Mx Female Other Current Cravings!


May 29, 2022
Eastern time zone.

Going to keep this thread nice and short! You can find my kinks and nopes in my other thread! Along with other useful information and the what I am mainly into.. and depending on the situation and/or pairing, could potentially be mixed into something here! Just let me know!

This thread will be dedicated to current and possibly odd cravings. Can range from a fandom type thing to simply a fantasy RP. I will more than likely limit my current interests to three minimum to five maximum. If an RP takes off, I will remove it from the list.


-This is currently one of my favorite animated shows by far. I am interested in making an OC for this against possibly your OC or character from the show. To be honest, there aren't too many male characters so far that I'd be so thrilled about playing.

-OC* x OC.

-OC* x Tiabeanie.

-OC* x Oona.

-OC* x Dagmar.

-OC* x Another choice can be discussed. Such as the fairies/pixies or Ursula and so. As of right now nothing with Kissy the elf or Trixie the Trog.

--As stated in my other thread, not big into domination type stuff, so Dagmar would have to be.. toned down maybe.. can be discussed!

Hellsmire Lab/Angels & Demon's

-This technically has three different ideas, but two pairings are the same. The first and second idea are both Demon Hunter* x Demon. It literally doesn't have to be a succubus, but if that's what you choose then it's fine! The first idea, Hellsmire Lab, is about our characters essentially being prisoners in a lab. Got this idea from a former RP, and I wish I could remember their name to credit them! MC is Edge, a human, experimented on and given a variety of different demonic abilities. I am willing to discuss the extent of his abilities, but his sword is a must. At the beginning of the RP, YC will already be captured and be a prisoner, or will be in the process of being hunted by Edge himself to be brought in.. Though, despite his tough demeanor, unbelievable power, and reputation.. it's clear this is not something he wants to do.../The other idea involving DH* x D still involves Edge, but in a different type of plot.. more of what I based his background on many years ago. Cursed by a demon at a young age, he is literally fueled by the desire of revenge, to kill the demon, Onyx, for cursing him and murdering his family. Still has his sword. YC would still be a demon of some sort, and be one of Edge's antagonists, but doubling as his rival/lover as well. This wouldn't be established right away. I still want them to fall for one another, but they know they can't be together normally, as Edge will never be satisfied until he kills Onyx. This setting is not quite apocalyptic, but more of a desolate version of the present./Last idea would be another long term character of mine, but never used in erotic RPs before. Nephalem (or half angel, half demon)* x Demon/Nephalem/Angel/Human. Typically I would just have YC be a demon but I'm broadening it for this. MC is Haxel Alf'Bree, the rarest being alive, and possibly the most powerful, in the apocalyptic future of Earth. Banished to Earth some thousands of years in the past for trying to overthrow God as he believed he had forsaken the humans and everything else. Banished from Hell for being part Angel, and for not siding with them in the ongoing war for Earth and Heaven. Now he wanders Earth, protecting humans from demons and corrupt angels. I typically have him fall for a demon, but this can now be open to other beings. For Edge and Haxel both, I have extended history with in RP and D&D respectively. So, if they interest you and you'd like to know more, let me know!

Cartoon Meets Real World

-Think, Cool World, Space Jam and Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Something along this type of style where cartoons and people coexist. This can also be something else or expanded on such as video game or book characters being able to exist as well! If anything I'll tend to want to be the human but am down trying a cartoon character or something else maybe down the line.

-OC Human* x Cartoon/Anime/Video Game/Book Character.


-I've only recently started diving into this site and I gotta say it's pretty interesting. Something in this universe could be pretty cool. I was thinking of making an OC SCP.. but am unsure if it already exists and that's a lot to go through haha. But am down to discuss pairings here! I must admit my vocabulary isn't up to par for certain things such as scientist speak and the like so I tend to avoid overly smart characters.

My SCP idea so far entails a human or humanoid type of character. They have played video games their whole lives, and have used so many cheat codes that they eventually became known for it. One day he played a game that punished him for cheating. The game itself is an anomaly, and it, in turn, turned him into one as well. He became a living cheat code to put it simply. Invincible when he wants to be, invisible, pulling stuff out of nowhere, or pulling too many things from pockets that shouldn't fit. He can literally do whatever he wants when he wants, if he chooses. Doesn't sound like a punishment? He has to physically be playing a game 24/7 to be placated. He has invented cheats to circumvent eating and sleeping. So far, video games, board games, cards, puzzles and anything related to a game type setting seems to keep him calm. His object class is deemed Safe so long as he's occupied. It can change to Keter if he has no access to games for no longer than two hours. It is currently unknown what his "cheats" extend to, but he has been witnessed to summon anything he needs in the moment through mutterings under his breath, or by inputting the cheats onto a controller. Has been witnessed to cheat at any game he plays, even against other people. Since his containment, he has remained undefeated in all card games, and nobody has even seen him cheat outright during these times. Due to the nature of SCP-???, and the still unknown factors of his abilities, his object class will remain Safe & Keter. Who knows what he is capable of...

-OC Human SCP-???* x OC Human SCP.

-OC SCP* x OC Guard/Scientist/Staff/Outsider.

-OC Human* x OC Human SCP-???.

-OC Guard/Scientist/Staff/Outsider* x OC SCP.

--Any other actual characters or SCPs can be talked about it you don't want an OC.

The Resort/The Tavern

-I am putting two separate pairings here. The Resort, is for something involving incest. Mainly looking for Mom x Son for this, but will settle for Brother x Sister, Father x Daughter, or Aunt x Nephew. Main theme of it is either a) Typical vacation type of resort or b) Adding maybe a therapy twist to it. Another underlying possibility is the resort is not what it seems, and could add to the tension of either setting. Can be discussed! The Bar, is more meant for strangers, and possibly fantasy based, but can be set in any setting. Could also be incest or other things, but the main theme here was for MC to frequent a tavern/pub/bar, so he'd be a regular. YC could either be the Barwench/Bartender/Waitress/Hostess/Owner/Patron. Not a one off either.. looking for them to develop an attraction and feelings for each other despite the possible secrets and mysterious nature of MC.


Dead by Daylight

-So before it was Persona, now it's Dead by Daylight as my bonus craving. To be honest.. I've just about given up on this.. nothing seems to take off. I am interested in either survivor* x survivor, or survivor* x killer. I am not interested in being the killer. OCs and in-game characters are fine. I prefer to make an OC on my end but don't mind trying my hands at the main survivors. I'm not looking to alter this a whole lot, but repairing generators while being chased by a killer seems boring for an RP.. so the "trials" can be discussed. As far as survivors I'd like to RP against, any of the female surv. are fine, including the licensed characters. My three favorite to want to go against are Yui, Nea or Kate. (Jane is close behind.. can't ignore her big butt). As far as killers go, I am fine with Nurse, Huntress, Pig, Spirit, Legion (Julie or Susie), and maybe a female version of Ghostface (blame TikTok). As far as the others, they would have to be discussed like Artist or Plague. Something like Hag, Plague or Twins would have to require some type of physical changes to resemble more of a human.

So there are my current five cravings. I gotta say, these cravings are simply what's currently on my mind, or have thought about recently and is subject to change! My other thread is my main thread for a reason, so check it out. These ideas are separate from the pairings there, but essentially everything else applies!

Oh.. and as far as playing characters from shows or games, etc. It does not have to be perfect. As long as you're following some type of similar or base personality from said character. Dagmar is still a prime example. I mentioned to tone her down.. but I mean more of a sexual sense... I'm not looking for BDSM, which I feel Dagmar would love.. she can still be her snotty self all she wants and even controlling... But nothing extreme please!

If you have any other ideas or odd ideas bounce them off me and I'll let you know if I'm interested or not as well!


Did you read down here? Let me know your favorite food! If you don't I may not respond!
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