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Mx Male Things can get even Stranger (ST roleplay ideas)


Jan 15, 2020
Heyo! I'm Alex, and I'm here looking for some new friends to have some fun with some Stranger Things roleplay!

My main interest for myself is to primarily play Eddie. I'll do other characters to push along the story, but my main muse will be him.
For romantic pairings my preference is Steve, but you might be able to open me up to other possibilities. Writing samples of your preferred characters will help!!

I'm down for a lot, but there's some things I have no desire to do after trying them in the past. Trying to force me into doing these things will end our time together.

✨ Topping in sexual scenes (as in the traditional sense, I play Eddie as a guy that switches between pillow princess and power bottom)
✨ Vore
✨ Romantic Hellcheer or any other straight ship
✨ Scat, Piss, or emetophilia.
✨ Exclusively smut rps

Please feel free to ask any questions about other stuff like kinks or specific plot points, I'll tell you what I'm cool with and what I'm not.

Now for the good shit! Here's some writing samples from various rp scenes and one from my AO3 fic so y'all can see how I write him firsthand!

Entry 1, April 2nd, 1986

I've been told to journal my feelings before. Wayne swore by it, saying it helped him in the war, but I always turned the thought down and put my feelings out into writing songs or campaign stories. But right now I can't really play DnD, and I doubt I have a band anymore, so we're giving this the old college try. Yay.

Well, first of all I was supposed to die. I took a bunch of demo-bat bites to my everywhere and I swear I saw that light people talk about while Dustin held me. Yet somewhere along the way something decided to fuck me over and I found myself coming to in Steve "The Hair" Harrington's cushy suburban home. I was supposed to die down there. I was supposed to go out a hero, finally done with my days as a coward and doing something to make my uncle proud for a change. But that didn't happen. Some way, somehow, I lived. I wasn't supposed to and now everything's wrong again.

I'm not a hero, I'm a horrible murderer that's still only considered missing. Dustin's hurt, and that limp of his could be permanent. Wayne's last memory of me is that fight we had. I can't even remember what we fought over but I really wish I could take it back. I'm not proud of the shit I said. Now he probably thinks I'm dead. Or worse, he thinks I'm a dead killer. I think the headlines are starting to get to me.



I know none of these things are true, but I'm starting to wonder if maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I am a killer, all because I couldn't save her. I just ran. She was right there, reaching out for my help, and I ran. I left her broken body alone to get cold in a place where it's a miracle anyone found her. I can imagine it was Wayne that saw her. He had to clean up my mess, like he always has when I've gotten in trouble. I wish I could apologize to him, if I could do ANYTHING to make it up to him I sure as shit would. He doesn't deserve what these people are putting him through. He deserves to be left the fuck alone.

I wish I would've died. I planned on dying. Yet they pulled me out of there and managed to bring me back. Stupid mistake on their part. Now I'm stuck here burdening Steve Harrington, practically on suicide watch, stuck. I can't do anything. I can't leave, I can't smoke, I can't play my guitar, all I can do is feel. It's so overwhelming to feel. I can't decide what's worse. When I feel all of these emotions at once, or when I feel nothing at all.

I can only find sweet relief from the extreme emotional and overwhelming numbness in sleep. The medicine Steve's giving me takes away my dreams. Sleep is sweet bliss, the most addicting drug I can have at the moment. And I think I might need another hit.


As Eddie drops the pen down on the little table a certain someone pops in. He doesn't stay long, and right now Eddie's okay with that. He can't stand that pitiful look Steve always gives him. He's given medicine, a cup of water, and a little snack to enjoy with it all. He throws his hand up in appreciation, downs the pills, then shows Steve it's all gone. That became a part of the routine after Steve had to hold his nose and mouth to make him swallow medicine the first day. Swallowing hurts, thank you demobats, but the medicine does help.

He doesn't wait for Steve to leave before shoving the cookie down his throat and crawling into bed. He can feel eyes on him from afar. They don't go away as fast as usual. He lifts his head up and raises his eyebrows at Steve.

"Need something Harrington?" He doesn't mean to sound so irritated. But Steve doesn't seem all that phased. Actually, he's smiling.

"Nah. Just glad you're still here. Have a nice nap Munson." With that, he closes the door, leaving Eddie a little stunned before his negative monologue kicks back in.

'Stop lying to me.' He keeps this thought to himself, instead responding with; "Thanks Harrington." And then he's drifting off, hopeful that it's yet another dreamless night.

(Context is Steve was trying to talk him into leaving the upside down)

It doesn't feel like he has a choice. Between Steve's insistence and the animalistic instinct clawing at the back of his mind, the boy doesn't have a choice at all. No matter how much the 'Eddie' part of his brain screams to stay put, he doesn't fight. He goes with Steve, swims through the gate, and closes his eyes- hoping for the best possible outcome.

The cloud rolls over. His mind feels like it's been dumped into a hazy void. All traces of humanity are gone. There is no Eddie. There is only the monster, and it's angry.

He pulls himself out of the water and stands up straight, his glowing red eyes cut straight to the smaller, crippled boy. The weaker prey looks frozen in his fear, and he can take advantage of that. He lunges for Dustin, tackling the kid to the ground and digging his claws into his shoulders. He roars into the kids face, trying to further scare him into not resisting.

(Context, this is Eddie to Dustin after Dustin got badly bullied by a senior.)

The tears took Eddie by surprise. He didn't have to see it to hear he's crying, but when the boy showed him his face it just hit Eddie even harder. He stands there, listening to the poor kid while he tries to figure out the approach that works the best for the both of them. He decides, for this one, the best way to help is by simply giving him what he'd asked for. He asked an honest question, and those beget an honest answer.

"Well,  those seniors may hate freshmen. You know the ones. The guys that believe in the social hierarchy that never do anything of note past high school? They might hate freshmen. But I—" He starts to circle around Dustin, but he quickly changes direction. Right now, instead of posturing around and making himself seem bigger than he really is, he needs to do something that appears relatable, maybe even vulnerable to make the kid more comfortable. He settles with leaning against the lockers while still chatting away with the kid.

"You see Curly, those guys in there buy into the lies that society feeds you about what it takes to be a person. They believe that to exist you have to fall into some type of fancy category. You put on skimpy outfits and say rhyme words, you throw balls through light poles or toss them into laundry baskets, or you breeze through every single class like you're the next Einstein and suddenly you matter on the social scale." Eddie smiles and shrugs. "By that account, and several others, I don't exist. I'm not a person. And neither are you, from what I can tell."

He lets his words settle in before he continues monologuing. Because he knows what he's saying might hit kind of hard, and he doesn't feel like scaring the kid right now. "I took one look at you and I saw a bit of myself, all the way down to the curls. I want to be the outcast leader that I wanted to have when I was just a young outcast, if you'll have me."

(Context, Eddie talked Steve into DnD and they flirted the whole time. This is the aftermath, Eddie's got Steve's undivided attention and he's not taking it for granted. They're not together but they did make out one time)

Eddie grins like the cat who got the cream. He's completely unaware that Steve had spaced out again, let alone started having a full-on crisis over him. He's still expecting the jock to make him stop, push him away and tell him how what they'd done together was just a meaningless one-time thing. Even though it meant  everything to Eddie, making out with someone like him probably isn't all that special to someone like Steve. What was a life changing experience for him could've just been another kiss to Steve, even if it was Steve's first time kissing a guy. Sometimes Eddie could still feel those large hands holding his hips, or the taste of Steve on his lips, and he  yearns to have a repeat of the best night of his young life.

But he knows he probably won't get it, so he settles for pushing buttons. He's always been good at that, pushing every single button on a person until he finds the one that makes them blow up.

"I thought about having him slide down to his knees-" Eddie does this while he talks, now settling between Steve's legs. "-and look up at Kaifus with those big, doe-ish eyes of his." He runs one finger up Steve's leg, trailing it over his knee and up his leg before stopping at the inner thigh- less than an inch away from the crotch line of Steve's pants. "I thought about having him offer his  services in exchange for fighting the dragon, instead of just money." That mischievous sparkle in his eyes shines bright as can be as he presses a kiss into Steve's inner thigh, in the same spot where his finger stopped. "He's pretty well known for that particular set of skills."

And then, like he'd not done  any of that, Eddie quickly crawls away from Steve and springs upright, "But I figured that was too much with kids around. Plus, I doubt you'd be interested in that." He gathers all his shit up again and stuffs it in his bag, he's fighting  hard to keep a normal face as he walks towards Steve again. "Care if I come a little early next week? I've got some dioramas and shit I wanna set up."

And that's my samples! If something caught your eye, I have ideas regarding the following topics:


Freshman!Steve x Sophomore!Eddie (working our way through the whole series with Eddie involved from the start)
Steddie, post-Vecna (a version where Eddie doesn't die from the attacks and is pulled out of the upside down)
Steddie, post Vecna (Kas/vampire Eddie)
King!Steve x Eddie (something with specifically Steve in his King era being a bully)
Steve x 10!Eddie (a very niche theory that was around before volume two that I kinda like)
Eddie and Gareth, first meeting (how they met and became best friends)


Spiderverse with Venom Eddie
Werewolf!Steve x Human!Eddie
Ghost!Eddie x Human!Steve (can be canonish, depends on what you're feeling!)
Corpse Bride Steddie

Like I said before, I'm not opposed to other guys from the show, or even OCs if you wanna rp with my perception of Eddie. I'm a Steddie truther but I'm also open to others! PMs and Discord are okay with me so this will be posted in both.

Hope I caught your eye and I hope we have fun!
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