Closed Star of the Show (NSFW)

Closed - no longer seeking


May 27, 2018
Rhode Island, USA
Just a disclaimer. I got this story idea from someone else and enjoyed the concept so I want to see if I can get something going again.

- this won't be a rapey/noncon story. MC will know mostly what he's getting himself into with the enticement of a massive payday.

- You might be doing the lion's share of pushing the story forward but I will also be involved. For example, if YC gives MC a task to go to a store and be fitted for a corset, my
response won't just be about how MC feels about doing that. It will play out the task and move the story along. Just a simple example.

- third person only with drawn or real-life face claims. The more pictures you can use, the better, even throughout the story.

The Story:
An up-and-coming porn company notices a void in the industry, an opening for a niche they can capitalize on. They want to follow the real-life transformation of a normal guy into a cock craving sissy pornstar. The full feminization deal, save for castration. It will be like a reality show with the sissy to be living in a camera and mic-filled house.

YC will be a dominant hired to 'help' the transformation. Male, female, futa are all on the table. Though I have a preference for futa in this case. You will be MC's trainer and, once YC is ready, co-star in shoots. You'll teach MC basics on being as passable as possible, take him to his appointments, send him on assignments, and basically get to fuck him whenever and wherever youwant.

If MC succeeds (we can discuss what that means) then he'll be signed onto a mega pornstar contract for a number of videos, public appearances, fan interactions, etc.

Anyways - that's the basic concept. I'm looking for people who can write descriptively and are comfortable with this setting (minor tweaks are acceptable, of course). Please message me if interested - and with some evidence, you've both read this and can contribute to the story.
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