Mx Any An Inclusive, Positive, Pretty Queer World That's Still Oh-So-Kinky

Sep 19, 2022
A bit about me:I am 29, male, bi/pan, a voracious reader of fiction (especially science fiction and fantasy), and a lover of erotic imaginings and musings that go a bit off the beaten path and explore the weird, the fantastical, the reality- and rules-breaking. I'm a daydreamer by nature, and with an overactive imagination both dirty and mundane, it turns into quite a few erotic, sexual, and hopefully creative, strange ideas. And I've got an itch that's screaming to be scratched.

Imagine a world much like our own, yet with queerness, sex-positivity, inclusion, and general good feels about identity, body and mind turned way, way up. A place without hate and with space and diversity. Everyone proudly waving their freak flags and proudly being themselves. It's not necessarily a perfect or entirely drama-free world, but on all these fronts, well... It's pleasant and it's affirmative. Cis and trans men and women, femboys, enbies, people of any and all looks and shapes and sizes, they're all welcome.

And now imagine a world of the most depraved, balls-to-the-wall, highly flammable octane levels of sexual depravity, kinkiness, and slobbering salaciousness. The kind you find in certain doujins you'd not want to share that you'd read. A delectable mixture of toxicity-less free use aesthetics, open love, and (dare I say it?) a certain level of porno/hentai logic about logistical details. A world of undiluted, unrestrained pleasure.

I want those two worlds to mix and make something beautiful.

And that's in essence what I'm looking to play/write. I'm happy to take on the mantle of "GM", in the sense that I'm comfortable playing the world and its other characters around yours. I like focalize the experience around my partner's character's POV, and that format is very conducive to that. Plus, heck, like most folks here I enjoy delivering some custom-fitted smutty writing to another person.

What I'm really looking to explore is that sense of complete sexual and kinky freedom in a world that revels in a sexually diverse cast of characters and personas, but also where porn dreams come true. In terms of actual sexual content, I'm essentially open to anything, and whatever kinks we desire can be weaved into the logic of the world and just occur as if they were the most normal thing in the world. That casualness, that openness, that relaxed attitude and that completely leisurely attitude is, I think, intoxicated - especially when combined with characters we like.

Because I do not want the world to be populated by caricatures and cardboard cutouts. I want our sexual protagonists and supporting casts to have dreams, fears, vulnerabilities, virtues and flaws, and feel like actual characters full of contradictions and believable troubles. They develop, they have feelings and emotions, they have all the things people have. They just happen to inhabit a depraved queer kinkfest world, that's all!

As for the exact specifics, I'm open to hear about your preferences. We can go for the classic "going to college" setup that so nicely justifies a big social circle. Or we can take slice of life for someone in a normal job. Or a less-than-normal job. I'm open to brainstorming and hear about where your character would like to fit in. And just as importantly, I want to appeal to your sensibilities as well and make this as fun, enjoyable, and overall awesome as I can. Consent is key.

Poke at me if this sounds like your jam.

Stay safe out there.
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