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Fx Male Tales of the Blade! (Seeking GM)(NSFW)


Nov 7, 2009
This is an idea I've been nursing for a while...

Our heroine is a sexy sword-spirit, bound to a legendary sword. She can only manifest - taking on solid form - by drawing on her wielder's mana. For centuries, she's been wielded by a succession of heroes...But what happens when she falls into the wrong hands?

Imagine a pair of lecherous bandits passing this legendary weapon (and the gorgeous spirit) between themselves...Or some horny little goblin or fat warlord getting his hands on her, to possess her in every way possible!

Who knows? Maybe she'll find that she enjoys being in the hands of the wicked and the venal rather than the righteous...After all, everyone wants a chance to be a bad girl for a change.

Of course, she's got the best excuse for bad behavior - As the wielded, not the wielder, who can blame her for following her Master's instructions faithfully? Or, perhaps, not as faithfully, if someone she doesn't like tries to wield her...All kinds of things can happen in the heat of battle, after all!

This idea is kind of a send-up of the classic fantasy story, and somewhat comedy-orientated: I'm thinking that our heroine ends passing through the hands of various perverted / lecherous owners, more than happy to take advantage of their lovely new companion! Besides, she might end up having the time of her life!







I kind of see this an episodic game, where she passes through the hands of lecherous bandits, horny goblins, monsters, perverted merchants, decadent nobles and so on.

While the images above are in line with a samurai-themed story, there's no reason she can't be a classic fantasy weapon (These are from Magic: The Gathering's classic Sword Cycle, if you're curious.)

After all, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!

As we see here, even Conan (NSFW) had an encounter like that...And you best believe he took advantage!
Weird, all the image links appear to be broken. Well, I'll bump regardless - I'm not sure if it's an Imgur problem, or if the account has been somehow deleted.
The Demon Blade
In a slight spin-off, here's a variant of the idea:

It's said that the spirits of the unquiet dead can linger for up to three days, to right wrongs and settle scores. Few take that option, for to do is to risk being unable to pass on to Heaven or Hell...

Our lovely heroine is a samurai who was killed by the Demon Blade Murasama, and returns as a ghost - Still wielding the very weapon that slew her. If she can feed 10,000 (Or 1,000) souls to the hungry blade, she might be able to return to life...Though in what form, no-one can guess!

I see this an ultra-hard Dante Must Die mode, where our heroine has 72 hours to harvest 10,000 souls, or she goes to Hell. Of course, her spirit energy is constantly depleting, and she needs to fill it back up - And naughty encounters or soul-draining do so, too!

Also she can spend souls as currency for 'upgrades' and to extend the time limit...But will she make it in time? How thoroughly corrupted will she be by the end?

An alternative idea is that she's the spirit of the cursed sword itself, making a last-ditch effort to reach full incarnation!

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