anti-hero with power-nullification. Depending on the scale and power level desired, his ability to activate his powers could range from needing to directly touch the target, needing line of sight, or in the most extreme case, simply knowing about them, their power, and being within a certain range.
Other elements that could be included are his power being able to actually weaken whoever it's used on, making them not merely a normal, non-powered person, but practically helpless, or the power being in some way addictive, corrupting the target over some period of time that's up for discussion.
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Looking for a new person to play with! Added an 'Other stuff' section with some pretty loose non-alchemy/item shop ideas that can be discussed further if desired.
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