Mx Female A search thread.


Dec 2, 2022
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening!

I will cut this into neat sections so if there is something specific that you are looking forward, just give a quick look at the table of contents.

)About the Writer
)What I Look For In A Partner
)Anime & Manga
)Video Games
)The Single Greatest Picture of a Dog That Exists
)About the Writer

▷Twenty-nine years of human experience and rising at the time of writing.​
▷Entirely too active. I can reply at least several times a day because I type quickly.​
)What I Look For In A Partner

▷I enjoy writing. A great deal. But, don't be hyper-aggressive or seem like I need to impress you in order to write with you. I prefer honey to vinegar and generally someone that I can have a conversation with.

▷I would personally prefer it if we are doing a Fandom roleplay that you be capable of playing canons, but it is not a dealbreaker. I can play, and will, play canons as well as original characters.

▷If something is not to your liking or you lose interest, just tell me.

▷I prefer talking to folks like a reasonable human being and not like I am constantly trying to prove that I can write a dominant character. Someone that constantly has to remind you they are in-control probably actually isn't.

▷ If you contact me, please have something specific you are looking for so I can give you a Yay or a Nay.


▷ I adjust according to what my partner might be looking for. You might want something very vanilla. You might want something very specific. Just ask.

▷Not a big fan of gore for, uh, recreational purposes. There's only so many ways you can talk about people's meatbits and blood before I feel like I'm making sausage. Or writing a Warhammer 40k novel.

▷More to be added, eventually.​


▷ Genuinely just ask. If you have a plot beat or a character you wanna try out, I can whip something up in response.​
▷Anime & Manga​
Fate/Stay Night - Grand Order - Type Moon​
Fairy Tail​
Soul Eater​
Food Wars​
Video Games
Final Fantasy​
Legend of Zelda​
Warhammer 40k​
There are far, far too many for me to ever actually list. If you bring it up, chances are I will know it and be capable of playing basically anyone from it. If it is currently listed, I either have a craving for it or a plot idea.
I will gradually add to this list as time goes on....probably.​

)The Single Greatest Picture of a Dog That Exists
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