Mx Female Nox's RP Requests


Jul 12, 2021
Hello, if you are reading this then I hope that you are having a good day. Anyways, with pleasantries out of the way let's get to why we are all here.

So, want from you is fairly simple. First, I don't particularly care what your IRL gender is. So long as you think that you can play the one of the rolls here, well I am all for it. Second, I do expect some form of communication if we chose to do an RP together. If something comes up IRL, I don't need the details but at least tell me if you are going to be gone for a while. Third, and this goes in line with communication, but any RP I do I wish to be a collaborative effort. While I will be providing scenarios, and accepting proposals if you have some that interest me, I don't want the RP to be basic. I want us to work together to grow the RP beyond the initial premise and make a good story. Fourth, if we do an RP together, I expect some decent length posts. Short posts can be fine if talking in character, but details and descriptions are nice. Fifth, and this should be obvious, but any views expressed here are purely to fulfill some perverse desire. That of course, goes both ways.

Current Premises
The Sorceresses Apprentice: The world is in a period of recovery. About a ten years ago, a group of evil mages nearly brought about the end of the world. The wilds are still dangerous with some of their experiements, but travel between towns and cities is finally becoming safe. As a consequence of those mages actions however, all magic users are hunted with extreme prejudice. Families have been town apart as a member is arrested and sent away after being proven to be capable of magic. Powerful adventurers who had helped towns were executed for fear that they could turn their magic against others instead of for them. In this time of paranoia and unease, my character enters.

A young man just entering adulthood MC has always been interested in magic since he was saved by a mage when young towards the end of the evil mages rampage. His interest has him having journeyed into the woods in search for some form of natural magic that he could learn in secret. Unknowingly, his curiosity for magic lets him bypass protections set by a powerful Sorceress (Your Character), that keep her safe from the mage hunters of the world. How things progress from here would be up for discussion. Will the Sorceress take interest in this young man, and turn him into her apprentice. Will their bond grow until it becomes something more then Mistress and Apprentice? Or will things be a little darker, and will the Sorceress use the man for her own experiments. Toying with him with her magic, shaping him into whatever her desires may be? Or does the apprentice even exist? Maybe you'd like to just play as the Sorceress in the world, exploring it to try and find out what is happening to all of the arrested magic users. Or maybe some other goal? The choice, is yours.

Stereotypes Exist: MC had his life planned out for a while. Being the son of two scientists he always had a brilliant mind and plenty of money to help him if he needed it. Sure he was a bit sheltered and set in his ways, but who wasn't these days? College though, was supposed to be different. He was going to earn full ride on his own and not have to rely on his parents money. And he would have done it to, if it weren't for a some random Asian chick (YC) who appeared out of nowhere and stole it from him. Now with a lesser scholarship, he has to fall back on his parent's money to go to the college he wants. The good news however, is that if for some reason that girl were to fail her classes, then it would default back to him. Making her fail shouldn't be to hard right, after all Asian girls are only good for some sucky sucky and fucky fucky right?

This one obviously goes into raceplay, and will honestly be a bit of a first for me. Your character would obviously be smart to start out with, you earned that scholarship after all, but what kind of life she had before school would be one you. Was she also raised sheltered and is unaware of the stereotypes that can surround Asian women? Or did she work her ass off despite those stereotypes and earn the scholarship? Will she slowly give into what MC sees her as, or will she fight back against him and turn the tables on him? Or, does my character even exist at all? Maybe you'd like to just play as an intelligent Asian college girl who slowly gets corrupted and turned into a stereotype? The choice, as always, is yours.

Stranded: When the offer was made to you, you were told it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. After all, space tourism was still in it's early stages and expensive as heck, so why wouldn't you take the chance. It was supposed to just be a quick loop around the moon and back, but something seemed to go wrong. Flashing red lights filled the ship as you reached the moon, and white gas began to fill the cockpit. Eventually you would pass out, only to awake when you feel the ship hit something. As you open your eyes, you can see that you seemed to have crash landed in what looked to be a jungle. The readouts on the ship seemed to imply that everything was okay outside, but one thing was certain, you were stranded.

So, this one is a bit of a sci-fi story. Stranded on what can only be an alien planet, you will have to contend with survival in this new location. Food and water seem abundant, but the tracks and the like seem to indicate that there are some big beasties around. They don't have a craving for human flesh in a hungry manner, but in a whole different one. Will you be able to survive long enough to be rescued? Or will you give in to the primal life on the planet? The choice, as always, is yours.

I do plan on posting other RP ideas here at a later time. Send me a message if either of the proposals interest you, or if you have an idea of your own that you'd like to discuss.
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