Mx Female The Gangbang Bandits! Barbarian Warlord Ravishers! (Heavily-muscled)

The Abusive Dominator

Oct 29, 2019

Rodney, Rowie, and Dreavan are comrades in arms in the art and craft of combat. Ostracized from their elite military organization for questionable activities, the three close-knit group decided to ply their trade among wealthy nobles. The problem was, it was an age of chaos and most, if not all nobles in the province of Farsas were too occupied warring against the mightier kingdom of Relonn.

Rowie, being the brains of the group, concluded that the three merry and mighty band of friends should go on an adventure, unperturbed by bullshit laws and bedding as many women as they could. Honor, he said, should be abandoned for profit. Strength should rule, not politics. So the three went on a journey towards undiscovered areas... And they meet your character.


That's the plot! Send me a whisper if you are interested. In your message, please tell me about your literacy level. And also your kinks and limits. Thank you.
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