Mx Female Swoneus's Fantasy Adventures


Nov 23, 2022
About Me

Hi everyone! As far as my identity is concerned on the internet, my name is Swoneus. You'd genuinely be shocked to know just how dull and boring my actual name is. I'm in my late twenties, work full-time, and am looking to go back to school soon to finish my bachelor's degree. I have roughly a decade of off and on writing experience, with a great amount of it being forum based. Some of those years have been more active with writing than others, and I'd like to truly get back into the swing of it.

I’ll be honest, in my more recent years of roleplaying, I haven't been feeling that spark of inspiration and enjoyment. I often see writers who enjoy this hobby that are older than me who continue to write with people they wrote with long ago. Sometimes I even see writers who are younger than me that have really impressive commitment to their partners. Although I'm happy to write short-term roleplays, my primary interest will be long-term stories, so that I can have time to write something great with my partners.

Having said all of that, if anything in this invite interests you, feel free to toss me a PM. I have plenty of wiggle room to negotiate with for a good partner.

My Preferences
  • I’ll make this a priority to say here: In any romantic or sexual pairing, I’ll only write MxF. However, I’m more than happy to write a story in any other direction with any gender or identity. A lot of us love romance sprinkled in, and I'm no exception. But I also feel it's fun to explore other relationships in writing as well, and so I'm more than happy to write stories that are not centered around romance.
  • My absolute favorite setting is medieval fantasy. I feel that it's the perfect balance of a setting where anything can happen. The conflicts can rise to massive proportions and the sandbox is only limited to your imagination. Though, I do prefer to set rules that govern a world, so that direct harm and conflict pose an actual threat to characters. Although fantasy tops my list, I do have experience and some real fondness with sci-fi, modern/urban fantasy, and steampunk. I don't care for many fandoms, though there are a few I'd be willing to write in using strictly original characters. Except for extraordinarily rare cases, I just don't believe in writing canon characters.
  • I'm a veteran writer, but vastly a rookie when it comes to smut. I've written it before, and I'm not opposed to it, but not nearly experienced enough to make a kinks list or anything like that. However, for the sake of convenience, I'd say my story to smut ratio is probably 70/30, maybe even a bit higher on the side of story. I don't feel the smut is nearly as gratifying when written with undeveloped characters. Meanwhile, it's extremely satisfying when there has been a burn or lead up to it.
  • I tend to dislike the term "submissive" when it comes to writing. I've come to find that a portion of people who write characters identified as submissive are often written as ragdolls who simply follow the story, rather than contribute to it. This is only my experience, of course, but because of it, I won't be writing any submissive characters and I'd prefer my partners aren't writing them in our stories, save for some exceptions. Leaning submissive is fine, but when a character's entire identity is based around it, I feel they often are just an accessory to the story, and not a driving force of it
  • Lastly, conflict is a vital part to any story. Whether it be multiple conflicts, one conflict, a main antagonist, conflict between our characters, etc. A story is not a story without conflict. For this reason, I don't enjoy slice of life stories, as they often have little to no amounts of conflict. I prefer dark and earth shaking conflicts when I write. Characters being put in difficult positions is often a great plot device and serves to develop them too.

My Expectations and What I Bring
  • OOC chat. This is such an important part of writing a story with someone, in my opinion. If you have no level of interaction with a person outside of the direct writing of the story, then you are less likely to have as much dedication to that story. You'll also not have as much mutual thoughts and plotting as to the direction of the story. For this reason, you can expect me to periodically check in on you OOC, and I would prefer that my partners also do this. Don't get me wrong, we don't have to become close friends or anything, but I do think a line of communication is important.
  • I tend to place 300 words as my minimum for a post, only rarely ever going below that for specific reaction posts. Often times my posts can rise well above 500 words, and for openings and large events, my posts can surpass 1,000 words. I tend to average three paragraphs on any given post, with larger walls of text when warranted. I need my partner to be able to post at least 2 paragraphs for the average post. I have reasonably correct grammar, and I'd like the same from my partners. Typos and mistakes happen all the time, but I think it's clear when a writer has zero concern for their grammar. If you need a writing sample from me, I'm more than happy to dig some up.
  • I guarantee one post a week, save for rare events in which I'm away or busy for an extended period of time. However, it's my goal to be more active than that, and give any given partner 3 or 4 posts a week instead. All I ask for in return is one post a week or a quick message that you're busy and it will be a while.
  • I'm more than happy to write side characters and NPCs. This is honestly some of the best stuff when writing a story, it gives you the chance to play with other elements without having to take them on as a main character. I do prefer a partner who will also take on side characters. Huge bonus points for developing the side characters with me as if they are important, depending on the situation.
  • I will not ghost. I've had issues with this in my past, allowing myself cheap excuses to stop being active without a word. With this comes likely taking on much fewer partners at a time. But I'm determined to keep this commitment. Please, just PM me if you don't like where the story is going.

Ziemia and Plots

Ziemia is my original fantasy world building project, which still needs some time and work put into it. I have a thread on site if you click here, which definitely needs some work done to it. However, it's still very legible and viable as is. It's what the following prompts are based on, which also need some updating. However, they're also viable until I have some time to update. These prompts can be modified to be outside of Ziemia, if my partner prefers. Again, free to PM me even if none of these plots interest you. I'm more than happy to brainstorm an idea together.

Once every half a century, the Kingdom of Moyakon conscripts a group of outsiders to collect the blood of a rare creature called the frost serpent for a ritual that is sacred to them. The ritual has been a part of Moyakon royalty for as long as the kingdom has kept records. The rules of the ritual clearly state that the blood must be fresh and must be collected and delivered by outsiders of the kingdom. When the conscripted outsiders journey the frozen wilderness to find this mythical creature, what will they do when they realize it’s no menace at all, but instead a small and scared animal that can’t defend itself?

This roleplay could be done with a group instead of a pair. The characters in question could be representatives of other kingdoms, rogues, adventurers, etc. The main theme here is the ethical dilemma of fulfilling Moyakon’s wish versus turning their backs on a powerful kingdom.

There exists a small tavern in the degenerate wasteland of Zainsik called Jade Company. From the outside, it looks like a raggedy old bar that endures the criminal crowd of Zainsik. However, the well-informed and well-connected know that it’s a hub for bounty hunters. But that isn’t where the mystery of Jade Company stops. In fact, there are extraordinarily few in all of Ziemia who know the truth behind Jade Company. When two bounty hunters who have been loyal to Jade Company are offered a private contract to kill a council member of a different country, will they earn the trust of the most secretive organization in Ziemia?

The roles could be swapped in this scenario. But, in my head, this scenario would involve an extremely high-profile assassination at a public place. This setting would most likely be Kousleny, but could be negotiated. This roleplay has the potential to strongly affect some future events of Ziemia.

The Temple of Ignis has stood longer than human or elven records, and is seen as a sacred monument by many in Ziemia. To attack anyone at the temple is seen as an act of war, meaning that even the most bitter of enemies must obey the rules. Of all the kingdoms and countries in Ziemia, there are none who hate one another more than the humans of Walkaduma and the Elves of Myrelord. Wars have spanned for hundreds of years between the two, and rarely does a day go by where there are no deaths from their border skirmishes. Their war-hardened societies are of the most respectful towards the Temple of Ignis, which makes for an uncomfortable situation when representatives of both kingdoms appear on the same day. And even worse, sages of the temple formally request that the representatives work together to defend the temple from a rising Draugr problem.

I’ve always really wanted to explore just how deep the hatred between Walkaduma and Moyakon is. The potential for romance exists in this setting, but it’s deeply complicated by the origins of the characters. This setting could be played with characters from one kingdom and the other kingdom consists of solely side characters, but I really think that would miss a great conflict rising.

Franklin is a young country, in fact, there are elven inhabitants who were fully grown before the first settlers of Franklin even conceived the idea. Franklin stands for a future that is significantly different from the more traditional kingdoms, and apparently that was felt, as one day an army of elite and magically gifted elves appeared and started torching entire towns in Franklin. Many fled, many fought and died, and a select few were spared and captured. A small group of survivors captured by the mysterious army hatches a plan to learn as much of their surroundings as possible and eventually escape imprisonment. What will they learn of this devastating army in their search for freedom?

Characters don’t necessarily have to be Franklinites in this setting. The army that invaded was fierce, effective, and quick, and they attacked anyone in the area.

Kousleny is a powerful kingdom, dominant in magical ability and competitive in strength, culture, and economy. However, their success comes with a catch: those who are not magically gifted are not allowed to visit or live there. When a wounded traveler is rescued by a citizen of Kousleny, they soon discover that they brought in someone without any magical ability. Will the stranger have the compassion to protect the person they saved from persecution, or will they turn them in to protect themselves?

A lot of variety and possibilities with this one, as well as places it can go from there.
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