Mx Female Smut Focused Short-Form RP

Josie Casum

Dec 9, 2022

So I'll get right to the point of this thread, I am looking for partners wanting to play female characters in scenarios absolutely packed full of smut, though some story will obviously still be needed, I'm more than okay with 90% smut, and also this is for people not wanting to really write a lot. This is all for the fun of it and for those who don't want to write a bunch of paragraphs for someone's word count requirement, I'm not about that.

Even if you've only got one sentence to contribute, that's fine, but know that this may lead to me needing to lead your character a bit to move things along every now and then, if you're fine with that then hit me up!


Now as for kinks and limits.

Kinks: I'm really open most anything, so you're free to suggest any kinks you'd like for an rp as long as it's not in my limits.

Limits: Bathroom kinks, excessive gore, vore, and macro/micro themes


[New Craving]


Hey, looking for someone interested in a smut filled, little to no story rp set in the world of Remnant, whether it's both of us playing Canon characters or OCs I really don't mind either way, hit me up if that's something you might be interested in!


So if any of this caught your interest you're more then welcome to message me here through a PM.
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[New Craving]
Pokémon RP
Hey I'm really looking for a Pokémon RP, with myself playing as the Pokémon, likely in an non-con scenario. Hit me up if that sounds like something you would enjoy! 😁

Still looking for Pokémon RP! Also happy to hear any other ideas you might have for an rp 😊.

Still looking for Pokémon RP! Also happy to hear any other ideas for scenarios you might have for an RP. 😁
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