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𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝓂𝑜𝓉𝒽 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝖋𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖊 ˎˊ-
Staff member
Jan 8, 2020

Leaning back in her chair Iviana closed her eyes. She'd been streaming now for two years and while she was active, friendly and outgoing she still seemed to lack the numbers that she should have at this point. Was it that she used a V-tuber? A cute little fox girl name Whimsy as her persona? She couldn't see how, V-tubers were huge. Normally she wouldn't have let it get to her, but with a rash of bad luck she was about at her wits end. First she'd been told she had a month to leave the rented house she was in. The owner had decided to sell and she had little to no recourse. That had been bad enough.. forcing Iviana to hire movers, put down a deposit and pet fees... It had stretched her pretty thin and then her job of six years decide to can her. It left her in dire straights. While she was trying to hide that from her small community, it was getting harder and harder each day.

Rubbing at her eyes she took a slow deep breath, listening to her music playing. Stream would start soon and she'd see her few loyal regulars and in times like these they would help make her night just a little better. Putting on her game face so to speak she smiled and tilted her head to the side, her avatar did the same.
"Hey, hi, hello Foxtails!" Foxtails had been what she'd called her community, smiling she began her stream. Putting on a brave face for her viewers. Today, she was playing Overwatch 2 and for a while, the cracks in her armor were fine. Upbeat and trying for positivity, she focused on just trying to enjoy herself. As the game ended, she received a call. "Be right back guys!" Thinking she'd switched the stream to brb, at least thinking she muted she answered. "Hi, yes this is she." They wouldn't be able to hear the other end of the call, but that bubbly, bright voice slowly became softer, sadder. "No, I understand. I am just asking for an extension. No, I know.. it isn't your fault. I really need my car. There are no buses out here and I can't afford an uber. Okay. No, I understand. Thank you." The call ended and tears welled in her eyes. Her hands moved to cover them and she couldn't help the small sob. it was like everything all at once had turned against her. Her model did everything she did and it wasn't until she took a shaky, watery breath and turned back to her PC that she saw it. Her cheeks heated and she felt further shame fill her.

"Sorry about that guys, I thought I had gone on break.." The shame was thick in her voice and she bit her lower lip. "I think I might need to stop for the night." Though in her mind she said for life. It was mortifying to have anyone know how much trouble she was really in. To know that she struggled to take care of herself. While they were not aware, she'd been living off ramen for months now, barely able to keep a roof over her head and the lights on. She didn't mind having to move to a smaller place. She hadn't been fond of losing her job. But it was that it all was happening at once that was getting to her and now, with her stream hearing the problem... seeing her cry? It was as if she'd really hit rock bottom. Rubbing at her eyes she gave a soft sigh. "I might be gone for a while honestly. Things here haven't been going so well. I just wanted to say that I really appreciate all of you. I might not be the biggest, but you guys are always here for me. I love talking with you, but honestly, I am not sure how much longer I can keep the lights on." Normally she wouldn't have dumped like this, but it was all just too much. It weighed on her and she needed to talk to someone. "Sorry" She offered a half smile and wrinkled her nose playfully. "I know you guys don't come here to hear me complain. Just remember that I adore you all and I will catch you guys when I can."

Her stream end went up and she muted, pulling her headphones off, leaning back in her chair. She needed a drink. Laughing softly she shook her head. "I can barely afford to feed myself, but I would kill for a shot.. shots even. Gods that was so embarrassing." She wasn't one to normally drown her woes, but she was really struggling to keep her chin up at all. Looking back to her PC she noticed a PM on discord. Tilting her head she rolled back closer to the desk and opened it. It was from Adamant. He had been one of the first to find her and was always in her chat. She smiled softly at the message. While they didn’t really know one another, she was always happy to see and talk to him.
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Lyon really had little to do these days. As the second born son of the King of Striania he had to turn up for certain political events, anything big that happened in the country that needed the Royal Family to be there would require him to make a showing but beyond that there was little required of him. He had a fine education but even then he wasn't really allowed to work a normal job like everybody else. Prince Lyon, currently 4th in line to the throne start working in an office for some tech company somewhere, or as a doctor as had once been his dream? He had the degree for it, he'd been trained, he'd been to a private college, the best in the country and the privilege he lived his entire life with had opened all the doors he would ever need. Even at only 32 years old he could have been running a hospital in his country through status alone, and while Striania was a small country it wasn't exactly, they resided in Europe, they had a fully functional military, they were a wealthy country rich in naturally mined resources, many of them extremely rare and valuable and a thriving healthcare system. People came from around the world to visit some of their hospitals to get state of the art treatment. He could have been one of those, if it wasn't for his position. He didn't like to complain about it, well aware that he had been born into such wealth and luxury that few would ever get that it made it seem...uncouth to be whining about it, yet he wasn't entirely happy with it.

He would never be King, not unless something terrible happened to his older brother and his two children, or their children when the time came. The throne was passed to the eldest and then down through their own family, down to their children. Lyon did his part, he attended balls and grand openings of movies, he greeted guests of the Royal Family into the country and he had served in the military for a time, though again he'd never been in any real danger because of his name. He knew everything had been handed to him, except a normal life. At least he didn't have to live in the castle where the King and his brother lived with his family, he'd been given a nearby home, a small mansion really. All of this had resulted in him not really having much to do. He'd converted some rooms in his home, he had a gaming room since he'd learned to enjoy video games and the anonymity of being online, he had his bedroom, he had a 'playroom' in the basement and out of sheer extravagance he had even had a secret elevator built in his bedroom that led straight down into it behind one of the bookcases. Whatever he wanted he could afford, so he had everything he wanted, except he was so lonely. Sex was easy enough to get through high class escorts who had strict codes of confidentiality when dealing with people like him and indulged the kinks that had been born from his need for excitement, the whole reason he had his own dungeon in the first place and he was handsome, he was fit, having his own very well equipped gym in the home, but making a personal connection was harder. He was a Prince still, he had to be careful and was fully aware that a lot of the women who would approach him were more interested in his name than in Lyon himself, at least that was the suspicion. Tinder was not an option, what would he put? Prince of Striania, 4th in line to the throne looking for Netflix and chill or maybe more?

At least online, in games, he could be somebody else. There he was just Adamant. There was twitch too...he followed a few of the bigger streamers, he liked to hang out in chats in his free time and he'd looked in on a couple of smaller ones too. Whimsy in particular had made him smile the first time he'd watched, so he'd returned, and soon found himself a regular, in her chat as often as he possibly could be and even joined her Discord server. She was cheerful and upbeat, cute, a Vtuber so he didn't know what she looked like but he imagined she was always smiling, always happy, so on that day when she'd forgotten to mute he'd felt a pang of sympathy. He'd never had the problems she had, the money problems, he donated often to the stream but it was seemingly not enough to get her out of the debt she was in. He wanted to help...he could just send her money, he wouldn't miss it but something about that felt off to him...a temporary fix unless he sent her a lot, something he could also do but...he couldn't help himself. He wanted more. He wanted to meet her yet she lived on the other side of the world. He sent her a message anyway, he often did just to say hi and they'd been friendly, though not close enough that he'd call her a friend.

"Hey Whimsy, I know you'd probably rather forget it but I was in your stream just now, I heard everything. Is it really that bad? I know we talk a little but you don't really know me and I don't want to be one of those guys but if you need help, you can always ask, you know?" It seemed like a good opener and if she did just ask for money he knew he might just send it to her then, but he didn't expect her to so he carried on. "I do have a proposition for you, I expect you might not like it but I hope you consider it. You're struggling for money, I have that, more than I could ever spend. What I want is companionship, I live alone, there are reasons which make dating hard for me too...and I'm used to paying for what I want but there is no connection." He didn't like admitting that but he felt that honesty was the best way here. "And I spend a lot of time in your stream, I've grown used to hearing your voice when you sound happy, and I would very much like to meet you, so here is my offer. Come live with me for a month. I'll provide you everything you need while you're here, a room to stream in with a top of the line computer, all the highest specs. A car in case you decide to go anywhere, clothes to wear if you would accompany me to some events I must go to, anything you ask for you will have it. What I want is be mine, for the month. You can have limits, things you would not do and I swear to you I'll respect that but cards on the table, it will be sexual at times. You'll be my pet for the month, around your streaming schedule of course, and at the end of the month I will take care of any debt you are worried about as well as give you a million dollars to spend on whatever you like. I understand completely if you ban me for making an offer as indecent as this, or if you'd just like to not mention it at all and I will never mention it again either but the offer is there if you'd like to take it."

He took a deep breath and sent the message.
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Exhaling, Iviana frowned at the screen. She knew that her community might want to help her if they knew and the message from Adamant proved it. The problem was she wasn’t great at taking charity. It was in part why she’d not told anyone. It wasn’t like being tipped for entertaining them or making them smile. This was more a handout and that had never sat well with her. Standing on her own two feet had been a point of pride but every time she thought she was stabilizing it was like someone ripped the rug from underneath her and she tumbled back to where she’d started.

The messages were being typed and she watched his name and the three little animated dots that told her he was still writing as he made his offer. It was ludicrous. That was the first thought and then she found herself thinking it was outlandish and a joke. Next came fear. It was like the sort of things that you heard about in cheesy romance novels and horror movies. Funny how they shared the same sort of plot.

Pet. That was definitely sexual. But he’d admitted that early on. While Iviana wasn’t against sex work, it was legitimate work, but as a virgin, it wasn’t something she’d ever really considered. OnlyFans was popping off but she was just too shy to do that sort of thing. This wasn’t quite the same as OnlyFans, but it would be close.

All else, this seemed far too good to be true. A month, all debt paid. During that month a streaming setup, where she could stream and still keep her small little thing going. He’d require sex and for her to attend some events. Then, at the end of it, he’d give her a million dollars? Who the fuck was Adament that he could offer this so easily. So… boldly? Iviana was torn between anger and curiosity. Like someone was flipping a switch in her brain she danced between both emotions.

Fingers worked out a reply, deleted and started again. The little three dots teasing and tormenting him as she tried to decide how to answer this fucking message.

Okay. Wow. That was a lot.

I am really unsure how to answer this.

Sort of torn between way too good to be true and kinda creepy.

She could have lied, but she saw no reason to. He had a right to know how she was looking at it. Really though, it wasn’t the worst deal.. Assuming he was cute. That was shallow, but it was also fair. Old as hell or gross and it would be hard to keep her ended of the deal.

Let's assume for a minute, I am considering your offer. Can you tell me about what you’d expect? Not the sex bit.. But like otherwise. What sort of events? Also how the fuck could you afford this? Because, that is a crazy amount of money even if we were just talking debt, but a million too?

Exhaling she looked at the message in discord and rubbed her brow. She’d not asked him if he was cute. She should have. Maybe she could ask for a picture before deciding? Though catfishing was a thing. She needed a drink. Damn.
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Truth be told, Lyon had expected to either be blocked immediately or to be yelled at. His offer was definitely an outlandish one and even he, somebody who was used to getting exactly what they wanted, when they wanted it, could see, yet that wasn't what he got in return. She said it was a lot, and that she was unsure how to answer which made sense, Whimsy was such a sweet girl, it was part of what drew him to her, and his heart had sank when she'd said it was kind of creepy but she was still typing, he could see that clearly. Eventually her last message came through. It gave him hope...she was asking question, which was fair, but she was considering it! That alone was way more than he'd ever hoped and he didn't waste time answering her back. Of wasn't as simple as being able to just answer her questions completely honestly in his situation, it wouldn't do for any of this to leak, he couldn't afford a scandal turning up if Whimsy decided to spread or even sell the story. He didn't think she would, but his lawyers and his family would never allow it. Striania could not be disgraced like that.

I'd expect you to spend some time with me. Watch some movies, and the events are not sexual at all, public events like for charities, very high end parties and even theatre. I would of course provide you with outfits to wear so that you looked the part but they are lonely events and I would be grateful for the company.

That was the key thing, for him. The loneliness...and with that, he had an idea to try and make it more palatable for her. She was already considering, so if he sweetened the deal a little, then maybe it would make it easier for her to say yes.

The about we make a deal? Touching, small toys and a little oral. I won't go any further than that unless you agree but you can't decline either of those. Whether we go further or not you will still get the full amount, and if you do say yes to sex then I get full access to your body.

She had been candid with him, told him how she'd felt about the message so he felt it would be unfair to hide his intentions so he was as blunt about it as he could be. Finally, he knew he had to answer her last question.

I can afford it because I can, it's family wealth but it is mine too, I'm more than old enough to have my piece. I'm 32 to be exact. I can't tell you any more than that, it would be very bad for my family if any of this got out and while I feel I can trust you after watching your streams for so long it isn't a risk that is mine to take. agree and arrive here I'll be happy to explain everything about my family to you, all you need to do is ask. To take some pressure off since I understand it's hard with me not even able to tell you who I am, even if you say no I will help. I've sent you a donation of two thousand, it isn't much but it should help with your car situation, I hope. You don't owe me a positive answer for that, it's yours no matter what. Treat yourself tonight and think about it please. I'm very sorry for making you uncomfortable.
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Spend time. Movies, events. High end though. Iviana was not a fan of that. There was a reason she used an avatar to represent herself. It wasn’t that she was ugly, far from it, but it gave her a face to hide behind and a way to step out into the world unknown. Charities though, that wouldn’t be the worst thing. It seemed that he was the son of some sort of philanthropist? Lonely. Is that why he made this offer? He could have paid for company, but that too ended once the night was over. She could see it being a hollow experience.

Fingers tapped at her keys, thinking rather than formulating a reply. The soft tap was soothing in a way. When he brought up the sex, Iviana frowned at her screen. Touching. Oral. Toys. Would that really be all? Could she handle it? She was inexperienced with.. All of the above. It was in part why she’d never considered OnlyFans. It was hard to do sex work when you didn’t know the first thing about such things.

Beginning her answer, he continued and she stopped, those little dots pausing as he explained further. Her eyes widened and after a moment, she found the donation where he said it was. For a moment tears filled her eyes. Because of his ‘not a lot’ she could afford to get her car fixed and have something proper to eat for the night. It was more than enough and while it didn’t fix her issues in full, it was a huge step in that direction.

So, assuming I agree. I still haven't decided.. But I would need some sort of reassurance. I would love to simply take your word, but let's both be fair. You could be some absolute creep who plans to rape and kill me. Or to hurt me. Or to not fulfill your end.

It wasn’t a nice feeling to have to say any of this, but Iviana wasn’t a fool. She was young, yes. Eighteen. His age didn’t bother her, but the lack of any information? If he couldn’t tell her now, that was one thing, but if she agreed? Or to the terms he set up? Like the room and equipment to stream. The outfits for the galas, assuming they were real. What they’d agreed to sexually…

The more she thought about it, assuming he could provide her with some security.. Some way of guaranteeing the promises he made.. Iviana would accept. A month of a sort of vacation. Luxury, dresses.. She needed to share one final thing with him.

If I do accept, Adamant, there is something you should know. I.. Am not experienced in anyway. So some of what you ask.. No... all of what you are asking for sexually would be new to me..
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This was going to be tricky for him. Reassurance that he wasn't going to do any of the things she said he could. She wasn't wrong...with this kind of arrangement there was no real way of being sure even if he did provide something and the simple fact was that he couldn't do anything that would reveal who he was. He'd told her his country, that was risky as it was since she now knew he was from an extremely wealthy family in Striania and that they were very likely quite political if he had to go to events often. He sighed softly as he tried to think of what he could offer her.

I really can't divulge any more of who I am until you get here. I know that isn't very reassuring but I can't risk my entire family no matter how much I trust you personally, not any more than I already am by giving you this...invitation. What you say is very valid though, so here is the only thing I can offer first name. My name is Lyon. I sent you money already, that is linked to my own bank account, and now my name...if you were to go missing it wouldn't be hard for an investigator to trace you to me with that. Please don't try to do it yourself, I'd rather you didn't try to find out who I was without meeting me first, but I can do another thing too. If you accept I could have you on a flight as soon as tomorrow, even tonight, first class, and I will be waiting at the airport. I'll be in public, I'll be seen and you don't need to come with me if you feel I am creepy or going to harm you. People will photograph me, they always do, they will photograph you which is why I'd prefer to send a car for you but...if it makes you feel safer I will do that. Just say yes and I will book the flight.

That was another big risk he was taking. He'd done well to avoid much of the attention he would get in public but whenever he had been spotted out in public with a girl paparazzi photographers would snap something, it's like they knew where he was going to be before he even got there, it was part of the reason he hired high end escorts who would come to him and had cars with blacked out windows pick them up so that nobody knew who would be visiting him. When he did go out he had a driver, he had several staff who tended the grounds and worked to keep his home clean, make his meals, but often they had very little to do as he kept to himself but his driver would often earn bonuses going to pick up his "guests" and all of his staff were very loyal, at least Lyon thought they were, and he treated them very well for it. Her second message came through just as he'd sent his and he laughed softly as he read it and typed out a quick reply.

I expected you'd have some experience at least, I don't know what you look like either but in my head you're beautiful, just like your personality is. I imagined you'd have no problems attracting any man, or woman, that you wanted to and I still believe that so I have to assume you're quite shy? It doesn't matter, I do have experience. What you don't know can be learned, I can teach, it would be my genuine honour and if I'm quite honest...the things I said you are required to do...if you protested hard I wouldn't force you. I'm not looking to take you against your will, Whimsy, you'll always be able to stop if you truly want to. Don't be scared, please.

He'd already gone from her being free to use sexually in any way to her having full control over his actions, though he knew he would likely push her a little until she did protest hard enough...but no matter what the terms they agreed on were he'd always known it would be like that. If she protested a little, he would continue, but if he thought for one second she was in genuine distress then Lyon knew he wouldn't be able to go through with it.
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Evasive didn’t even begin to cover how he responded, but if he was someone of import, Iviana supposed it made sense. It was a risk to trust him, even after a year of seeing him nearly every day in her chat, she didn’t really know him. That was the thing about being online, it was a way to both bring together people and keep them anonymous. She wasn’t much better, using her avatar to create that distance between who she was in the real world and online. It was a bridge that they’d both be crossing. Did it matter what she looked like? She couldn’t help but wonder what he thought she might look like.

Lyon. He’d offered a name. It didn’t ring any bells, nor did his country really. She’d heard of it of course, but she didn’t know much about it. He seemed to know she’d want to look into him because he asked her not to and she debated teasing him and asking him if he was a serial killer, but with what they were planning on possibly doing, that didn’t seem as funny as she typed it out. So her finger held the backspace and the dots that had been appearing stilled and vanished.

People will photograph me. Famous? How? It was clear now that he was in some way and that only made her shift uneasily. If they took pictures of him they’d take pictures of her. It added a layer of complexity that she wasn’t sure she could handle. Staring at the message, Iviana leaned back in her chair, one foot dangling the other curled under her. Say yes and I will book the flight.

He seemed to know what she was thinking a lot, it seemed as he touched on her looks. No, Iviana wasn’t ugly, though she had trouble thinking herself pretty. There was more than one reason she used an avatar. He moved his goal post and she couldn’t help but smile. Adamant had always been so sweet and this only added to that view and after a moment she sighed and finally answered.

Yes. I am a little worried.. But what the hell. Yes.

It wasn’t exactly a resounding yes, but she’d agreed. There was worry but there was also some excitement. She’d never been overseas, hell she’d never left her state. She did have a passport though and he’d sent enough money to cover getting her car fixed and food for the night and a cab to the airport when he got her the info. She.. she was doing this.
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Lyon didn't actually expect her to not look him up. It was a request, one he was very serious about considering the risk to his family of putting this out there into the world, such an offer would be easy to trace back to him with his actual name being given up, along with his country. Just googling Striania put him on the first page if one looked at images, though his name wasn't on it...and he could only imagine the scandal that would follow him around for months, maybe years, should Whimsy decide to expose him. He watched the dots that appeared as a message was being typed, watch them disappear as quickly and he wondered what she was doing, what she was thinking...what could he do? Eventually he got a response, it was just a single, short sentence and his heart leapt as he saw it.

The only word in it that mattered was yes. Obviously she was right to be worried, but he already knew that he wasn't going to harm her so from his perspective there was nothing to be scared of. He sent another message back asking for her address so he could have her picked up and while he waited for that he looked into flights he could purchase for her. The soonest flight was six hours from then and he purchased a first class executive ticket on it with an open return date in case she wanted to turn right around and then he messaged her again, happy to find she had provided an address.

The soonest flight is in six hours, I booked it for you. Take care of anything you need to, eat something but there will be a meal on the plane if you like and everything is paid for if you want anything in flight. When you land I'll be waiting, I'll be wearing a grey overcoat and trousers with elaborate golden trim and buttons, I have blue eyes and short black hair, and I'm quite tall. You'll notice me, and you'll know it's me. It wasn't arrogance, he just knew it to be true, he cut an intimidating presence especially when wearing the royal regalia he was required to wear when he went anywhere public. That was part of the reason it was so hard to hide who he was. If you see me and you think I look threatening to you or a danger in any way, or simply unappealing, you can get back on a flight, your ticket is a return with an open return date. I'll still pay you 25% once I check that it's been used, but I hope you come with me. I'm looking forward to meeting you, Whimsy.

For the rest of the day, Lyon was nervous, he didn't know quite what to do with himself. He read some books, he arranged a room and a computer to be delivered, top of the range as he had promised, right next to his own room with a connecting door between them. He made sure that there was plenty of food in, while he had a butler who would of course make anything she wanted, he imagined Whimsy would not be frequently asking and would like to wander herself, that was how he pictured her in his mind at least, so he wanted things she would be familiar with. American food, American drinks, American comforts. He spent some time in his basement where he kept his home gym and swimming pool, he wore himself out before he went to bed, anxious and excited. What if she took him at his word, saw him and turned around? He would get an alert when her ticket was used, he'd know she was coming but he didn't know what she looked like. Once she'd arrived, he would pay her what he promised, stay or leave, a quarter of the full sum just for taking the flight. It would be easy for her to take that and turn around, it would solve a lot of problems for her and was free money, but he was hoping for more, much more.

It was also a very long flight, eight hours in total, so he was sure she would be able to sleep through a lot of it and it was late into the afternoon when he arrived at the airport. It wouldn't be long now...he found where the flight would be debarking and then he waited, standing with his arms crossed looking every bit as awkward as he was imposing. He had bodyguards but they had to keep a very respectful distance, watching him from afar on his orders since he wasn't permitted to ditch them entirely he would rather they not be noticed, and he did his best to ignore the stares. A few people came up to him to speak and he smiled, shaking hands, assuring them of his parent's plans and policies...his family was well loved among most of the country so it was all friendly, happy citizens, he had chances to laugh with them and smile, despite normally hiding away he enjoyed meeting people in this way but once the flight landed he turned his attention to the gate, waiting.
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Six hours. A shaky breath left Iviana and she nodded at the screen and then blushed. He couldn’t see her. Biting her lower lip rotated her neck, still feeling anxious. She did think the statement was a bit arrogant, but in a sort of charming way. Her ticket would be waiting for her to pick up at the counter, as Lyon still didn’t know her name. A frown pulled between her brows.

I am Iviana, btw. It feels like you should at least know my real name.. Guess I have some packing to do. ttyl

She found herself looking forward to meeting him too, odd as that was. Her nerves were showing, normally there would have been a cute little smiley or heart as she signed off for the night. Tonight though, it was left as it was. Too much on her mind. Too much to do.

First she called about her car. The bill paid and she still had money left over, which honestly she needed to go on this trip. Even with the airfare and transportation to the airport settled, she wanted to get a sort of nice outfit to go see him. Her normal outfit choices felt like they’d stand out. A little pastel goth, something about showing up to someone who would be photographed like that.. Made her feel uneasy. “Maybe I can find a way to dress like myself and still look classy?” her words mumbled to herself.

One shopping trip later with a splurge of some Thai food from her favorite place delivered, Iviana had one new outfit to wear on the plane that hopefully would look nice enough to not make her stand out. God she was nervous. Her suitcase was packed with normal outfits she’d like to wear with a few nicer things added in, though none of them screamed socialite, which based on his description might have been needed.

Her sleep was poor as she worried and fretted about her clothing and her choice to meet him. More than once she’d wanted to look up who he was, but he’d asked her not to and despite her curiosity it was all he’d asked of her before meeting him. It seemed like a small thing to give him.

The alarm startled her from sleep and Iviana rushed about her small apartment. One shower later, her silky blonde hair was blow dried and left loose. Her makeup was tasteful and minimalist. Eyeliner and some glass. The chunky, cute platforms she’d owned, the black tights too that clung to her slender legs. They came to mid thigh, leaving an inch or so before the short red velvet dress. Over the dress was a coat dress. It was boxy, stylish and had six shiny buttons down the front. The edges of the dress were pleated and hid the red dress entirely. A simple red ribbon with gold chair along the bottom was the last of the adornments, with a teardrop red gem dangling in the hollow of her throat.

The trip to the airport had been lavish and Iviana felt like she was in some sort of fairy tale. From the plush limo ride she was hurried through security and customs and settled into her own little cocoon of space on the flight. It was hard to believe that she was doing this. Hell it was hard to believe she was in a plane in first class so boogie that she could have lived in the small space.

While he thought she’d sleep, the same problem as the night before, her mind was running and refusing to stop. So by the time the plane taxied to the terminal her stomach was in knots and Iviana was unsure if she’d throw up or not. Her bag had been checked and she’d been afraid to bring a purse or anything so all she had was her card, her passport, phone and ticket in the pocket of her dress.

“Now or never..”

Stepping through the doors she found herself looking at Lyon. Pale blue eyes, like a winter sky, met his own darker blue eyes. Fingers twisted together in front of her as she gazed at him, the smile he flashed was charming, but his eyes swept back over those exiting the plane. It gave Iviana a moment to take him in.

Lyon was handsome, regal. Then as if that last word seemed to sink in her eyes flickered from his face to his outfit. Regal. Eyes flickered from him to the men and women holding cameras and back to him. Turning away she pulled out her phone and typed in his name and the country and her jaw dropped and for one moment, Iviana felt like throwing her phone at him.

On one hand she understood, on another he should have prepared her for something like this! At least she’d kind of dressed up.. It was the saving grace as she slipped her phone back into her pocket and schooled her face best she could. Slowly she walked over to stand before him, her face tipping up and for a single instance he’d see the flash of anger in those pretty eyes as she said,
“Hello Lyon.” Around them the world lit up with bulb flashes and she fought to not frown or flinch as she pushed past that anger and offered him a shy smile.
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"Iviana. It's such a pretty name. I can't wait to meet you, Iviana."

Lyon really didn't know what else to say. He was excited, he was even nervous which was odd to think about. Usually he was a confident man, it was natural when he'd been raised as he had, always in the public eye. As he'd grown he'd learned he was also rather handsome, he was tall and cut an impressive figure which was not just because of his build but how he'd learned to carry himself. He'd been trained in his youth on how to stand, how to eat, how to smile, that was just how life was for his family and he presumed most royalty too. When out in public or meeting with an outsider Lyon's family was always under scrutiny, everything he did reflected on his father and mother, everything he did reflected on the country. It was an enormous amount of pressure to bear and something they had all been trained in and learned to accept as though it was normal but Lyon knew this wasn't the case and sometimes wished for a simpler life. He loved his country, his family and his people but it was exhausting to be such a focal point of attention wherever he went which was a large part of why he stayed at home so much. He'd had other training too...he'd been trained in pre-med and was at least proficient at the time though modern advances happened too frequently for him to keep up with, he'd spent some time in the military of his country but had never been stationed overseas, it was a token position. He'd had to do the training, he'd made friends even, but he knew he was treated differently. He was always treated differently. All of this to say that he was not an anxious or nervous man and that translated to the bedroom, he had plenty experience, he knew how to talk to women as he was often approached at functions he had to attend, he was confident and handsome...but now he was also nervous. He smiled to himself as he went about his evening as the nerves was a strange feeling, something new, something exciting.

When the following day came and he was at the airport that feeling had grown larger, more consuming and for the first time in his life he found himself having to try and focus, to breathe. What if she didn't like him? What if she saw him and then turned away, went to catch a flight home, not because she felt it was dangerous but because of him, how he looked, how he presented himself? He smiled and he greeted the people that walked up to him, his bodyguards watching from afar for anything that looked even remotely like a threat but this was something they were used to dealing with...Lyon didn't like to hide behind a wall of guns and protection and trusted his men to know better than to fire on people who just wanted to greet him. It hadn't taken long for the photographers to show up, a rare sighting of Prince Lyon out in public, not at some gala or grand opening but an airport? If he was greeting a foreign dignitary it would be one thing but there would be more members of his family there, to make a deeper impression of power and prestige, yet it was just him. He did what he had been trained to do in these situations, he kept his back straight, looked around and offered smiles when he made eye contact.

When the flight landed, he did the same as people disembarked, scanning the crowd and ignoring the photographers trying to get his attention even though they were definitely distracting. Not knowing what Iviana looked like put him at a disadvantage here as he locked eyes with a blonde girl and offered her that same smile, then moved on. He'd seen something in her eyes, not recognition exactly but maybe...shock? Confusion? If she was native to Striania that would make sense, seeing the prince there so he brushed it aside until she approached him. His smile was wider this time as he looked down at her and she looked back up at him and he didn't miss the flash of anger, instead he chuckled softly, his hands moving from the small of his back where he'd kept them as he stood to gently clasp her shoulders.
"Iviana...I knew you were a beautiful soul but to see you in person...I don't think I've ever laid eyes on such beauty before..." It was the simple truth, his eyes were on hers, he could see her face, the slight scowl which turned into a beautiful smile, her long, straight hair, blonde, alluring. More flashes distracted him and he leaned down, planting a soft kiss on her cheek, a greeting he would do for any visiting woman, and he took her hand. "Come with me, I know the cameras are distracting." He pulled her close, his arm slipping over her shoulder to keep him held against her mostly to protect her from being seen. He knew this would be in the paper in the wouldn't be first page news even in this country and was unlikely to make it into American media except for the gossip rags he didn't care about, but he wanted to expose her to as little as possible. It took just a few minutes to reach the limousine that was waiting for them, his bodyguards taking a car behind them to give them privacy as he ushered her in and took a seat himself.

"You were angry at me." It was a statement more than a question, and he grinned playfully as he said it. "I did ask you not to google me, didn't I? Would you have come if I had not?" The driver had already started the limo and they were on the way to his mansion now. Staff there was light, they had a wing of their own to live in, luxurious in it's own right and normally kept out of his way. A chef who was on call at any hour he was needed and a butler. There was a secondary building for his security who managed the outside but didn't enter and the gardener and maid came a few times a week. The nerves he'd felt this entire time hadn't yet dissipated as he looked to Iviana and reached for a bottle of wine from the refreshments section of the vehicle, pouring out two glasses and handing one to her. "Drink, it will help. I'm sorry for the photographers, they sometimes arrive even before I do, and I'm sure they like to follow me. How was your flight?" Small talk was all he could manage, his heart was racing...why did he feel this way all of a sudden? He was sure he looked and sounded awkward. "Are you hungry? I could call ahead, have something made for you, the journey shouldn't take long."
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Hands found her shoulders and she fought back a sigh ans his face lowered towards her own. A kiss on her cheek offered along with his words that fell on deaf ears. While they might have been true, she felt ambushed and as he tucked her under his arm, she pinched his side, a smile on her lips. “Distracting?” The word dripped with honey laced venom and she continued, her voice soft. “More than a little, prince. The last word held a lot and as he guided her from the terminal and to his waiting car she fought many other urges. Like stamping on his foot. Elbowing him. Tripping him. Anything that looked accidental but would get over her simmering displeasure.

Settling into the seat she crossed her legs and arms, glaring at him as he joined her. “What gave it away?” Sighing she rubbed her temple and frowned at him. “You are lucky I thought enough about what you said to dress up!” No, her normal fashion would have garnered far more attention. As it was, she wasn’t sure if she’d done a good enough job. While she thought she looked nice, she wasn’t royalty.

The question gave her pause and she shrugged some. “I don’t know. I want to say yes, but honestly? I don’t know. I would have thought you were insane. Now I only think I am.” She pouted at him, full on pouted as the car pulled away. “Who.. what will they even think I am?” She demanded from him, taking the glass and downing it in one go. The bubbles rose to her nose and she made a face a second before she sneezed. “Damnit, I get why you didn’t tell me, but you could have easily made me look like a fool because of your damn privacy.” Looking around the dark interior, anywhere but at him she fought the urge to squirm. “I assume someone will grab my bag?”

Another sigh and she rubbed at her eyes with both hands before shifting to sit up more. “My flight was nice. I didn’t sleep well, I kept worrying I wouldn’t look nice enough based on what you said might happen.” He had warned her some, but it was more the nature of who he was that had put her off kilter. “If you do something like this again, warn them to dress nice.”

At the mention of food she shook her head. “No, but thank you.” Her eyes finally found him and she offered him a hand. “It is nice to meet you, Adamant.” She used the name he went by, her voice softer now. The shock was wearing off and she gave him a slightly shy smile. “I haven't slept in two days now, at least well. Sorry for jumping down your throat.” It wasn’t the best apology, but all of this felt awkward as hell. Had he not been a fucking prince it would have still been awkward,. That small detail only made it more so.

“I.. Don’t want to call off our deal, but I am not the sort of person you want to bring out to functions, Lyon. I would stand out.” Her voice was soft and her eyes met his. “I normally dress much differently too, this was.. Special and mostly paid for by you.” She motioned at her dress, in the dimness he might see a flash of red underneath the black coat dress.
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Lyon didn't miss the tone in which she called him 'prince', and it had only made him smirk. He couldn't help it...he knew he could have told her, it would have been the honourable thing to do to warn her what she was stepping in to but hadn't he done that already, in a way? He had told her that there would be photographers, that they would be photographed simply because he was there...he could have been a movie star, a singer, anybody famous really. Sure, he hadn't told her what, exactly, hadn't told her he was royalty but was it really so different anyway? She'd been warned so while he felt a little bad, he didn't feel too much guilt. He didn't say another word until they were in the limo and away from prying eyes.

He let her vent for a little longer, simply grinning back at her and chuckling which he was sure wouldn't help with her frustration but he couldn't help himself. He hadn't expected her to be like this...she was always so sweet and soft spoken when he watched her streams and he rarely heard her curse or seem angry so it was interesting.
"Now now Iviana, I don't think that's fair, I told you there would be photographers, didn't I? I might have left out a tiny little detail but you were warned and you dressed beautifully." He looked her up and down rather brazenly and then met her eyes, smiling. "They'll think you're a visiting friend. Probably the daughter of somebody important, or a movie star. I'm sure they are trying to figure it out right now but they won't, not unless somebody tells them. Nobody will know you're secretly the amazing, beautiful, alluring Whimsy of all people. The kissable Kitsune visiting one of her foxtails..." He grinned again...he hadn't had this much fun in a long time, there were not many people he could just talk normally to, it was lonely, it could be exhausting...but he felt like he'd known Iviana for so long. That wasn't exactly true, he'd known a part of her, he'd known Whimsy and only what Whimsy had wanted to show but he knew enough that he wanted to learn more, and he didn't care that it was kind of parasocial, their relationship.

His eyes widened a little at her comment.
"You were worried you wouldn't look nice enough? Iviana you look beautiful, elegant...I don't think there will be any concerns about that and I certainly don't plan to do this again." It was the truth...she'd been the only one he'd ever thought of such a crazy idea for, made such an offer to and he couldn't imagine himself doing it again, nor would he want to. He didn't mention that instead he hoped she would stay longer, it was just a fleeting feeling right now, a hope, he didn't even know if he'd feel that way by the end of the month but he already knew he was going to like her. Part of it was because nobody else would ever dare talk to him like she had already...the flash of anger, the sarcasm...people weren't scared of him but they were formal and stiff, always. Despite her situation, despite being clearly overwhelmed for a moment Iviana was just being herself, it was the most refreshing thing he'd ever experienced.

He took her hand when she offered it and instead of shaking it, brought it up to his lips, kissing the back of her hand gently.
"Lyon, please. No apology needed, I understand you were shocked, that's okay." He didn't let go of her hand after the kiss, instead it was like he kept it hostage, relaxing while still holding it. "I can't wait to see how you normally dress too. Don't worry about standing out, your beauty makes you stand out already everywhere you go, surely you know this?" His eyes met hers again. "And the functions are non-negotiable. I must attend, and you'll attend with me. Don't worry, you will fit in perfectly, I can provide the clothes and you can just be you think anybody would dare treat you like an outsider while I'm standing beside you? I'm the one that should be worried, all of the men will be jealous."

They arrived shortly afterwards, and indeed her bags had been picked up, his driver opened the trunk and took it out, giving her a soft smile as he carried it into the mansion. Waiting on the steps was a tall man, slender and impeccably dressed and with a completely straight face. He had piercing green eyes, he was around the same age as Lyon was but his hair was even darker, jet black and slicked back into a pony tail and the suit he wore even had tails and a chain passing through a button hole on his jacket going to his pocket, clearly a golden pocket-watch. As Lyon and Iviana approached he looked towards her and was subdued but the corners of his lips definitely rose a fraction.
"Miss Iviana, welcome to Striania." He reached for her free hand, taking it and bowing low to kiss the back before releasing it. "A room has been made up for you next to Master Lyon's, if the decorations aren't to your liking I will have them changed immediately. Can I get you anything, a drink, or food?" Lyon laughed softly, grinning and shaking his head. "She said she isn't hungry. Iviana, this is Ulrich, my butler. If you need anything there is a button in your room to summon him, I'm sure he wouldn't mind isn't that right?"

Ulrich gave a small shake of his head.
"Of course I wouldn't, Sir." He looked back towards Iviana. "Please don't hesitate to summon me for anything you require, I'm at your service." He stood aside to let them pass. "I'll show her around the house myself Ulrich, if you could bring her bags up to her room?" Lyon still had hold of her hand and was leading her towards the stairs. The mansion itself was huge, lavishly decorated in grey and gold with hints of mahogany everywhere. In the center of the room was the large stairway and there were double doors on either side of the room no doubt leading to even more of the mansion's first floor. These were ignored for now as Lyon guided her up the stairs and towards the right side, the hallway wide and long with several doors. "The other side is where the staff's quarters are, you're welcome to go anywhere you like of course but I had your room made up next to mine. I hope you don't mind." All of the rooms had double doors and he led her almost to the end of the hallway...clearly his room was the last one in the line and he took her into the one next to it. The computer was already set up, there was a large four poster bed against one wall and the desk where she would stream on the right. There was a green screen folded up against the wall ready for use in case she wanted to hide her surroundings and a mini-fridge, though it wasn't so mini, stocked with drinks both alcoholic and non next to the desk. The entire room was decorated in the colours she so often used for her avatar and themes though the walls were still the grey with gold trim, the teal of her hair and the various shades of pink and purple. On the wall that led to his room was a single door, with a lock on it but it was obvious where it led and on the opposite side was another which led to the bathroom. The room itself was enormous and Lyon released her hand, standing in the doorway to let her explore. "I could only guess at the decorations...and the wardrobe is empty for now, we can fill it though, I would be happy to shop with you later, online, and tomorrow we can visit the stores if you'd like. I'd love to show you around the high street." His hands were behind his back, he was standing exactly as he had in the airport, stiff and formal, but he looked almost nervous. "Of course if you don't like it we can change it...this was short notice so I didn't have time to arrange to paint or for new wallpaper or tiles, whichever you'd prefer..."
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She fought back a growl of annoyance. “Yes, you did. However, there is a bit of a difference from rock-star to Prince, Lyon. They also have vastly different eyes on them. So yes, I knew there would be cameras, but who sees them? And the sort of public scrutiny?” This time she did growl, annoyed. “I dressed up, but I might have changed even this had I known. This is.. Normal for you.” She gestured at his outfit. “You are wearing a fucking uniform.” Not that Lyon didn’t look handsome as hell in his uniform, but that wasn’t her point. His words though made her laugh and there was a touch of bitterness to it. “Friend, sure. The others? No.” The second laugh was softer and she shook her head. “You know this is all very surreal, right?”

Her eyes gazed down at her outfit and she nodded some. “I guess.” She’d wanted to look nice, more for him than the cameras. It had been a silly little thing, but one that had meant a lot to her. It was an odd place they’d found themselves in with his offer. He’d come down, on his initial price, but she was still sleeping herself and that was something Iviana would have to come to terms with. Sitting across from him, she knew that she could talk to him about it. Lyon seemed kind enough and she hoped he’d understand, especially with what she’d shared with him.

Lips brushed the back of her hand and Iviana shivered. Surreal. The word came back again because there was no better word. Snorting, she lifted a brow. “Is that trained or natural?” His flattery seemed put on, but she wondered if that was just how princes’ talked. Like something bred into them. Her hand in his curled some as he told her the functions were non-negotiable. “You promise not to leave me?” This was almost asked in a small child-like voice. She didn’t want to be left in a world she didn’t know and didn’t belong in. Laughing she shook her head, the long silky lines of her hair slithering along her shoulders. “Has to be natural.”

The limousine rolled to a stop and and the door opened, spilling sunlight into the darkened interior. A hand was offered and she slipped from the car and turned to face the small palace in which Lyon called him. Another kiss was placed on her hand by Ulrich, his butler. Her cheeks heated and she gave a small shake of her head. “Thank you, but no.” She moved a step closer to Lyon, nervous as he offered Ulric for anything she needed. The idea of asking someone else for something she could do herself seemed.. Odd. “Thank you. It was nice to meet you, Ulric.”

With that, the tour began. Another small shake of her head as he said her room was next to his. “No, that is fine.” Led further down the hallways they stopped at her door and he pushed it opened. The first thing that caught her eyes was the colors. Her laugh was bright and she shook her head. “I see where you got inspiration from.” Her face turned up towards his and she giggled. “Like living inside my avatar.” Her fingers left his as she moved further into the room, looking at the setup and the bathroom. Lastly she stopped before the door that led to his room. Her fingers brushed the handle and she turned to look at him.

Shy, that was the only word for it, standing there in her pretty little coat dress and her thigh highs. “I still feel really nervous about all this.” She said softly. “I think it might be worse because of who you are.. Or what?” she shrugged some and bit her lower lip. “I know you backtracked a lot on what you wanted, and I am not asking you to change anything else, but I also don’t want to lie about it? Or at least not hide it..” Worrying her lower lip she held a hand out to him. “Could we try a kiss to start?”

It was in part like ripping off a band-aid, in part because she wanted to see how she handled a kiss. In part because he was handsome.. She also didn’t want to force him to ask. It was a business deal, in a way, but Iviana wasn’t sure she could handle it like one. If she could separate sex and feelings. If she wanted to. Nor did she have any way of knowing he was hoping, perhaps, that she couldn’t.
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"Is it really so different? I don't think I'm any more important than those people, I'm barely royalty, really. I'm..." Lyon brought his hand to his chin as though he was thinking, though it was pretty clear he already knew the answer. "...fourth in line for the throne, I'm not that important, not really. I greet ambassadors, I go to events and I stay at home watching my favourite, cute streamer play video games. I think a rock star is far more impressive, don't you?" Those weren't the entirety of his duties for sure and he knew that in his country and family he was considered very important, but when it came down to it the throne would be passed down to his older brother, Lyon was no more than a backup plan in that regard. His parents loved him, he was treated equally in almost every sense but it was a truth he'd always known, a hard truth that he was surplus to requirements to his sibling, he had to act as though he could one day be King but he never would. So, he made light of it. In all honesty, he wouldn't want to be the King anyway, he knew his father went through a lot to keep the country running, ruling was difficult and while he had no doubt he'd be up to the task, he liked the small freedoms he had now.

He glanced down at his uniform.
"Regalia, I must wear such in public, nothing more. Do you like it?" He grinned at her and shook his head. "Surreal? In what way? Can't a man invite his favourite content creator to his country to hang out? Watch some movies, play some games?" He had a rather mischievous smile as he said it, indicating that he knew exactly how surreal it was but he couldn't help himself, he really was having more fun during that small limo ride than he had in years, something that struck him as rather sad in it's own right. He'd laughed at her comment. "Is what trained or natural, dear? Do you mean the compliments? Products of your incredible beauty, Iviana, how can a man witness such a sight and not immediately praise it for what it is?" His smile changed, it had been almost a smirk but it became warmer and he squeezed her hand gently. "I won't leave you, for any reason. You're safe with me and I'd rather be nowhere else but by your side regardless."

Ulrich had simply nodded to her with a shallow bow, no more than a nod of his head and a slight tilt of the waist.
"As you wish, Miss Iviana. It was a pleasure to meet you too, please do call upon me should you need anything at all." His tone was very formal, his voice not quite as deep as Lyon's was but a smooth and practiced formality. Lyon had then guided her up the stairs to her room and when she'd laughed, he'd given her a small shrug at her comment. "Well where else would I get my inspiration from? I don't know you yet, Iviana, but I will." He gestured to the decorations. "The colours are pretty anyway, it brightens up the house. I hope the computer and green screen serve your needs for streaming, not that you'd need it now that I think about it...V-tubers don't use a green screen, do they?" He laughed and shook his head. "I should have thought of that. Oh well, I'm sure I'll find a use for it myself one day." The small talk was helping him to relax, but then she stopped by the door to his bedroom and he knew that she was aware of where it led.

He looked at her and his heart started to race faster. She was so perfect. He had truly not cared what she looked like, it was her personality that had attracted him, he wanted to know who she was outside of the stream but never in his wildest dreams had he imagined she could look so flawless, so divine...she was small, tiny compared to him really, her hair looked silky smooth and it was hard to not just run his hand over it, feel it slip through his fingers...she was pretty. Gods she was pretty, she even smelled pretty...he was wearing his own custom made aftershave, scents of amberwood and spice with just a hint of vanilla. He stepped closer to her, took her hand in his while gently placing his other hand on her waist and he pulled her closer to him. From here he had to look down as he moved her hand towards his own waist.

"Have you checked your bank account recently? I transferred the entire amount before your flight even landed,'s yours. The deal, forget it...I cannot date normally, I never get the chance so in the past I have made use of...escorts. For company, companionship...but I should never have treated you like one and I don't want that to be our relationship going forward. If you want to leave at any time then Ulrich will gladly drive you to the airport, your ticket is still good...but..."

He reached up with his hand, now that he'd transferred hers to his waist, and did exactly what he'd wanted to do, let it slide through her hair, felt it drip like a golden waterfall through his fingers and he smiled again.
"...but here is a new deal. If you choose to stay here with me, you're consenting to whatever I want to do with you. If I want to touch you..." His hand moved down to her shoulder, then down her arm, trailing with a firm but gentle touch. "...I will touch you. If I want to undress you..." He moved both hands this time and reached down, unbuttoning her coat one button at a time, slowly, his eyes on hers, then peeling it back to reveal the dress she had been hiding from him. It was beautiful, he'd known it would be. Red velvet, a tantalizing look at her cleavage while still being elegant and sophisticated, her pale skin contrasting wonderfully with the deep crimson...she had nothing to fear if she thought she had underdressed. "...then I will. And if I want to kiss you..." He threw the coat towards the bed and lowered his head, his hand coming to cup her cheek as he leaned in and then his lips were on hers. It was as gentle as everything else had been, insistent and affectionate as his tongue pried her lips apart and pushed deeper and his grip on her tightened ever so slightly.
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Rolling her yes she nodded, emphatically. “Yes, it is that different, Lyon!” That little feminine growl of annoyance was heard again. “It is just different. Both impressive in their own ways.” He made her want to smack him, the sort of thing she would have done with a friend. Instead, due to the distance between them and her unfamiliarity with him, Iviana resorted to glaring at him halfheartedly. He knew what he had done and no matter how he tried to brush it off, he should have given her more of a warning of what she’d walk into.

Shaking her head, Iviana let her blue eyes scan his uniform again. “No, you look good in it.” It was true enough. Lyon was tall, muscled without being built and the suit seemed to for lack of a better word, fit him. Sighing, Iviana rubbed the bridge of her nose and glared at him again. “It is a bit more than that, Lyon. Yes you are still just a man, but you are a man with… attachments that most ‘normal’ people don’t have to contend with.” She frowned softly. “Ever.”

A snort left Iviana and she shook her head. “No, that is not it at all.” Her self esteem wasn’t where it should have been, that was likely true, but she pushed that small detail aside and frowned at him. It was more than just the compliments, it was the way he said them. His smirk softened though and his hand held hers a touch tighter as he promised to nor leave her. After a long moment she nodded and let out a shaky breath. “Okay.”

“No, I don’t need one.”
Her smile was soft and she looked around the room again. He had a point and she like dhow the bright colors melded with the more muted tones. It felt.. Soft. In a way that she found very pleasing. Looking back at the PC she could see what he’d had put inside and it was better than what she had at home. “No, the PC is great. It is better than mine.” Her voice softer as she admitted this. Not like he didn’t know she’d been struggling. It was why she was hear after all.

Being close to her for a while, he’d have picked up on her sweet, citrusy scent. Lemon, rosemary and neroli. It made Iviana almost smell like Christmas, in a way. That fresh piney scent of rosemary with the bright citrus. As he stared at her, she could feel her heart rate pick up.

His hand captured her own and he pulled her closer to him. The other slipped to her waist while he placed hers to his waist. Her other hand rose to press against his chest, not stopping him, but resting lightly. “No, why would I have?” Her brows furrowed and her lips parted in surprise. “Lyon..” Frowning, she couldn’t help but look at him again, confused. His voice soothed her as he explained the why of what he’d done.

Fingers laid into her hair and her eyes closed as he let the silky blonde strands slip from his fingers and she shook her head some. The new deal wouldn’t be it exactly, but she could offer him a counter to his proposal. Her coat was slipped from her and he saw the red dress beneath and the words caught in her throat. The kiss was gentle at first, but then he pressed and his mouth opened for him. Their tongues danced before she pulled back carefully, stepping out of his arms. “No, Lyon.” her voice was soft, but very firm.

“We can forget the deal, but that isn’t changing much about how you see me.” Her arms wrapped around her body. “But.. What you want is a relationship, something real. What you were asking for is a plaything.” The words were a challenge. “So what is it you want? A plaything or a chance at something real?”
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Lyon had simply smiled at her when she said both were equally impressive. He had his own thoughts on the matter but it wasn't important and he didn't feel the need to share them, instead just grinning as she complimented how he looked in his uniform. "I do have attachments, and no, most people don't ever have to deal with them, but that doesn't mean it has to be a bad thing. Is it?" He looked her in the eyes as he asked her. "Is it the worst thing in the world, that I am a prince?" He looked almost sad as he said it. "I did try to warn you, while maintaining the anonymity that I had to do for my family, I wasn't trying to deliberately deceive you or anything, or mislead you, I just couldn't tell you more without breaking promises I've made."

At least he managed to make her laugh with his compliments, turning on the charm as it were, but he was thinking about it for the rest of the short journey. He'd never wanted to make her feel out of place, which he knew was always going to be a long shot. She was right in that being who he was, it came with strings, attention others didn't have to deal with, rules he had to follow that to others would seem overly limiting such as how he'd had to protect his family from his offer which could very easily become a scandal if the press got hold of it. Just inviting her in this way was him putting a lot of trust in her, she had the power to very easily turn the public opinion against him because while he didn't think it was such a terrible offer, he knew exactly how it would be perceived. Perception and optics, they were worth so much more to his family.

At least once he was back home with her he had other things to think about, nodding as she admitted she didn't need a green screen. He hadn't really thought about it, just bought it because he knew it was useful for streaming and he laughed softly as she told him the PC was better than hers.
"What a strange thing to say, it is yours, silly girl." The PC itself while being top of the line when it came to components had also been fitted with RGB lights that had been configured into the same colours as the decorations as her Vtuber avatar, and if he had wanted more, he'd wanted to customize it more for her but he hadn't had the time, he'd only known she'd be coming here for less than 24 hours. "You can take it with you when you leave, or I can have it delivered. I have my own in my room, the staff that want one have their own. This is yours." He had gestured towards the PC but he meant everything in the room, it was all hers if she wanted it. He had money to spare, it wasn't important to him but he knew that because of her situation in life, it mattered to her, so why wouldn't he spend it on her?

She'd looked confused when he'd mentioned that he'd already sent her the money, then he'd made his new offer, he'd kissed her...and she'd pulled back from him. His heart sank as she said no...he'd been prepared to hear it, he'd been contemplating this, on letting her go if she had wanted to but he had hoped. When she spoke, he listened, and he frowned softly.

"That's not what I'm asking for, you really think that's how I see you?" He sounded hurt, and he was. The sex was the least of what he'd wanted from her, it was why he'd been so willing to change, willing to give her more freedom, promise to not go too far but it seemed that she'd interpreted this as something very different than he'd hoped. "What I want from you, what I companionship. I want to get to know you and maybe it can become something more...I think I'd like that, I like who you are but I know so little...this deal, this was to get you here. To meet you, maybe to push you a little, yes I want to touch you, kiss you...but you're not a plaything simply for accepting that." He sighed softly. "Maybe I am explaining this badly, but I think you are wrong in how you see it. I'm a very forward person, I want something and I like to take it, in all aspects of my life, but have I forced you here? I've done all I can to make this easier for you, you don't even have to stay if the money is of any concern to you, it's yours already but how I like my relationships to be won't change. If you stay here, you're mine and you'd have to trust me to not push you further than you can handle. Trust me to listen to what you say and understand how you feel, trust me to know when to push and when to pull back. Trust that I want to know you more than I want a new toy to play with." He took a step back from her. As painful as it was, he didn't want to enter into this as somebody he wasn't, no more than he'd want her to be anybody else. If all he wanted was a plaything there were many willing to give him just that, who'd jump at the chance and he loved that she had challenged him, it made him want her more but it wasn't something he felt he could back down on.

"So you'll have to decide. If you really think that is how I see you then this won't work. I don't want to see you go, it may turn out to be the biggest regret of my life but it may also be the biggest regret of your own. Regardless, your freedom is your own, the only thing that can keep you here is yourself. If you want to leave, Ulrich will take you to the airport." He turned towards the door leading to his bedroom and not wanting to face her, to see the decision being made, scared of what it was going to be he opened it and walked through, closing the door behind him.
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No, it wasn’t. It was surprising, confusing and a bit intimidating. “No,” Iviana said finally. “Every girl wants a chance with a prince.” She was trying to lighten the mood, though it was likely true. What girl wouldn’t kill for a chance to be in her shoes at this very moment? “I know you did, but you have to see why it came as the shock it did, Lyon.” Her voice had softened. “I am.. Not mad. I was, but a big shock can do that to you.”

“Mine?” Her shock was evident and her head tilted. She thought he’d keep the PC when she left. “Lyon, this is a lot of money.” True he’d offered her a million to come spend a month with him, but that still seemed foreign and frankly not real. Shaking her head she let out a soft chuckle. “Okay.” There were still threads of disbelief in her voice. It was an amazing PC for a day's notice, hell amazing period. He’d taken time and effort to make it look nice. The lighting and the ambiance. Even if he hadn’t set it up, he’d had a hand in its setup.

Her hands lifted, a small shrug of movement. “No, yes?” She seemed unsure and she sighed. She let him speak and as he turned away and headed for the door. It opened and closed before she moved. Following him she caught his hand and tugged him back into her room, closing the door behind her and pressing her back to it. “Stop. You can’t just leave, I want to talk about this.”

After she was sure he’d not just leave she pulled him toward the bed and pushed him to sit before sitting beside him. This wasn’t a talk she wanted to do standing. It was likely going to take awhile. “You say I am not a plaything.” Her words were slow, considering. “Kissing and touching didn't make me one. It was.. The how.. The why or” She shook her head and sighed. “I guess it is the expectation to be touched?” He hadn't forced her, no. It was the detail of how he liked his relationships that stuck in her mind. “It is how you talked about it.”She said finally. “That I'd be yours.” Her hand reached out and took his. “I don’t understand Lyon.”

An innocent more than he likely knew, she wasn’t sure what he meant. She had a rough theory, but the books she’d read had not prepared her for this sort of language. It sounded fifty shades, but that also seemed.. Wrong? “Help me understand., please?” Her voice was soft. “It feels like something you think I should know, or understand on some level and I don’t Lyon.”

The fact of the matter was she did trust him, or she wouldn’t have been here. Innocence and lack of any and all experience..

"Yours." Lyon had smiled at her reaction. Such a simple thing but in that moment she seemed like a kid at Christmas being given a huge gift, something they had never dreamed of before. He knew the computer was expensive, he'd paid for it after all, but it wasn't something completely surreal like a car or like the money now sitting in her bank account and yet the reaction had made him grin. "I have nothing to spend my money on anyway, Iviana, why not a beautiful girl? It was worth every penny just to see your face light up. We can customize it more too...I booted it up personally earlier, I added your logo as the screensaver and changed the lighting to your colours but I didn't know what else to put on it and you have your own accounts and passwords..." It had been nice, it had felt good to talk about, unlike the following conversation.

He hadn't hated that either but she didn't understand and he didn't know how to tell her what he liked, what he wanted...he was normally so forward about it too but for some reason the thought of admitting it to her made his mouth feel dry, made his pulse race a little quicker. The kiss...the kiss had been everything, the start of something wonderful, he'd thought, but then so quickly it had gone the other way and he was through the door to his own room before she stopped him, physically grabbed his wrist and pulled him back through the door. He was pushed towards the bed once she'd closed the door to cut off his escape and it was his turn to listen to her talk.

It made sense. If she was a virgin, and she had already told him she was, it was entirely possible she didn't understand. Lyon and the escorts he paid for of course understood, it was their jobs to know these things and it hadn't occurred to him just how innocent Iviana could be in these things so when she asked him to explain to her, to tell her what he meant he had to choose his words very carefully.
" didn't occur to me that you wouldn't know, that's my fault, I never mentioned it, I never even tried to. I'm sorry." He laughed softly and squeezed her hand. "I suppose you can think of it as kinks, but it's more than that...I like restraints, I like all kinds of things really, but mostly I just enjoy...control." He let the word sink in. "BDSM they call it, and I'm sure you have at least heard of it. It's not just in the bedroom it's outside too, like I mentioned...if I want something, I take it. More though it's...ugh I'm explaining this badly."

He reached for her shoulder with his free hand and gently pushed her back onto the bed so she was laying down. Careful not to touch her anywhere inappropriate he grabbed her other hand, keeping hold of her hand and with both he pinned them to the bed at either side of her head, keeping hold of them and he leaned over her. This time he didn't try to kiss her, just met her gaze and smiled softly.
"I am Dominant and I like submissive girls. That doesn't mean pushovers...that you speak to me like I'm a normal person and that you got angry at me in the limo, that made me so happy, I like being challenged...and it doesn't be any means lead to you not having a choice. Consent is important to me, I want you to want the same things I's still a relationship. You think I see you as a plaything...I do not, though in some cases I may treat you like one. I would want to tie you up, I would want to put a collar around your throat and clip a leash to it...I would want to tease you just because I can and if you misbehave, punish you. I might spank you, or restrict you from something...when you're good I would reward you, with what depends on what you like, what you value but an orgasm would be a good start..."

His confidence was building again as he spoke of all this.
"And yes, this is just who I am. It's not all about sex, I like to be a caregiver more than would have my entire focus, if you need anything I would help,'s still hard to explain." He laughed and shook his head. "But that is what I meant...the only way for you to really understand would be to do your research, or experience it...because I know right now it sounds rather misogynistic, it isn' is nothing about respect or lack of it." He waited for her to answer him but he didn't let go of her hands, and he wouldn't until she asked him to, keeping her pinned.
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There had been tension in his arm when she’d grabbed him, stopped him. He didn’t show any of it though as he sat on the bed with her and listened to her explain how she didn’t understand what he was talking about. It wasn’t that she was against anything, but she had a distinctive lack of knowledge that seemed fundamental to him. Shaking her head she smiled at his laugh. “It is okay, you can explain now.” Her own words soft and patient. She wasn’t mad, but she did need to know. Her eyes widened and she tilted her head. The only thing she knew about BDSM was.. “Fifty shades?” Though, the little she did know, it was a bad representation of the lifestyle.

Her knowledge on the subject ended there. Though, Lyon seemed to understand and he pushed her to lay back on the bed. She didn’t fight him, curious and willing to trust him. Both hands were lifted and pinned to the soft mattress on either side of her head. He just gazed down at her, not touching her or taking advantage. His words made a bit more sense now and she struggled a little with the concept, it made it look less like a plaything and more like something else.

After a long moment of considering his words, she nodded. “I think I understand.” She bit her lower lip looking up at him. Blushing, she offered a small detail of herself to him. “I like to read cheesy romance novels.” She wanted to look away, but didn’t. “It isn’t the same and I have never read anything with BDSM in it..” She sighed softly. “But the sort of personality matches, I think?”

Those sort of men were appealing in books, why not real life? Shifting, she didn’t try and push back or escape his hold. “Would you be willing to be.. More...” She didn’t know the word. Not gentle, perhaps.. “More understanding?” Yes that was right. “Because this is all new to me?” If he would, then Iviana would try. Coming here had been a risk and she’d done it anyway. She’d been trying to look at it as an adventure. What Lyon wanted, perhaps needed, could be another adventure.

Worrying her lower lip she asked after a moment. “What happens if I don’t like it?” She’d go home, she assumed, but she didn’t know. While she doubted a Prince would kidnap her and use her as a sex slave, not that he gave those vibes, she still needed to know what would happen. The money was already in her bank, he’d said. She could turn around right now and leave.. But something in Iviana wanted to give this a shot.

Besides, how many girls could say they lost their v-card to a real fucking prince?
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Lyon had to laugh. Of course she'd know Fifty Shades of Grey even if she didn't know much about BDSM or this kind of relationship in general and he shook his head slowly. That being said, he couldn't deny it completely and while he didn't respect the gaslighting and abusive nature of that book, movie or whatever it had become now he could use her knowledge of it to help. He'd pinned her down and she'd accepted it, she wasn't fighting him. "I understand the comparison but no...that series is not a good representation of what I want, what I crave...Christian Grey is abusive, he stalks the poor girl, he traps her, coerces her, outright abuses her." He was meeting Iviana's eyes as he spoke. "As I said there are similarities...he is wealthy, so am I. He bought her gifts, I have given you gifts, I've definitely used my money to get you here...but I'm not going to hold it over you. You're always free to leave, I won't follow you, won't stalk you, I won't try to lie to you to get you to stay and I don't want the kind of relationship that man likes." He grinned a little. "But the cuffs? Paddles? Butt plugs, gags, nipple clamps...all of that and more I do love and I would use on you at some point. That I can't deny."

She said she thought she understood, and he believed her, she was probably at least more understanding of what he had meant now and he laughed again as she mentioned romance novels.
"I can't say I've read many of those, Iviana, but maybe you're right. What I like isn't unpopular even if it isn't exactly the norm. There are places where it is more popular, there are clubs, there are parties...I don't get to go to those for fear of being recognized and photographed." He sounded just a little bitter at that and he knew it, but he smirked a little. "Except the ones with masks. Those I have been to, where nobody knows who you are...there might be one coming up soon too that I've had my eyes on. Of course, I won't go and leave you here alone, so I will skip that one, should you choose to stay."

He felt her shift but still she wasn't trying to pull free and he was beginning to think that she liked this...he had a desire to touch her, to find out if she was turned on being held down like this but he knew damn well that would be a bad idea. She was speaking anyway, asking him something important and he chuckled and nodded.
"Of course I will...this is your first time with all this, it would be silly of me not to be understanding and help to ease you in. What exactly do you mean though, I'd like you to explain it...give me an example of when I should be more understanding." Her next question was also easy to answer. "If you don't like it, then we would probably part ways." He smiled and squeezed her hands gently, still leaving her where she was as he pulled them back to let her up. "This is what I want, and I want it with you if you're willing to stay, to give it a try...but if not, or if you try and find that you don't like it and want to leave then of course you may leave, I won't stop you, I won't take anything from you...despite what you may think of it from what you know this is a relationship, it's not a prison. You will never be trapped here. Yes, I'll expect obedience from you at times but that doesn't mean that you can't talk to me if you have a problem, if you think I'm wrong and you want to correct me...if I do something that you have an issue with I expect you to tell me. Say the words 'Whimsical Whimsy,' if you ever want to stop what we are doing and talk...those will be your safewords. That means when you say them, everything stops. It doesn't matter if I'm spanking you, if I'm leading you around the mansion on a leash on your hands and knees, if I'm fucking you for the very first time and I'm close to finishing...say the words, I will stop no matter what it is."

He wanted to see how she'd react to the things he'd said, knowing he was being a little coarse with his language. He stood up from the bed and offered his hand to her, to help her up.
"If you'd like to start slow, we can. I think calling me Sir would be a good start. Try it, see how it feels. We can watch a movie, in my room, if you'd like. Put your trust in me, trust that I won't push you too far, Iviana."
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He painted a world for her that she was trying to understand, though without trying,s he never would. It would never be something she could read and truly understand about. It might give her an idea, a glimpse of what it would be like, but until she put herself into that space, allowing him to dominate her, Iviana knew she would struggle to really understand. Some of what he said made her uneasy while other things made her curious. Iviana didn’t fight his old, finding there was some appeal even to this. Had she struggled with something like this, they might have had their answer far sooner. She allowed him to speak, to inform of what he’d like and things that might happen. There was also her safe-word. Something tailored just for her.

Hands released her and she lay there until a hand was offered. Her fingers slid into his and she sat up and then stood beside him. Licking her lips, Iviana sat on the edge of her bed for a moment. She had been silent the entire time and finally she spoke. “I am not sure how I feel about some of that.” She admitted. One thing in particular standing out to her. “I don’t like the idea of the leash and being led around.” She didn’t hide it from him, for it seemed to be against the whole idea. She actually hated the idea.

Other aspects bothered her too, but not nearly as much and her face tipped to meet his eyes. “Sir seems formal.” There was a hint of displeasure at that, struggling to blend what she thought would happen and what was happening. She didn’t hate it like the idea she’d mentioned, but she didn't like it. Squirming she sighed softly and rose and nodded, as if making up her mind. “I want to.. Try. I am nervous though.”

Liking him made this harder. Iviana didn’t know him well, but Adamant was fun to talk to, made her smile and was there for almost every stream. It felt like if this didn’t work she’d be losing a friend and that made her feel uneasy. It wasn’t his intent, she knew that.. So she didn’t bring it up. A part of her wanted to explore this for the sake of trying.

It had all been easier though when she thought this was just sex. Something she might have still struggled with. He’d thrown a wrench into those plans though and she was struggling to bridge the two sides. “Sorry,” Iviana said. “I am struggling a little. I would like to try though.” She reiterated it and slipped her hand into his. “Sir.”

Lyon didn't know how Iviana was taking this. He was hopeful, of course he was, but he'd also tempered his expectations too. He'd gone back on what he'd initially proposed to her so much, in some ways he felt he was a fool...he could have her naked right now, kneeling for him...not only that but she'd accept it, she'd had the choice and had fully expected something like that but his own emotions had decided this was the time to rise up. It confused him...he'd paid for more than a night from escorts before, high end professionals and never once felt like he was doing something wrong or should change his behaviour. A week had been the longest, he'd hired a woman for an entire week and she'd been naked the entire time she'd been living with him except for her collar. She'd been paid well, she'd been obedient and they'd slept together, they'd talked. He knew intellectually it was nothing like a real relationship but it was the closest thing he'd ever had and that was something different. It was a sad thought, it wasn't real...he wanted more now but realized there was an even bigger difference when Iviana had been on her flight.

He liked her.

He'd liked the escort too, she was a sweet woman, they'd shared some laughs and smiles but it had always been a service and he wanted more than that, so he'd immediately started walking back what he'd asked of her. Two sides of him waged war in his heart and mind, one that wanted Iviana right now...even before seeing her and especially afterwards, seeing how beautiful she was when she smiled at him...he wanted to order her to strip, he wanted to push her down to the bed and take her. He wanted her to follow his commands, call him Sir, he wanted to see her cuffed, on a leash, he wanted to teach her and explore her. The other part of him wanted something deeper...he was 32 years old and had never had a romantic relationship, never had anything that wasn't entirely in his control and Iviana had made it clear that she wanted a relationship too and he was having a hard time finding out where the point of balance was. He loved being dominant, he loved the control, he loved restraints, he loved submissive girls...he didn't want to give that up but he didn't want something flat and formal with Iviana either, he wanted to experience the real thing.

He nodded as she took his hand and spoke her mind, something he appreciated from her. She was helping him, giving him thoughts of where he could cut it, what he could do without and what else he could try. She rose after he asked her to watch a movie with him and said she wanted to try which made his heart soar, but she'd already said a few things she didn't like. He wanted to compromise more...not just because she didn't like those things but because he wanted something to suit them both. He pulled her back by her hand and with a grin, guided her into his lap. One hand on her left thigh, one on her right he made her kneel astride him and pulled her was an intimate position where she could look him in the eyes, at his level and his hands shifted to her waist, sliding up her body to get there, over her hips.
"Don't be sorry. This is new to you, I know, and something you may not even like...but did you know it's new to me too?" He gave her a warm smile. "Not the BDSM, but a relationship...I've never had one. I've paid escorts to be discreet, to tend to my needs but I've never had a connection...but I've never cared for them. Well...I cared, but not romantically, I didn't want to build something more, I've never met a girl that I did until I need your help. We will watch a movie, but first let's talk...see if we can find a compromise between our expectations..."

He lifted one hand, brushing her hair aside and stroked his fingers along her slender neck, her throat.
"No leash then, but a collar. Something pretty...a collar doesn't need to be leather and obvious, it can be something subtle, but make you know you're mine but you can wear it in public. Lockable...because I do like that." He chuckled. "Would that be okay, Iviana? And if Sir is too formal...well I have less ideas for that. Master is out of the question, I don't like pretentious names, you don't need to call me your lord..." He chuckled and laughed. "Daddy is a popular name, that's a form of BDSM all on it's own, something softer, a caregiver more than a strict controller and owner." He met her eyes, trying to gauge her reaction. "It would be Isa in my own language...well, that means father, it's close. Something subtle though." The hand on her waist slid down towards her rear. "Compromise...we can find it...but I will still be in'll be mine while you stay here Iviana...that will be non-negotiable, do you agree? Your body, hopefully soon your heart, willingly given. And of course, your trust."

Pulled by her hand back, she looked at him with wide, innocent eyes and blushed prettily as he settled her into his lap. Straddling his legs, a knee on either side of his hips, the position was intimate and made her heart race as his hands slid along her thighs, up to her waist. Holding her, she was eye level with him now and Iviana tilted her head, curiously. At first his words made her frown and then he clarified and that frown smoothed. He was sweet. There was something about him. A man used to getting his way and then with her, he was trying. Compromising and trying to find something more real.

Nodding, Iviana settled her rear on his knees. “Okay, Lyon.” His hand rose from her waist and brushed along her neck and Iviana angled her chin, allowing his fingers more access to the slender column of her throat. “Collar?” Though the word was repeated it didn’t have the same visceral reaction that the leash had. Considering the compromise, as he elaborated she nodded after a moment when he asked if it would be okay. “I think so..” There was a slight current of unease, but she smiled shyly. “We could pick it together?” A request, not a demand. The idea of having something that they both knew what it meant was appealing, without it being obvious to the world at large.

Wrinkling her nose when he said lord. “Not happening,” Iviana confirmed. Daddy though made her blush and her lips pursed as she considered the title. “That sounds.. Gentler?” Maybe that wasn’t the right way of putting it, it seemed like a sweeter version of what he’d wanted. Lips curled into a smile and she brushed her lips against his, soft, sweet and chaste. “Do you want to be my Isa, my caregiver?” The words seemed unsure, as she tried the title out. She liked it though and his hand slipped to her rear.

After a moment she nodded again, when he finally laid out what he wanted the most. He’d be in control. “I might struggle, I have lived alone for a while.” She was used to her independence and he was asking to control that. Her body would be his. It still made her uneasy, but there was a part that was curious. That wanted to try. “I want to try, if you are willing to be patient when I struggle.” Iviana knew herself and knew there would be times when he asked or demanded something that her hackles might rise and she'd need his understand and help to accept whatever it was. If he was willing to help though?

Iviana seemed receptive. That was good...he didn't miss the few times she had frowned or scowled at his words as he explained what he wanted from a compromise...she had obviously hated the idea of a collar at first, but the expression had softened once he'd explained that it didn't have to look obvious. Nothing leather that looked like it belonged around the throat of a dog, or any animal really, but jewelry. Something personal to them and he had smiled and nodded at her request. "Of course we can, I'd like that. We can look through some while we watch the movie, or afterwards if you'd like to focus, I could have it here tomorrow, probably tonight if we wanted. There are specialty sites that make things like this, locking jewelry that nobody will recognize as a collar or sign of ownership, or of what our relationship is...but we would know. That's what matters to me."

While he was speaking his hand had started to wander, down from her throat and lower down to the curve of her ass, squeezing gently while trying not to be too abrasive, there would be time to explore later. He chuckled as she said Lord or Master were not happening, that had been obvious enough from her reaction to Sir, but he didn't miss the blush as she heard the word Daddy. It had never been his thing exactly but it still had what he needed, the control, the dominance, he could still use the toys he had and the was just less formal. He had to admit that with the girl in his lap now it would be strictly better even if she'd accepted what he'd initially proposed...he couldn't deny he had feelings for her and if the relationship had become more formal because of his desires then it may have been harder to truly express them.

He grinned as her lips came close to him...he'd feared she might say no to this whole thing and he'd been prepared to let her go but knowing he didn't have to...was everything.
"Yes, I want to be your you want to be my little girl?" Another he hadn't tried out...he was used to pet, pet was his go-to pet name for the girls he played with, or brat when they acted out. He chuckled softly and let her pull back without kissing her. "Of course...if you struggle, I'll be'll be here for me too won't you?" He met her eyes and while he talked a little more seriously his hands drifted back to her waist. "I have never had a relationship like this...I know you probably haven't either but I've never thought of one before, what I've had was more formal, more strict...I need you to bear with me. Reign me in if I get a little too demanding, I need your sweetness to cut through the sharpness of my usual experience." It was true...this might be difficult for the both of them, in different ways. "I'll be patient, it's okay to have your safeword to use correct? Repeat it back for me...and please stop me if I'm pushing too hard, or getting too strict. We can talk about it."

He smiled at her then gently started pushing to get her off his lap, as comfortable as he was and as much as he liked having her there he had promised a movie so he stood once she was off him and took her hand, leading her through the door into his room. It was decorated much like the rest of the house, darker colours, the grey and gold mixing well to make it look more regal and it was of course lavishly decorated with a huge four post bed, the drapes pulled back on it. He released her hand and let her look around while he opened a cabinet on the wall which was hiding the very large television which took up most of it. As he came back to the bed he had a thought and he grinned, opening the bedside table and pulling out a pair of black leather cuffs.
"Hands behind your back, princess. Just a test, so you can see how it feels." He climbed up to sit on the bed, pulling himself up to the very top and patted the space between his legs. "Come here, and trust me. I'll be nice."

“After” Her words were soft. If they were going to watch a movie, she wanted to focus on the activity. Her mind was still innocent and the idea of cuddling with Lyon appealed to her. His hand wandered as he spoke, but never crossed any sort of boundary, even as he cupped and squeezed her ass. The idea of a Daddy wasn’t unappealing, though Iviana wasn’t a child and never wanted to be seen as once. It might have been discounted outright until he explained it. Caregiver. In her mind, someone who helped her stay on track for goals, helped her grow as a person. Just like a daddy should.

Little girl had her nose wrinkling. “Another name?” She asked softly and tried for a smile to lessen the blow. It seemed like she had issues with so much and hated it. Despite what she said, Iviana wanted to give this a real try. “I know I am small, but I am not a child.” She explained, hoping he’d understand. “Of course,” her answer was immediate to his question and her smile was shy.

When his face seemed to sober, Iviana gave him her full attention. “Well, no.” Iviana had dated, but it had never gotten far enough for it to become sexual. So a relationship like the one they were testing out was new to her. After a moment, she nodded and smiled. A hand lifted and her nails ran through his beard, gentle and sweet. “We will figure this out together. It is kinda fun that you will not have all the answers either.” It would make them on even footing, so to speak and that oddly calmed rather than scared Iviana.

“Whimsical Whimsy.” The answer was automatic. Letting out a break Iviana nodded. “I will or I will at least do my best. Some of it is trust too, right? You said you’d push at my limits.” Her brows furrowed, trying to remember. “But I also know you will stop if I am uncomfortable.” She smiled at him. Pushed gently off his lap Iviana took his hand and allowed him to lead her to his own room.

Her eyes wandered until his voice came and she looked at him and to the item in his hands. Her mouth squinched to one side, and Iviana moved closer. The cuffs had not been the problem, she’d wanted to cuddle. This would be a good test and she climbed onto the bed. Pausing only to take off her heels before settling between his legs. “Wouldn't a move with my arms behind my back be uncomfy?” Her words were curious, not angry. Movies were normally an hour and the thought of her arms being restrained for that long made her shoulders ache.
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