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Fx Male The CEO pet

Oct 23, 2016
So I was brainstorming with a fellow rper, and came up with the below - a lighthearted spin on some of the more noncon storylines I’m used to. Focusing more on their enjoyment of each other and the situation, with simple coercion driving the changes instead of full force.

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So my idea is that a younger man seduces a very stressed and sexually deprived older woman one night. (Doesn’t have to be younger) They go back to her place, and while she's passed out in orgasmic bliss, maybe he does a little digging into who she is and what she does for a living. The next day he turns up to her work, which is a total shock for her, thinking it was just a one night stand. He tells her that she's too stressed and needs help and commands her to give him a job as her PA. She hesitates, but when he gives her a quick orgasm, she can't say no.

Over the next week he slowly starts to make changes to her life and her work, without asking, that have her relying on him more and more and giving him more and more control over her. For example, maybe her clothes that he brings back from the dry cleaners are a little tighter and a little shorter; he could bring her her lunch but doesn't let her eat it until she's fully serviced him; maybe he has a recording of her voice on his desk phone, asking her to see him, so that he can go into her office whenever he wants and cop a feel or edge her until she's delirious.

As time goes on he could become more brazen, taking her keys, getting access to her accounts, and running her life. She could wear the clothes that he picks out for her in the morning, after she's thoroughly serviced him, and he's got her wet and horny for him. She maybe carries an empty purse, purely for show, because her bank cards, credit cards, phone and keys have all become his. Maybe her emails are open on his computer, and he answers them as if he is her, while he has her locked in her office naked, gagged and handcuffed to her chair watching a hypno video. Maybe now all of her meetings take place in the boardroom now so that he can oversee them. Maybe nobody actually goes into her office any more because he's had it painted a bimbo pink, with shallow sayings in bubble lettering on the walls (eg “cock goes in, mind goes off") and erotica fictional books line the bookcase. Maybe her desk chair has two dildos attached and she is required to sit on both of them all day while she 'works', and any and all concerns he deals with, without her permission.

She weakly protests to each change he makes, but because she's naturally submissive and gets off on humiliation, she can't say no. She does what he says, and obeys every command, even though to the rest of the world it looks as if he is obeying her command. When they’re at the office, and someone questions a particular decision he's made on her behalf, he shrugs his shoulders as if he's had nothing to do with it and says, "Ms Sullivan wants it that way." When they're in a boardroom meeting, and he's answering a question directed at her, he always starts his sentence with, "Ms Sullivan feels that…" and then he puts his own answer in, while she nods in agreement, not totally understanding what’s going on. He buys what he wants and pretends that she has asked him to buy it for her. And all the while he's turning her into his own CEO pet, a mindless, drooling, horny mess of a sub that occasionally has to pretend to run a company. And the funny thing is, she has come to love it; and he is doing great things with the company, growing the company and running it better than she ever could. All the while preparing the day for when he’ll rise to the top and take over as CEO and she’ll sink even lower and become his office pet. Because let’s face it, they both prefer it that way now.

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I have been roleplaying online since I was in high school, and thoroughly enjoy completely throwing myself into a good storyline filled with detail and creativity. I also like to help drive the plot, and may throw the occasional twist in to surprise you. I enjoy writing 3rd or 1st person perspective, with my posts generally ranging from between 2-5 paragraphs. If you like to write more, feel free! I prefer to rp through threads and pms, but emails could work too.

Feel free to check out my past posts and my other request thread.

So if you're interested send me a pm and maybe we can start something fun!
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