Current Cravings: Polyromance (Male/Femboy Version)


Jan 26, 2012
About Me

Hello, I am SMG9000. I have been Roleplaying in various forums since my Gaia Online days a many life times ago. My skill and desires have grown and changed through out the years. I have done a lot of different things, sampled many kinks and RPed with one liner types to multi-paragraphs. So don't be afraid to approach me. If you want to write, want to tell fun stories and roleplay; I will happily hear you out.

I am going to be 30 years old and a male irl. I know that matters to some and not hear to judge. I am comfortable writing any gender, any sexuality. Femboy elves, female mage, masculine barbarian, I can play them all. I won't ask for your IRL gender nor does it matter to me.

I do have a bad habit of disappearing and ghosting. I get busy IRL, I get distracted by other RPs I am trying to keep up with or I might just get tired of RPing in general. It is my worst trait as a player and I understand it is something many people dislike. I ask for you to have patience and understanding if you want to RP with me. I am trying to be better.

I am not looking to RP on Discord or other off site mediums

This Thread is primarily being used to promote a current specific craving of mine. You can find other interests here on my main threads: Female and Male Versions


Lovers... so many lovers. (Personal favorite)

This would be a slice of life romance story following a young couple as they explore there sexuality by dipping into the world of swinging and polyamory. Meeting new awesome people, good friends, amazing lovers while exploring a new subculture. I was thinking setting this in a large city like New York, with the couple trying this new spice to there sex life. We can explore how it affects there home, work and family life.

We can explore BDSM themes as well as the swinging themes with the couple going to various clubs around the city.

Possible images for MC
Femboy Version
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