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Infection Academy w/Jacqueline Vile


Mystical Artifact
Apr 1, 2017
The Cosmos

Sunleth Academy
Sunleth is an all-boys academy that is well known across the land for its high excellence and produces exceptional students. It is the pride and joy of the town, and it is an honor of families to have their sons attend such an academy. However, these days, things took a strange turn as the students are becoming sick. Not a lot of them, a small portion of the student body developed a strange sickness and couldn’t attend school as of now. A rumor is going around as the sickness started when these strange blue flowers started to sprout in the outskirts. Some believe that these mysterious flowers are cursed, but it’s just that; rumors. It is a strange occurrence, but nothing too serious. However, Alvin Burnside, is starting to feel sick already and is in the nurse's office just to be sure that he does have the illness. Thankfully, It is just a cold, and would have to sit out of his classes and club activities for a while. Still, it sucks since he has things to do, but wishes that he has some company.
Alexander Kinkaid stood at the whiteboard, reviewing submitted homework, his class having ended just about 15 minutes prior. By now the students were out in the courtyard, enjoying the rest of the day in the sun after classes had ended. He flipped through, marking grammar and spelling errors, and then, once through, he placed them in a folder to take to Rachelle, who worked in the office running the copy machine. He'd need to have copies made to place in student records before handing the originals back to the students.
He had taken a liking to his students. Most of them were smart, driven, talented individuals. all of them thought he was a student as well when he first arrived and new arrivals often made the same mistake. Even though he'd dealt with it for so long, it still felt awkward when students decided to flirt with him.
He stood up with his folder and proceeded towards the door.
"Alvin!" His buddy Benji ran over past the nurse, almost bumping into her. "ooh sorry ma'am." He immediately turned to Alvin and sat on a stool next to the bed. "bro you good? I heard there's this really weird sickness that's been going around. The nurses didn't say anything about you having it, right?"
Alvin turns to Benji and sighs. “I’m fine, its just a cold.” He said, feeling dejected. “But still, i’ll have to skip school for a day or two. I hope they will understand. Could you inform the student council if you can?” He asked him, since he is a part of the council, he would be leaving some work behind. Personally, he doesn’t believe in the rumors, its just a silly thing passed around. “Ugh…I am not looking forward to the missing assignments.”

Standing at the public board is the science teacher Ray Foley as he seems to be thinking about something. It is as if he is ignoring the outside world, but his train of thought is broken once he hears students nearby talking about the blue flowers. Yes, the plants that appeared a few days ago, and students suddenly became sick as a result. This cannot be a coincidence, he was thinking about getting a sample so he could study it.
Benji pulled out his phone and sent a text through the group chat. "No problem Al. Should I tell them you won't be able to show up for the meeting tomorrow? or do you think you might be feeling up to it by then?"
Alex continued on, passing by Ray Foley and then stopped, taking a few steps back. "What's on your mind, Foley? You have that look you get whenever you get stuck on something." He stood next to Ray and looked up at the public board, wondering what Ray could be looking for. "Or are you just being OCD about the board's organization again?"
“Yeah, I don’t think that i’ll make it there. I don’t want the others to catch it, you know? I’m already becoming dizzy.” He sighs as he snuggles his covers. “Ugh I think the pills are kicking in, it’s making me tired.”

“Ah” Ray jumps, turning to Alex. “Ah, I was just curious about the blue flowers. Have you seen or heard of them? There is something odd about them, don’t you think? Ever since they appeared, people around town started to become sick, including some of the students.” He frowns, thinking again. “What do you think?”
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