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Hinata's Curse (Duragon and Futent)


Feb 19, 2009
Konoha had been seeing itself a quiet bit of peace. Most of the ninja in the area spent their time training and taking on low rank missions since nothing of much importance was really going on. Recently, Hinata and Kurenai had been sent to investigate a nearby mountain, said to have shown signs of strange jutsu and perhaps even magic taking place. With little option in the matter, two of Konoha's brightest kunoichi headed out, finding nothing interesting in particular, until the bumped into a man, cloaked in red. Obviously, he was the one behind the rumors, and suddenly the stench of rotting corpses creeped into the nostrils of our heroines.

"I thought it would be a matter of time before Tsunade sent her dogs after me. How fortunate that she's underestimated me. A couple of weaklings like yourselves could never match up against me." He turned towards the women, his face dark and shaded, a tattoo stretching from under his eye to his jaw. "I've been in rest for fifteen years... trying to re-assemble my group... Together we'll dominate our enemies, including your village." His left eye glowed blue when he opened it. He was definitely covered in murderous intent. "I was working on getting followers, so I travelled to several villages and kidnapped several people... when they refused to join me... I had to kill them." He said, explaining the horrid smell in the mountain's crevice. "I'm going to kill you both. To send a message to Konoha. But first... I would like to humiliate you!" He revealed a long staff, and pulled back his hood, revealing spiked silver hair. "Come... Kunoichi of the Leaf! You will suffer for the pain I've endured!"
The smell...Hinata recoiled when it hit her nostrils, raising a hand to cover her mouth. She felt like she was going to be sick....she'd smelled death before but never this strong...never this much. Kurenai on the other hand was slightly less phased. She had been in situations like this before...she knew the stench of death far too well, though it wasn't by choice. "You..." The elder Jounin slowly stepped forward, frowning as the man seemed to discuss the lives of his victims like they meant nothing, unable to help clenching her fists. "You're the one who underestimates us, we wont be so easy to kill..." Hinata slowly uncovered her mouth, nodding in agreement, bringing her hands together as she activated her Byakugan, her eyes changing as she readied herself for combat. All she had to do was get in close....

"You're going to pay for what you've done to all these people..." Hinata's voice was somewhat angrier than usual, all this death...she hated it, she hated the cause of it. It wasn't often that she felt this way, it wasn't often that her shyness was pushed aside by anger and hatred, but this was one of those times. The two Kunoichi just stared down the unnamed man, taking a slow step towards him, watching him carefully.
"Then come at me! Bitches!" He screamed, smirking wildly. Raising his staff, he gave it a quick twirling before jutting it's butt into the ground. "Fire Style!" He screamed, making several hand signs. "Sea of Flames!" On que, the staff released wave upon wave of fiery destruction. He hoped this would at least kill one of the women, but he knew better than to hope so highly on a starter. He watched with a grin on his face as the women now had to deal with the unending flames ahead.
A sea of flames? Did he really think that would stop them? They weren't just some rookie genin. Both Kunoichi leapt to the air, Hinata looking down and around for him, using her Byakugan to see through the flame like it wasn't there. She nodded toward him, Kurenai reaching over and grabbing the girls arm, spinning her in the air and launching the Hyuuga straight at him, her arms drawn back ready to attack him the moment she got close.
As the women cleverly avoided his start up attack, the mage wasn't prepared for the speed the Hyuuga displayed. Being hit across the face, the man stumbled back, hitting his back against a wall. "You, dirty bitches!" He screamed, putting his hands together. "Water Style, Shards of Ice!" He opened his palm towards Hinata, hundreds of small icicles, sharp ones, shooting themselves towards her.
Hinata took a step back as she saw the man bringing his hands together, clearly performing hand signs for a new Jutsu. The girl raised her hands to defend herself, gasping as shards of ice began to shoot toward her, though she quickly focused her Chakra through her hands, using her gentle fist style to begin deflecting the shards, though the occasional one did slip through, forming shallow cuts across her skin.
Now that the flames had stopped, Kurenai was dashing forwards, coming at the mage from the side whilst he was focused on Hinata. Even if he could use that Jutsu on both of them, it would mean his concentration, and the technique, would be halved on each of them, giving them a much better chance of breaking through it.
"Is this all it takes to hold back two of Konoha's finest females? Ha! I laugh at your weakness! You know nothing about the outside world, you know nothing of what truly matters!"

He broke apart the ice jutsu seeing as it was just a push back type of move, not really something that could defeat them. Kurenai was probably the stronger one of the two. He'd use a forbidden jutsu to try and control her. She wasn't stupid however, and gengutsu was one of her specialties. The mage had no choice, if she could control Kurenai, maybe she could beat down Hinata for him, and maybe he'd treat himself to a bit of fun as well.

Eighteen fast hand signs flashed over his eyes, "Forbidden Art! Mind Control Jutsu!" A quick, nearly transparent wyrm would shoot from his hands, if it managed to crawl into Kurenai's nostrils, ears, or mouth, she'd fall under his control for about an hour. The wyrm had little range, and after being exposed too long it would die. Most elemental jutsu would cause it to die as well.
Kurenai gasped at his words, a mind control jutsu? She knew of it, as a Genjutsu specialist she needed to know about things like that, had to practice resisting them, but being a forbidden technique it was impossible to actually practice that resistance. This was the first time Kurenai had been exposed to such a jutsu outside of a theoretical study. Despite her best efforts, Kurenai felt control of her body slipping away from her. She was trying to move, but her body wouldn't respond. His control was too powerful even for her, the best she might have been able to do was confuse her own body, slow her movements slightly when he commanded her.

Hinata's Byakugan allowed her to see....something...emerging from the man's hands and entering Kurenai, before an unfamiliar chakra pattern began to seep through her body. It was focused in Kurenai's mind, but had spread through all of her chakra points, suppressing the Jounin's own chakra. "K-Kurenai-sensei!"
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