Mx Female It all went very wrong! (Dark themes)


Jan 10, 2022
Humanity has grown to reach the stars, they have expanded and grown far beyond the solar system, met many alien races and started many wars, many of which are still raging. During one said war there was a fight in a fringe system where a cruiser ship was damaged and had to make an emergency landing on one of the neighbouring planets. On that planet, the entire crew met their end, all except one, the engineer, she found a creature there, that supposedly killed everyone on the ship, repaired the ship and befriended the woman. Meeting with the rest of humanity the creature was aggressive and overly protective over the woman, even killing her husband, or any man trying to get near her. The curious thing is, the woman had no reaction to that, she praised and loved the creature more than anything else.

So started the first infestation, a tentacle hive was formed on Earth, with the engineer woman as its queen and the creature as its king, it was said that every woman was taken in either to serve the queen of the hive or to become breeding stock to it, by the time humanity started to use nukes on the hive, half the world was overtaken. Since then, the creature was captured and the queen was killed, but, humans being humans, they wanted to clone this specimen, seeing how well it almost destroyed Earth. They wanted it as a weapon, but instead of communicating with it, they probed it and took part of it to create less aggressive versions of it. Even training up women to being able to handle its aphrodisiac slime, or its mental coercion.

500 hundred years later, humanity has been able to create 5 hives of these creatures allowing for them to grow and expand over a solar system, breed and grow powerful for the war effort, depending on the wars that are started a hive would be sent through, a queen would be contacted to handle the situation, and the results were always so brutal. It worked so well, that many of human society has forgotten about the first of those creatures, still living in a lab under The Academy, a school designed to train up queen quality women, who knew when best to submit or when best to control the hive they were given. There were many queen quality people, but there is only 5 hives at all times.

That is until a specific woman walked into The Academy, one of the descendant of the original hive, she went to follow in ancestor's footsteps and get herself a hive. The original creature awoke after feeling her presence and has been communicating with her mentally, trying to get her to see or realize what it is, though most of its communications were through one word, or just an image, while it did that, the creature started to abduct women from The Academy, both queen quality and non queen quality, kill and devour them to grow stronger again, spread its influence and territory within the lab, trying to stay discreet, that is until it is found.


Hello all!

Welcome to my thread dedicated to the Tentacle Queen roleplay I have been building in my head for a while.
I am looking for someone to play out the queen in this scenario. We can do the original meeting of the engineer and the creature or her descendant and the creature.
Both have quite a bit of dark themes to it, we are talking rape, killing, gore, fucking to exhaustion.
There is also quite a bit of story to it, the woman trying her best to start the hive without being noticed, coercing her friends, family and random people into becoming food for the hive or breeding stock for it.

I am a 30 year old man from South Africa, and have been roleplaying for about 16 years now, I tend to roleplay in 3rd person and can do posts between 300-500 words. I love to explore new themes and am always open to OOC chat, brainstorming and idea bouncing is always welcomed and encouraged. If you are interested please do not hesitate to send me a DM on here and we can hash out the details.
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