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Fx Male The Many Requests of one Darling Angel

Jul 3, 2022
Hey, I'm Sweet Jagiya Angel. I made an account on here back in July and never was able to stay. I was swept up in the unpredictable torrent called life and hadn't been able to hop on like I wanted to. With my life kind of calming out, I thought I'd jump on and see what I type kinds of fun I can get up to on here. Please consider all images as nsfw!


Welcome to my request!

As I said above, I'm Sweet Jagiya Angel and it's a pleasure to finally have time to be here after so long. If you want to call me Jagiya, feel free to do so as I have no obstructions to that, whatsoever. I'm an avid fan of Kdramas, Manhwas and roleplaying. Not wanting to repeat much of my introduction, I'm a narrative-focused roleplayer with a love of descriptive writing, romance and lewd smut. For me, the smut that's written with a compelling story to support it is far more gripping than just pure smut, so I like to have a story in my roleplays. Smut is special. Amorous writings designed to stimulate and engage should have a layer of literate importance to what is being told. With a well written story and believable characters, reading smut is enthralling. I strive for that, seeking a balance between the two opposite, but complimentary positions.

I'm Jagiya. I'm a Korean-born Korean currently living in America, so my English may not be on the same level as my contemporaries. I'd like to apologize in advance and I hope you can forgive any mistakes I make moving forwards. The ethnicity of the characters that I'll be playing will be mainly Korean or ethnically Asian to some degree, as I feel more comfortable playing characters that are close to how I look.

If you want more information, you can read my more in-depth Introduction of who I am, what I'm looking for and what I can offer as a roleplayer.

Kinks and Limits can be found here: F-list

I have both short and long term ideas available. Pairings and Roles are planned.

Short Term
Currently just a series of Boyfriend x Girlfriend idea based about the Holidays. Designed to be short, more contained roleplays, they can be developed into more long term roleplays as they experience life together. I have a certain look for, Sun-Hi "Sunny" An, the girlfriend in this, however her look is open to change. Feel free to call her by Sun-Hi or Sunny.

Holiday Date Specials

Love As White As Snow -

A week in a cabin up in the snowy mountains far from the hustle and bustle of the busy city and stresses from work. Dressed in a winter jacket and cute snow boots, Sun-Hi climbed out of the packed, winter-proofed SUV and looked around the snowy fields. A smile spread across her lips, thinking about the week ahead of them. No work, no family, no responsibilities, just to spend time together in their mountain cabin. As she helped unload the back of their rented SUV, she couldn't help to think how tranquil it was here. No noise from the city normally around them, the sounds of city life. Just the whistling of the winter wind and the chirping of snow birds. Sun-Hi walked up the stairs onto the desk of the cabin, looking at the wooden design of the place they were staying. She had many memories of this place. It had been in her family for two generations and now she was going to have more with her significant other. Turning the key and shouldering the frozen door, it opened and they walked into the cool living room. She went to go turn on the heating and to light a fire so they could heat up the frozen pipes. Together they got everything they needed from their vehicle and did checks on the oil in the tank, the fire wood in the basement, the cans and boxes of non-perishable foods in the cupboards. Everything was there. They were there. Once the cabin was warmed to comfortable levels, she made coffee and stripped off her bulky winter attire. A week, alone, in a cabin far from civilization. A time for just them.

Secret Sexy Santa -

Christmas was her favorite holiday. The lights lining the street she walks home on, the Christmas carols, the exchanging of gifts and most importantly, spending time with those you love. Sun-Hi has always been in the festive atmosphere around Christmas. Growing up in Korea, it was less about religion and the celebration of Jesus Christ and more about family and gift giving. This gave her an interesting outlook on the holiday, one of familial bonds. Unlike all of the other years, this year Sun-Hi was with whom she was dating. The two of them would visit each other's families over the week they had off, but this time she was spending it with someone she loved. On the dawn of Christmas eve, she dressed up to surprise. Dressed up as a sexy Santa, she was her boyfriend's first present. Red wine, sweets, music to create the mood, Sun-Hi walked into the bedroom, wearing festive lingerie that she spent too much time picking out for the special day. She didn't want to mess it up, she wanted them to have a pleasant and intimate night together. Once her boyfriend acknowledged her, sounding happy about this first gift, Sun-Hi knew this was the right decision. The other gifts could wait until tomorrow morning. Tonight she was his special present.

A Valentine's Day Promise -

They made no real plans to go out, no dinner reservations, no late night dates, no time with family or friends. It'd be just the two of them in their home and she would show her appreciation for their relationship. Letting him relax with a glass of expensive wine a friend of hers recommended, Sun-Hi planned out a simple steak dinner for the two of them. Oven baked potatoes, vegetables, a simple garden salad and pan fried steak was what she was cooking. She was excited about showing off the steak, something that she had been working to master for the last four months, by attending late-night cooking classes. Any time he spoke up to help, she talked him down. This was her night to care for him. Sun-Hi knew last month for him had been a real stressful one. The company was moving personnel around, allocating more work to other people, and with the fear of layoffs hanging over the company's heads, she knew he could have at least a day off. Their romantic life had suffered from the long hours of his work, but they had overcome more difficult challenges in life. As she spooned the rosemary-garlic infused butter onto their steak, she could feel his eyes lingering on her black dress, her butt lifted by the heels she was wearing. This was a deliberate choice on her part, the choice of dress and heels. How she moved, how she positioned herself in front of his eyes. It was Valentine's day after all, the connotations of what day went wasn't lost on her and she knew it wasn't lost on him as well. A steak dinner, a romantic movie with wine and chocolate before cuddling in bed. She really hoped they would do more than cuddling. She had bought some lingerie to wear for him for that very night. Sun-Hi hoped to breathe intimacy back into their relationship and create a great night.

Private Halloween Party -

Their annual Halloween party had come to another successful end. Sun-Hi was excited that dozens of her friends had shown up for the party that she invited. Some of their friends had other things to do, but all was okay. It was a time for fun, treats and tricks. It was good to see them all again even if she had seen them yesterday or months ago. Everyone was dressed up for the event, either going all out for the best costume competition or simply dressed up to keep with the spooky atmosphere of the party. As her boyfriend mingled with their house guests, Sun-Hi and a few other wives and girlfriends were busy cooking and gossiping in the kitchen. There were snacks, endless food, horror-themed games, lots of talking and alcohol. This is what she loved. Having a night to be with friends and to catch up. Everyone was surprised to see her not dressed up again, though to her it wasn't her night to get very creative with her costume. Sun-Hi was the host. In her mind, it had to be the guests that should make the largest splashes. Wearing a simple, Korean-styled dress, Sun-Hi didn't want to stand out. She was happy that everyone considered the dress to look very good on her. Time ticked away into the night, the party slowly whining down. Thankfully, everyone was keeping their messes small so there'd be less work on Sun-Hi's part. Some hours passed and she and her boyfriend were waving the last of their guests goodbye. Closing the door, Sun-Hi embraced her boyfriend, happy about the success of the party. There was one more party for them, just for them, and she had a costume to surprise him.

The Easter Hunny -

Sun-Hi kneeled beside her bunny cage, holding Bomi in her hands. She rubbed her cheeks against the soft white fur of her rabbit, whispering about how cute, soft and fluffy he was. Bomi was precious to her and she wasn't afraid to show it. Resting him on her forearm, she hummed the tune of a Korean folktale song as she fed him a carrot. Halfway through Bomi's age, he had been a gift from her boyfriend a couple of years back. It was the best gift she could've received. Sun-Hi had grown up with bunnies in Korea and they were her favorite animal. This fact was something her boyfriend quickly picked up on as they started dating. She let Bomi eat his fill, snuggling with him before placing the bunny back inside his cage. Earlier, Sun-Hi let Bomi jump around and explore, keeping a watchful eye on him so he wouldn't gnaw on the legs of their wooden furniture. To help Bomi relax, Sun-Hi threw a blanket over the cage. It was Easter, her second favorite holiday, mostly because her boyfriend endured one little request of hers. A fantasy of hers. She prepared for his return, him having to go out to get something for her which was a part of what she wanted to do. Sun-Hi got into a particularly lewd bunny girl cosplay, the boldest to date. Around the time they agreed on, she was by the door to their apartment. Waiting for him to unlock the door so she could surprise him. The door opened and she could see the highly amused look on her boyfriend's face once the shock of her cute cosplay registered in his mind. She was a bunny girl today, his horny little bunny girl for their night of bedroom bliss.

Long Term

As in the name, more long term roleplays of mine.

The Heiress -

The Paradis Noir was a luxurious, five-star restaurant for the higher classes and society elites. With all the bookable tables being reservation seating only, there was a wait list of up to three years. The French cuisine was the best on this side of France with the one and only culinary prodigy, Astor Félix, as the establishment's head chef, a stacked kitchen with talented chefs and a world-class waiting staff of professional waiters and waitresses supporting him. To have the privilege of sitting at one of the tables and to try Astor Félix's rich, scent-awakening dishes was someone not everyone could try for or wait to try. Needless to say, a reservation at Paradis Noir was merely a fantasy that some just couldn't attain. For
Somun Li-Na, eldest daughter of the Somun Family, one effortless phone call to Astor Félix himself had opened up a table at his restaurant and left an unhappy customer. She was running late and had left it up to her fiance to find their table and try to relax. Once Li-Na had arrived, she was greeted at the door with a level of professionalism that many other guests wouldn't have the honor of having. Personally escorted by Astor himself to the table, she looked upon her fiance. He was a modest man, from a modest family, from a modest neighborhood, no one anyone thought that Li-Na would get married to. In all truth, there were clear distinctions between her and him and there was no need to hide them. Both of them knew the difference in their backgrounds, social status and family pedigrees. It was like mating a multi-million dollar thoroughbred horse to a working horse on some random farm. Even with all of that, she loved him more than he could ever imagine because he wasn't after her status or wealth, just her love and company. They had met during her time overseas, studying finance at university. Then she was a nobody, just a Korean foreign exchange student. Four years they dated before she revealed who she was, that she was Somun Li-Na. Much to her delight, their relationship didn't really change in a problematic ways and their bond only strengthened. Her brothers were against her getting engaged to a 'Commoner', but her parents were eerily quiet about the whole of this. Li-Na didn't want to think about it, she was there to have a wonderful meal with her beloved fiancé.


Thank you for reading!
I have future updates and changes planned.​
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