Mx Female A smut-heavy Pokemon adventure!


Aug 12, 2022
I'll start off by admitting that this isn't my most fleshed out idea, so I apologize in advance for the lack of depth I deliver here, but I've had the idea for a Pokemon adventure rp for a while now and I've finally decided to cast a metaphorical Ultra Ball in the hopes that I'll secure a Legendary writing partner!

That was pretty bad, its true, but if you got a laugh out of it then it was worth the internal cringe I felt. Anyway, before I let my stream of consciousness flow into the underlying plot, I'm going to add some things about me as a writer and how I enjoy writing, in an effort to help you decide if you'd like to write with me.

I have a strong preference for writing in 3rd person, past or present tense. I'm just more comfortable writing about my character than *as* my character, if that makes sense.

When I say smut-heavy, I mean that I'm probably an 80% smut writer. If thats too much for you, you'll get no judgement from me, but please don't waste your time, or mine.

I'm including my kinklist and I'd like you to send me yours in the first message you send my way, so we can compare notes.

I'm leaving this quite open for interpretation because I really enjoy a shared writing effort, not just me making all of the choices. However I will say that I'd like to write in either the Johto or Kanto regions, as those are the ones I'm the most familiar with. Blue and Silver are my two personal favorites in the series. I also don't want to use any sort of battling system, so if you're looking for that I apologize, you won't find it here.

With all of that being said, onto the good stuff!

Our journey began when either YC or MC moved into the quiet little town on the edge of our region. They lived beside each other for years from that point on, and became each other's best friend in the town. They received our Pokemon training from the Professor together, working in his lab and studying with him until they became of age to begin the Pokemon League Gym Challenge. On the day of MC's 18th birthday, used over half of the money he inherited following his father's death shortly before he moved to town to purchase a sprinter van, and they spent the summer refurbishing it so that they could travel the region together and chase their dreams. While also enjoying each other's company in perfect privacy. A plush bed big enough for two, a rest station for them to each rest 6 Pokemon, and pop-out stations for cooking and showering. Now, with their bags packed, their Poke-friends at the ready, and plenty of preparation gifts from his mother and her family, these two young adults set off on the adventure of a lifetime with one eye on the prize, and the other on the person beside them.

We can decide how many Pokemon we start with, and I don't really care about being region-specific when it comes to choosing your team, just no legendaries right out of the gate please. I don't see us writing ourselves to lose battles so there isn't a need to be too cheesy. If you're still here after reading all of this I thank you, and if you're still interested in writing with me I invite you to send me a message!
Also willing to write in the Sinnoh region! I just started Shining Pearl again and I'm enjoying it more than I thought I did.
Opening this thread back up! Started playing Scarlett so I'm open to playing in the new region as well!
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