Mx Female A Few Fresh Cravings


Jul 8, 2017
United States
Heya! I wanted to do something a little different from my typical request thread here. My standby cravings aren't quite doing it for me of late, and I wanted to put a few of my more recent interests out there.

I also have an excess of time, and I'm particularly seeking people who would be interested in quicker replies and smut favored scenarios. Also open to medium or longer term down the road. Happy to discuss plot ideas and make accomodations for the right partner, and I'm even open to departing from my usual role as M Dom to play an F sub (for the right partner). So if you have the time, by all means, shoot me a pm and maybe we can have some fun!

Bonus points if you like my plots, you write multi-paragraph posts, or you have an exciting idea of your own that you think I might like. You can find my f-list here to get an idea of my interests. I'll be waiting! Feel free to add me on discord as well @ demmyman

On His Terms *CRAVING*
Dub-con, anal, oral, pleasure denial, selfish Doms, degradation
Possibly: Non-con/Con, free use, bondage, ownership, toys

More of a concept than a prompt, but I'd like to do a plot that de-emphasizes or completely neglects vaginal sex. I'm very interested in the prospect of plots that completely center around the man's pleasure (shocking I know), and to me, this is basically the ultimate endpoint of that. Anal and oral are must haves, and avoiding her satisfaction while he gets his is the name of the game. I would love to brainstorm ideas around this.

Also worth mentioning that this doesn't have to be a non-con oriented idea where it's meant to be as miserable as possible for your character. Open to consensual or dubiously consensual ideas here too.

Plenty of ways that this could work out really, and I'd love to hear your ideas. Here's a few suggestions.

- YC has gotten caught doing something illegal, and MC has decided to teach her a lesson outside of the the law.

- MC wants YC in their bed, but YC is concerned about losing their virginity. MC decides to impose some alternatives that YC might not like so much.

- YC is some high and mighty important someone, and MC is finally in a position to teach them some respect. MC has some things in mind.

- In a fantasy setting, YC has the unique problem of being exceptionally fertile for one reason or another. MC decides he doesn't want to take risks with that. At all.

- YC and MC are related. Pregnancy would obviously be a huge problem for us both, but condoms are obviously no fun...

- MC and YC are in an existing D/S relationship. MC wants to try a new sort of training, maybe even with a laundry list of friends for "practice".

- In a fantasy setting, YC has been cursed by some twisted spell. Now she needs some unconventional "relief" on a regular basis, or else bad things happen. MC of course is happy to oblige.

- Alternate take on the above. YC has still been cursed, but in this variation the curse instead requires her body to relieve MC, one way or another. YC can't turn to anyone else without breaking the curse, but it doesn't particularly matter  how this relief comes about. MC takes advantage of this fact, and does it on his own terms.

- YC has lost some kind of bet that she shouldn't have made. Now she has to live with the consequences, and MC intends to get their pound of flesh.

Powerless to Say No
Non/Dub-con, cliche bullies, cheating, hopeless attraction, mindbreak, big cocks, hapless submissives, selfish doms
Possibly: Misogyny, abuse, humiliation, degradation

Somewhere in your life is a man, someone that you would be better off without. Maybe he's a school bully that harasses you/your son/your brother at every opportunity. Maybe he's a cruel co-worker that does nothing and still taps the rewards of your efforts. Maybe he's one of your patients, and he spends his therapy sessions every week complaining about how he had to hit his wife for not listening again. Or maybe he's just someone who keeps crossing your path, much to your displeasure. Whoever he is, he's an absolutely rotten bastard.

But whatever it is about him, you don't know why it is you can't stop thinking of him. He's awful in so many ways; Rude, crass, selfish, or maybe even downright unattractive, but still. You want him. Want him to do to you what you think no one else would. It would be embarrassing enough to want these things done to you, but to want it from him of all people?? God only knows how easily you'd melt if he knew the way you thought about him, or how quickly you'd cave to his will if he started making demands. Thank god he won't, right? Thank god you would never confess to him, right??

Only a man like him knows what to actually do with you though, and he will make sure to do so. One way or another, you'll find yourself on your knees, bent over, knocked up, begging, and saying please and thank you for him.

Girl, why are you like this?

An Unwanted Future
Non/Dub-con, bimbofication, fantasy body types, sci-fi, bad ends
Possibly: Mind control, hypnosis, body horror, humiliation, misogyny

At one time, you had a whole life ahead of you. Maybe you were a college student, had a good job, or had someone you saw a bright future with. Everyone can always use some extra cash though, and so for whatever reason, you choose to volunteer for a research project studying the brain. Nothing major really, just some time spent in an MRI machine, some conversations with psychologists, and a non-invasive scan of your brainwaves. It'd be hard not to feel like it was worthwhile, walking away at the end of it all with a few hundred dollars in cash in exchange for just a few short hours of your time. You move on from it without a catch, and live the rest of your otherwise happy life without giving it a second thought.

Somewhere though, in the troubled administration of a project that loses funding and falls apart without results, your personal contribution to the experiment remains; a scan of pure brain data, sitting in an old hard drive and forgotten. Decades pass, centuries even, but finally, there does come a day where someone finds your information and actually knows what to do with it. The future is a vastly different place, and humanity has made great strides since your time. The brain scan experiment you participated in had proved to be an early stride for breakthroughs in digital consciousness, and with your perfectly intact and still usable data, your entire sense of self can be recreated in a new body, long after your original life has come and gone.

When you awake, you remember everything up to and including the day you participated in the experiment, but you are not yourself. Your body is foreign to you, purpose built and genetically engineered to suit one man's tastes. A man who gave you a new life, albeit some modifications to your thoughts and biochemistry, and who is all too excited about the prospect of having a woman who no one will come looking for completely at his mercy... Who knows what he'll do with you?
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