Mx Female The Many Roads of Roads (Darker Story Ideas, Gm/F too!)


Dec 6, 2022
Hey Everyone, my names is Roads and I've been writing for close to two decades now on and off, and right now I am certainly on! If you are looking for some hard, hot and heavy and somewhat dark roleplays look no further, I am your man, or well your world if you go the GM direction!

First thing first: Kinks and limits. I like to get this upfront.

Multiple Characters
« Bad » ends

Bathroom play
Blood play


What I offer:
I generally post one or two long detailed posts a day, with non work days having the potential for more. I certainly do not nor will not press my partner to post often as I want a partnership of respect and fun. We ARE doing this for fun after all not some obligation to one another.

Second things second What you are all here for, the rps!:

Keep in mind I am open to just about any idea you bring to me be them of your own making or a twist upon one of mine.

As I said before I am open, and to be honest primarily interested in GM/Player rps. Those looking for them will get absolutely priority.

The stories I have in mind fall into both unique settings as well as settings of pre existing media.

Let's start with the latter

Pokémon: Do you want to be a trainer in a darker more adult Pokémon world where losing a battle will have the rival trainer take ALL they want from you? Or worse their Pokémon taking what they want from you? Then message me about this prompt and let's discuss further.

Souls borne: Elden Ring, Dark Souls, Blood borne. These games are hell, with terrible monsters that show the player no mercy. In our writing they will certainly not show your body any either.

And the original worlds

Fantasy: Do you want to be a hero on some grand quest? Or just a barmaid trying to get by in a terrible perverse fantasy world? Either way I have stories for you!

(Specific prompt!)
You are a student at a magical academy, one that trains adventurers to reach their full potential. Adventurers who are responsible for searching the dangerous savage world for ancient relics and defending the people. The academy itself is atop an endless subterranean dungeon filled with more wealth that what is imaginable but also… endless danger, especially the deeper you go.

How will you fare in the academy? Will you before a great hero? Make friends and allies? Or just become a monsters plaything in the dark underground.

Science fiction: A bounty hunter, or a scientist, or even a urchin trying to get a better life for themselves. No matter what you will struggle against aliens and more in this prompt!

Post apocalyptic: The world has ended but it's struggling corpse still supports some life. You being one of the hopeful determine remainders. Will you rise and bring life back the planet we once held so dear or just become another sad story? One way to find out.

(Specific prompt!)

When the aliens came it wasn’t for peace nor domination. But instead entertainment. They dropped genetically modified monsters upon earth in the millions and simply watched the horror that followed. Humanity was quickly over run, but some souls still try to survive. Despite the perverse beasts that roam the earth.

Im sure you have a lot of questions, and I would love to hear all of them! Send me a message and let's get to planning these rps!

Note: I only will write here, no discord or anything else very sorry.
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