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/Let's try something new/-Me and TheHanyou-


Jan 11, 2009
Yuri reclined against the tree near the training grounds. Though she was clad as a shinobi or Kunoichi might be, she wasn't one. Even at eighteen, there was no headband in sight. She was just your normal... well not so normal, average person. She had weapon training skills through her cousin, but other then that the female was utterly devoid of any ninja skills. She was currently writing out a scroll on techniques she had witnessed, and continued to witness. But she herself... wasn't exactly someone people noticed. She was clad in dark clothing, and even had a mask over the lower portion of her face. Part of her hair was pulled up and chopsticks held it in place. The res of her hair fell around around her shoulders. Dark hair, and dark eyes... she could have been an Uchiha.... not... Goddess...s he would hate to be one of them. No... she was Yuri Chinatsu... just... Yuri...
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