Mx Female The Man of the House (NSFW)


Self-Proclaimed best Cuddler
Dec 3, 2022
The Man of the House
My life is pretty great. My mother has a job working from home as an HR manager for some medical company, which means she gets payed way too much to sit at home and answer emails all day. So much, in fact, that most of my family lives with us, including my aunt Carol and her daughters.

There are nine of us that all live together, and I’m the only Male. Some people try to apologize for that, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I mean, I love my sisters, even if they love to gang up on me and tease me. I’ve had to start bringing extra towels into the shower with me because they’ll steal them. My clothes are hidden too, after they made me take a special video a couple months ago to get them back after an especially thorough closet raid.

Despite that, I love them a lot. They’ve helped me out in school, and get along great with my girlfriend, so I’ve got no complaints. They’re all a good bunch, and taught me so much!

Occasionally we’ll all get to do things together too. No Clothes Saturdays are a lot of fun, especially when mom has a business meeting and has to put on clothes. The consequences are my favorite part.

As the man of the house I have lots of responsibilities to keep them all satisfied, but I do my part to help everyone out.

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