- Joined
- May 16, 2022
An imperial class star destroyer.
The great triangular thing a sight to behold...and Libi Agana wished she could be 'beholding' it from much farther away...or at the very least, not directly on it.
The cervine appearance female walked with her hands behind the small of her back. She was dressed in modest gray garb, a short sleeved wrap like top that fit snug around her considerable chest before going into the narrow slop of her waist and filling back out at her dense hips, the garment ending in a uneven skirt and some mid-thigh shorts just beneath. A curvaceous appearance for the mostly cream but accented honey pelted one.
Her spotted oval ears that protruded from her shoulder-length layered scarlet hair gave a solid 'flap' every 3 or so minutes and were the only things that hinted at her inner turmoil. Her heart beating so loud as she walked behind the empire-recruiter, she was amazed her ribs were not broken beneath the drumming.
She was not a stranger to a bit of trouble, though usual it was her own mischief that landed her in various pickles, nothing like this though... Now, it was her passion for navigation that put her in the hot seat.
When the recruiter had approached her, having learned about some of her expert steersmanship, it wasn't as though she could simply say 'no', well, perhaps she could have...but she might have ended up with a laser blaster through the chest if she declined in too disrespectful of a way. And with her impish personality at times, she didn't -always- know what was the most 'respectful' way to respond to someone.
So she had said she would be 'up for an interview sometime'...not realizing 'sometime' would translate to him as right after she boarded his pod-craft then and there, and took her to this ship waiting above her temporary-home-planet.
So much for a cagey answer she could weasel her way out of later.
Now she was in the midst of a dangerous fleet and she needed to get the fuck out of there.
The recruiter was reading a pad with some sort of relevant info on it, Libi couldn't be sure as she did not recognize the language, but with his head down she figured, now was a good time? They were finally out of eye shot of anyone else, for a brief second.
She saddled up right next to him, taking a casual exhale as she waved her arms in front and behind herself, letting the other get used to her swaying limbs, be comfortable with the motion and noticing the in his peripheral vision, and as she glided them near his side, she closed her fist tightly and then pressed down with her pinky on a certain button that was hidden beneath her wrist wraps.
A plume of pearl pink wafted right out of the fibers of the garment and upwards, but it dispersed quite quickly so it's bright shade was not too overt unless one was prepared for it.
The mist fluttered up and directly into the head-hunters nose, and for two more steps, he was just fine, but on the third...
He suddenly stopped, his hand against his stomach as it gurgled, "Ugh...w-wha?" He lurched, bending over and still holding his own gut, "Ah...ow."
"You ok there sir?" Libi feigned worry, doing everything in her power not to smirk as she gave the man a gentle pat on the back.
"Y-Yes...just...give me a moment I- ULP!" He placed his fist against his own mouth, dropping the electronic device and eyes widening, the realization hitting him as the bile struck his uvula, "I-I'll be right back, stay here." He rushed forward, searching for the lavatory like his life depended on it.
"Suuuuuure thing, yup yup, waiting -right- here! Uh-huh!" She balanced on her heels with her hands together behind her back, and then rocked forward on her toes, like a child waiting patiently at school, watching with a quirk of her brow until the man turned the corner down the corridor.
The buxom doe reached down, snatching the device he had dropped, before she spun around faster and twice-as-less graceful as a ballerina and speed walked the opposite direction.
Ok, she had 20 minutes while he puked his guts out without end and would therefore be unable to do anything.
Him dropping this official looking gadget was a boon she hadn't expected but was endlessly thankful for. She quickly placed her index finger to the screen and started searching for sigils and words she recognized, zooming through and trying to pause and hide every time she heard footsteps around her. would she get -off- the vessel? She could navigate her way through 30 different systems without a glance at a map or star chart, but figuring out which damn buttons to push or how to guide the controls was as lost a talent on her as flight was to the wingless birds of Zekudao.
She'd need a pilot...but how was she just supposed to go up to a empire pilot for help? 'Uh sir, I'm not supposed to be here can you drop me off at the next planet, hell, even the next moon with a port?'
No no there had to be-
Her finger finally stoped swiping, and she recognized the sigils.
'Prison Sector Roster.'
Who more would want to get out of here than someone who was held captive?
She clicked on a few names, searching and searching until the word 'pilot' like a sign from heaven was etched beside a specific name, and more importantly, a specific jail cell number.
Whether she were divinely blessed or just really good at sneaking, the fawn-woman made it to the bay without being spotted, and she began to tip toe along the passage, holding the gizmo close to her weighty chest to help hide the light emanating from it, her bespectacled jade eyes searching in the dimmer light of the area. Hmm, perhaps they kept it dark to keep the spirit of the occupants nice and bleak...what a dreary thought.
She was just about to make it to the number of her hopefully-savior, in fact she started to see the shape of -someone-...quite colossal within, being in view herself of the occupant, but then she heard a door 'ssshhhhh' open, the mechanical sliding making her oval lobes do an anxious flinch.
She looked directly up and spotted some haphazard pipes and bars that made up the hull. She ran at the bars, jumped, pressed her left foot into one of the rails, and then shot off and up at an angle so as too grab some of the trappings of the chamber. She put the pad in her mouth to hold it as she swung her legs together like a trapeze artist and then folding on on herself like a ball within the ducts. A roller-polly hanging off a big metal pipe.
She didn't look to see who was walking down the hallway below her, eyes clamped shut as her elbows shook in the curled up angle she was dangling, trying to breath as quietly as she possibly could while the sinewy in her arms began to cry from the strain.
Step. step. step. step. step. step. step.. step...
And when the gait was completely gone, she unfurled her knees from her stomach and dropped down, though her feet hit the ground a bit too roughly and she tripped back and onto her peachy rear with a huff, and with the stress of it all for a moment she laid back down completely, 'fwumphing' right onto the floor back-first, her arms spread like a starfish with the important pad over her stomach.
She could hear the blood rushing in her ear, her mound like chest rising and falling faintly with her breath as she muttered in relief, but not too much relief considering she wasn't out of the thick of it yet, "For the love of the fuckin stars. My gods, ugh."
The great triangular thing a sight to behold...and Libi Agana wished she could be 'beholding' it from much farther away...or at the very least, not directly on it.
The cervine appearance female walked with her hands behind the small of her back. She was dressed in modest gray garb, a short sleeved wrap like top that fit snug around her considerable chest before going into the narrow slop of her waist and filling back out at her dense hips, the garment ending in a uneven skirt and some mid-thigh shorts just beneath. A curvaceous appearance for the mostly cream but accented honey pelted one.
Her spotted oval ears that protruded from her shoulder-length layered scarlet hair gave a solid 'flap' every 3 or so minutes and were the only things that hinted at her inner turmoil. Her heart beating so loud as she walked behind the empire-recruiter, she was amazed her ribs were not broken beneath the drumming.
She was not a stranger to a bit of trouble, though usual it was her own mischief that landed her in various pickles, nothing like this though... Now, it was her passion for navigation that put her in the hot seat.
When the recruiter had approached her, having learned about some of her expert steersmanship, it wasn't as though she could simply say 'no', well, perhaps she could have...but she might have ended up with a laser blaster through the chest if she declined in too disrespectful of a way. And with her impish personality at times, she didn't -always- know what was the most 'respectful' way to respond to someone.
So she had said she would be 'up for an interview sometime'...not realizing 'sometime' would translate to him as right after she boarded his pod-craft then and there, and took her to this ship waiting above her temporary-home-planet.
So much for a cagey answer she could weasel her way out of later.
Now she was in the midst of a dangerous fleet and she needed to get the fuck out of there.
The recruiter was reading a pad with some sort of relevant info on it, Libi couldn't be sure as she did not recognize the language, but with his head down she figured, now was a good time? They were finally out of eye shot of anyone else, for a brief second.
She saddled up right next to him, taking a casual exhale as she waved her arms in front and behind herself, letting the other get used to her swaying limbs, be comfortable with the motion and noticing the in his peripheral vision, and as she glided them near his side, she closed her fist tightly and then pressed down with her pinky on a certain button that was hidden beneath her wrist wraps.
A plume of pearl pink wafted right out of the fibers of the garment and upwards, but it dispersed quite quickly so it's bright shade was not too overt unless one was prepared for it.
The mist fluttered up and directly into the head-hunters nose, and for two more steps, he was just fine, but on the third...
He suddenly stopped, his hand against his stomach as it gurgled, "Ugh...w-wha?" He lurched, bending over and still holding his own gut, "Ah...ow."
"You ok there sir?" Libi feigned worry, doing everything in her power not to smirk as she gave the man a gentle pat on the back.
"Y-Yes...just...give me a moment I- ULP!" He placed his fist against his own mouth, dropping the electronic device and eyes widening, the realization hitting him as the bile struck his uvula, "I-I'll be right back, stay here." He rushed forward, searching for the lavatory like his life depended on it.
"Suuuuuure thing, yup yup, waiting -right- here! Uh-huh!" She balanced on her heels with her hands together behind her back, and then rocked forward on her toes, like a child waiting patiently at school, watching with a quirk of her brow until the man turned the corner down the corridor.
The buxom doe reached down, snatching the device he had dropped, before she spun around faster and twice-as-less graceful as a ballerina and speed walked the opposite direction.
Ok, she had 20 minutes while he puked his guts out without end and would therefore be unable to do anything.
Him dropping this official looking gadget was a boon she hadn't expected but was endlessly thankful for. She quickly placed her index finger to the screen and started searching for sigils and words she recognized, zooming through and trying to pause and hide every time she heard footsteps around her. would she get -off- the vessel? She could navigate her way through 30 different systems without a glance at a map or star chart, but figuring out which damn buttons to push or how to guide the controls was as lost a talent on her as flight was to the wingless birds of Zekudao.
She'd need a pilot...but how was she just supposed to go up to a empire pilot for help? 'Uh sir, I'm not supposed to be here can you drop me off at the next planet, hell, even the next moon with a port?'
No no there had to be-
Her finger finally stoped swiping, and she recognized the sigils.
'Prison Sector Roster.'
Who more would want to get out of here than someone who was held captive?
She clicked on a few names, searching and searching until the word 'pilot' like a sign from heaven was etched beside a specific name, and more importantly, a specific jail cell number.
Whether she were divinely blessed or just really good at sneaking, the fawn-woman made it to the bay without being spotted, and she began to tip toe along the passage, holding the gizmo close to her weighty chest to help hide the light emanating from it, her bespectacled jade eyes searching in the dimmer light of the area. Hmm, perhaps they kept it dark to keep the spirit of the occupants nice and bleak...what a dreary thought.
She was just about to make it to the number of her hopefully-savior, in fact she started to see the shape of -someone-...quite colossal within, being in view herself of the occupant, but then she heard a door 'ssshhhhh' open, the mechanical sliding making her oval lobes do an anxious flinch.
She looked directly up and spotted some haphazard pipes and bars that made up the hull. She ran at the bars, jumped, pressed her left foot into one of the rails, and then shot off and up at an angle so as too grab some of the trappings of the chamber. She put the pad in her mouth to hold it as she swung her legs together like a trapeze artist and then folding on on herself like a ball within the ducts. A roller-polly hanging off a big metal pipe.
She didn't look to see who was walking down the hallway below her, eyes clamped shut as her elbows shook in the curled up angle she was dangling, trying to breath as quietly as she possibly could while the sinewy in her arms began to cry from the strain.
Step. step. step. step. step. step. step.. step...
And when the gait was completely gone, she unfurled her knees from her stomach and dropped down, though her feet hit the ground a bit too roughly and she tripped back and onto her peachy rear with a huff, and with the stress of it all for a moment she laid back down completely, 'fwumphing' right onto the floor back-first, her arms spread like a starfish with the important pad over her stomach.
She could hear the blood rushing in her ear, her mound like chest rising and falling faintly with her breath as she muttered in relief, but not too much relief considering she wasn't out of the thick of it yet, "For the love of the fuckin stars. My gods, ugh."