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Family Party Gone Wild (Hardor x EtherealElvenEmpress)


Oct 9, 2011
The digital clock above the fire place continued to flicker the time as the evening dragged on and on and more and more of the family retreated towards one bedroom or another for sleep.. Eventually Wyatt and Cedric were the last two remaining, the two brothers both occupying a recliner as the muted television remained on in the corner, "..I have to admit, I didn't expect everyone to stay up quite that late." Wyatt stated, his eyes flickering from the television over to his younger brother across the room, "..I honestly can't remember the last time I saw one in the morning.. Really thought I was too old for shit like this." The man stated, a little laugh leaving him as a hand rose up to toy through his trimmed beard. The 64 year old nursed a half empty glass in his other hand, the champagne having warmed to a point of being almost unenjoyable thanks to the extended gap between each sip.. While he'd been quick to put back his first few drinks, the older man was hardly capable of keeping up with todays youths.

Wyatt's blue eyes flickered towards Wyatt as he shifted forward, reaching a hand down to straighten out the simple blue t-shirt he'd swapped into shortly before midnight. While the man was hardly what one would describe as 'fit' he was far from overweight. To this day he still worked to take care of himself, but had certainly lost a few steps over the last decade. The white in his beard was matched by the top of his head, the hair thinning but still enough for the man to cling to.. Baldness having thus far evaded him. He sat the glass down on the table beside him before moving to stretch his legs and utter another little sigh, "..How about that niece of ours, though..?" Wyatt questioned, glancing over at Cedric with the slightest of grins on his face.

Cedric let out a whistle as he sank further into his seat, giving his head a little shake before lifting his drink for another sip, "Those are some very, very good genes.. And she has no right to be wearing something like that in front of family." He added, Wyatt meeting Cedric's remark with a little laugh, "You're not wrong there." Wyatt added, "I have to admit that our little brother definitely picked a good one for a wife.. Fortunately for the girl she drew from her mother's genes and not our side." The two both laughed at that, taking the opportunity to sip their drinks before falling into a momentary silence. Cedric was the first to break it a handful of seconds later, "God the things I'd do to that girl." Cedric stated, giving his head another little shake. The 'girl' in question was their eighteen year old niece.. The curvy little treat had taken it upon herself to wear one hell of a tantalizing outfit all evening long.. Leaving the two older men to salivate over her as she wandered about the party.

Now, with the rest of the family asleep and the two semi-intoxicated men left to chat in seeming privacy, both were more than happy to admit the perverse thoughts that had bounced around their heads throughout the evening. The two men had seen the young girl grow up over the years.. But had never imagined she'd blossom into such a tempting little treat. Cedric let out a little sigh as he straightened up in his seat and moved to rise from the recliner, "I'm going to grab another drink. Want one?" He was met with a nod from Wyatt and turned in the direction of the kitchen. Cedric was a full decade younger than his oldest brother but resembled him in a number of ways. Wyatt was a mere half inch shorter than Cedric and while both men maintained short hair cuts, Wyatt insisted on keeping some semblance of a beard whereas Cedric maintained a cleanly shaven face. While their height may not have been close, the completely white and gray mess of hair on Wyatt's head and face certainly made him seem substantially older than Cedric who still sported very few smatterings of white or gray in own hair.

Cedric ventured off to the kitchen to replace their previous cups of champagne with something more suitable to their current conversation; ice cold beer.. What Cedric didn't realize was that their conversation and idle chatter would soon give way to something far more devious.. While the two had enjoyed a bit of one-on-one conversation, Cedric would find Wyatt no longer alone when he eventually returned from the kitchen.. And the companion in question would be none other than the pretty little treat the two had been salivating over all evening.
‘Tis the season for fun parties! It was New Year’s and this was her first real big party. It was with her family and something she’d been looking forward to this all year. She always went to different parties but this year she was invited to the adult half of our family party. If she were lucky maybe they let her have a beer or two. She never really got to know the side of the family very well.
Lisa was dressed fully for the holidays and luckily she managed to get a couple of glasses of champagne in without getting caught. She was in21 but since it was the New Year’s most of your family let her get away with what she wanted. Her mother decided not to show up because she had her family side to visit but this year she went to her father’s Side of the family gathering. They seem nice enough and it was a good chance to get to know all of them. Her mother always kept her close to him but I will this chance to break free with something different and new for her over the holidays. Champagne in hand walking back with one of her uncles who seemed pretty nice. In fact they all were super nice to her. If she were going anywhere else her mother would’ve yelled at her about what she was wearing but her mother figured since she was with family she can dress however you want it though that might be her downfall tonight….
Cedric had almost stumbled over Lisa after slipping out of the kitchen. The older man stumbled a bit, a beer in each hand as he peered down at the much shorter Lisa still clad in her appealing little outfit. It absolutely baffled the man that his younger brother had allowed the eighteen year old to parade about in such a getup.. Though.. With it being a family gathering, what could be the harm? It was a logical enough thought so long as the intoxicated older men managed to keep their hands to themselves.. Something that neither Cedric nor Wyatt were particularly good at. Cedric's look of surprise quickly twisted into a small smile as he gave Lisa a little nod, his eyes immediately passing up and down her body before focusing in on the glass of champagne in her hand, "Oh? Back for another round, eh?" He teased, "Can't blame you. Not every day an 18 year old like you gets to drink to their hearts content."

Cedric bit back the urge to lick at his lips, the numerous drinks playing hell on his self-control, "Why don't you come join Wyatt and I for a bit? We were just talking about you.. Plus it'd be a shame to have you drinking alone on New Years." He added, an almost teasing edge to the 53 year old man's voice. He passed the girl by and headed back in the direction of the living room. He passed by Wyatt and moved to set the unopened beer beside his older brother, "Look who I stumbled upon outside the kitchen." Cedric stated, snapping Wyatt's attention away from the television and focusing it on Lisa who was a handful of steps behind her uncle.

Wyatt's face lit up for a moment, surprise quickly twisting into a grin of his own as he gave Lisa a little nod, "Well hello. I figured you'd scurried off to bed already.. Decide to partake in a bit more alcohol, eh?" Wyatt questioned, moving to crack open his own beer before muting the television once more, "Well don't be shy. If you're going to drink, you may as well do so with the rest of us." Wyatt gave his knee a little pat before gesturing her his direction, "Don't be shy. Cedric and I were enjoying a bit of television and chatting about the party.. Come take a seat on your uncles lap and we can have ourselves some entertaining conversation." Despite the innocent nature of his request, the look in his eyes shouted something much different.. Both men had spent the better part of the last hour contemplating any number of perverse things with their young niece.. Now, with the family asleep and the girl within arms reach, could either one of them pass up an opportunity to slip her out of her lacey get up? She'd quickly discover the answer to that question was a resounding 'no'.
Lisa minutes to grab a couple of beers. No one had told her to stop and since it was family they didn’t see any harm with giving their cuteness something to drink. Champagne and beer and mixed drinks or her poison as well as cocktails. This was New Year’s and her mom thought it would be safer than her going out with her friends and doing God knows what at a bar.

“No One told me no and I’m staying the night so I’m not driving anywhere so I think this is the safest bet to drink here unless you’re gonna tell my mom. Are you?” She asked Cedric. Once I just offered for her not to drink alone Lisa took that chance and said yes falling behind him grabbing a couple more beers as well. It was New Year’s why not?

“Hi uncle Wyatt! It’s been a long time since I saw you and Uncle Cedric too!” Her voice was cheerful and happy and a bit tipsy. “ I might be too old to sit on your lap.” Lisa chuckled. “ what if I’m too heavy?” She asked but it didn’t creep her out it was just her uncles and her dad side the family was super friendly. Figuring it was their culture but if he patted his lap again Lisa would eventually sit down. Lisa had no idea what her uncles were thinking and with all the drinking she had been doing sitting on his lap seemed very sweet and innocent.
Lisa's logic was sound enough and earned another little chuckle from Cedric, "Hey, I'm not going to stop you. I'm sure as hell not your father." He said, offering her the slightest of winks before venturing back into the living room. Once there, Lisa was prompted by Wyatt to take a load off.. Her responses earned a roll of the eyes from both men but Wyatt made no move to back down, "You? Too heavy? Come on now.. I may be getting old but I'm not made of freaking glass." He teased, freeing up both hands as she moved to slip into his lap. He took hold of her hips and pulled her back towards him, leaving her facing away from him as he shifted forward. Eventually Lisa's back was pressing against her uncles stomach and chest.. Her eyes facing away from him.

Wyatt looped an arm around her waist, his hand moving to rest against her thigh while the other reached out to retrieve his discarded drink, "There.. Much better." He mused, shifting his hips a bit beneath her, "Get nice and cozy.. Don't intend to let you off here for a bit.." He teased, the shifting of the man's hips eventually giving rise to a particularly interesting sensation beneath her. It didn't take more than a few minutes before she could feel something stiff poking up against her ass.. The material of her uncles sweatpants already tenting as the pretty little eighteen year old rested in his lap. Wyatt took a sip of his drink and kept his arm tight around her waist, his hand upon her thigh and his thumb moved to tease back and forth along the inside of it, "How many drinks have you had so far tonight, Lisa?" He questioned, shifting her attention away from the growing bulge beneath her and towards something more mundane.. All the while the two men exchanged glances, both well aware of where this was heading.
Lisa couldn’t help but giggle but she let her uncle call her on his lap. She was not a heavy girl but she had a good rack on her. She could feel something tan in her uncles pants but she said nothing about it as he wrapped his arm around her and just thought they were old and probably confused. She take a swig of her beer and lean back against her uncle. “ not too many I promise I kind of forgot how many but please don’t tell my dad. Hell don’t tell my mom she’ll kill me…” She pleads with both of them since that thought took the forefront and she worried they would narc on her about her teen drinking. If they were asking about how many she drink she was worried they were taking notes I’m going to tell her parents that she hoped that she could always persuade them to not tell them how much she has been drinking on this New Year’s night.
"Oh don't worry about that, Lisa." Cedric said from a short distance off, the man wearing an ear to ear grin as Lisa settled back into Wyatt's lap, "Neither one of us intend to rat you out.. Though.. It wouldn't be a bad idea for us to take this little hang out session somewhere a bit quieter." Wyatt gave a nod of his own head, his hips shifting a bit beneath her.. Casually grinding himself against the girls perky bottom, "Good idea. There's a television in the guest bedroom downstairs.. And plenty of beer in the mini fridge. How about a change of scenery?" The idle rubbing of her thigh by Wyatt was eventually cut short as the older man moved to shift his hips forward, guiding her off of his lap before rising to his full height beside her.

While the question may have seemed open for her to refuse, neither men seemed intent to let her venture off. Wyatt held his beer in one hand and looped his other arm around her waist.. His hand holding firmly to her opposite hip as he started towards the hallway Lisa and Cedric had previously emerged from. A few moments later and the trio were at the door to the basement.. A few moments after that and they were nearing the guest bedroom isolated in the furthest corner of the basement. With the bulk of the distance passed, Wyatt finally found himself brazen enough to take a leap he'd been lustting for all night. The hand on her hip slipped backwards and moved to grasp hold of Lisa's ass.. Groping at one of the cheeks through the thin bit of lace currently obscuring it, "What do you say to a night of family bonding, Lisa? Care to keep Cedric and I entertained for a few more hours?" Wyatt questioned, staring down at the young girl as he hovered beside her.. That bulge that had previously been prodding at her backside now incredibly visible against the front of his pants.
It was very nice that her uncles were not gonna tell her parents about her drinking they would kill her especially her mother. Her dad was more lenient but he never did go against her mom. Her uncle was rubbing himself against her but he was old so she figured he was just trying to get himself comfortable and didn’t think anything of it especially since they were offering more beer downstairs. Lisa nodded when she was guided off of his lap.

She followed where they lead so she did make a squeak when Wyatt grabbed her ass since she thought his hand must’ve slipped. Her uncles were drinking as much as she was so maybe they were getting drunk too. Her dad always said never mind them since they were old. She wouldn’t scold them because she thought they’d yell at her and she wasn’t going to be rude since it wasn’t her house.

“ Bonding? Do you mean like play a board game dad really likes Monopoly. I’m not good at it but we can do it.” Lisa assume that but she was already tipsy and still had her beer in hand taking a sip and lucky for her she didn’t notice the bulge is in his pants quite yet since he was talking about board games. She really had no idea what her uncles were planning quite yet all she knew was that she was getting extra beer out of this.
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