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Mx Female What about minions? A not-so-superheroic adventure about the little people


Jun 24, 2022
This thread is focused on one, specific GMed story I want to tell with you. For information that is not about this focused story, check out my other thread.





Minion (not that one).

For everyone big dick swinging supervillain on the scene, for every caped crusader with a gleam in their knuckles, there are goons. Dozens of the poor fuckers.

Let's tell their story.

Your Character

You will take on the role (in 3rd person, past tense) of an entry level goon. Your character is a woman between the ages of 18 and 35, a loner with few personal ties and no family. Preferably an orphan or foster child with few concrete prospects. Henching is a diverse profession that welcomes newcomers of all backgrounds.

How did she get involved?

[ a ] Press ganged: it wasn't her choice. She was one of a dozen hostages kidnapped in a high stakes bank robbery, and when the gunsmoke cleared she was given two options: 1) put on a mask, join up with the crew, and get an exciting new career or 2) find out how much hot screaming lead her skull could handle.
[ b ] Competitive selection: not only did your character apply, but she made it through the group interview with two great big bloody thumbs up. She had to wipe a solid pint of blood out of her hair, that was a little awkward, but it turns out to be real cut throat once you get to the interview stage.
[ c ] Desperate for cash: she had plenty of options, but no real choices. Name a job that doesn't involve a master's degree or getting naked for strangers that can net you $2000 for a night's work. Sure it doesn't have benefits, but neither does stripping.

Who does she work for?

[ a ] Dr. Knucklefuck: a "scientist" addicted to old super soldier serum. Before the good doctor (not a real doctor) beat down Ultimatum at Madison Square Garden or raided a top secret military armory in the heart of Brooklyn, he was a graduate student obsessed with curing the rare cancer that killed his mother during his childhood. He, too, fell victim to the same genetic timebomb, but he came upon an experimental course of treatment. He's still alive, but he's not as smart as he used to be, and he's oozing aggression that can only be temporarily soothed by fighting or fucking. Each minion is assigned a total rad, awesome nickname and an obligatory pose.
[ b ] Major Presto!: After an unfortunate incident in which he did not quite saw an audience member in half--the bitch survived--Alford Maisson pledged his undying loyalty to Odin Glad O' War. As you may begin to imagine, Odin is not a good guy and Major Presto! has done nothing good for society with his new powers. But he does pay well, and you only have to fulfill strange arcane rites every two or three weeks. As a matter of fact, he mostly steals and takes hostages, and when he's not doing that he's fulfilling dark and fell obligations to his lord Odin. Each minion is given a mysterious, ethereal stage name paired with a military rank.
[ c ] C-Suite: pronounced "see sweet." This dapper gentleman wears a classic white diamond mask and only the finest in collarless silk suits. You get to wear business casual, cross trainers, and kevlar. C-Suite smuggles illicit goods, transport human cargo, and deals in exotic alien fashions. When he's not busy drumming up work for the organization he's enforcing his organization's first and most important rule: up or out. Each minion is assigned a department, rank and a number.

What does she really want?

[ a ] The Big Time: all this shit is just prelude. You're getting experience under your belt, skimming what you can off the top, and making connections. People are going to scare their kids with your nom de guerre, your costume will synthesize menace with haute couture, and you will be seen. And if you have to kill your boss and take over his organization to make it happen, well, maybe that's not your first choice but it's not the last either, is it?
[ b ] One Big Score: this costume game is all well and good, and fame is always beckoning to the insecure, but you've got your eyes on the prize: financial independence. Sure you can get $2000 here, $750 there, and up to $8000 on a good night but every time it gets big the villain fucks it up or some hero shows up and fucks it up for him. If only she could pull off the perfect heist she'd never have to do this again.
[ c ] Diamond in the Rough: your character lost someone to this life: sibling, parent, lover, friend, or ward. The last you heard they were working for this fucker, and you're trying to suss out details without getting trapped.

Who is her enemy?

[ a ] Framed Sidekick: before she was a henchman, she was a hero's sidekick--and things did not work out. It turned out her mentor could give any creep a solid run for his money without any sense of consequence. When she tried to set boundaries, he flipped out like little piss baby with the powers of a god and left her permanently marked. She can scream lightning and lights have a habit of popping when she's stressed out. He can't afford to let a loose thread like you dangle.
[ b ] Escaped Experiment: things didn't work out with your last boss, Professor Ironheart (not a real professor). When you signed on you did it on the understanding that you would be coming out of six weeks and sixty thousand dollars richer. That was not the case, instead Professor Ironheart drugged you, opened up your stomach, and replaced your insides with something hot. When you eat ashes you can foretell the future. Whatever he left inside of you he wants back.
[ c ] Pirated Power: you went to a protest because someone had to say something. Someone had to stand up in the street and be heard in the face of injustice, and that was you. The governor's new private security force had other ideas, though, and you were caught up in a vortex of experimental crowd dispersal agents. It triggered something laying dormant in your genome and you can hulk out for brief periods of time, but when you come down you feel emotional and fatigued. They know you're out there, and your blood contains their intellectual property.

Plot to smut ratio?

[ a ] Plot > Smut
[ b ] Plot = Smut
[ c ] Plot < Smut


Check out my other thread.


Send me a PM with your selection from each category and any suggestions or twists you have. Include your ons/offs, limits, f-list, etc. Tell me a little about yourself. Ask questions.
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Had so much fun with this the last time. I'm excited to explore this with a new friend!
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