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Doctor Who Catfights.


Aug 16, 2022
So, I am looking to RP a particular fantasy of mine, set in the world of Doctor Who, especially its Classic iteration of 1963-1996. Specifically, various catfights and scrappy encounters between its various female characters, from Susan to Ace, Sarah Jane to Tegan Jovanka, all of them fighting and tearing at each other for various reasons. Maybe its jealousy, maybe they're mind controlled, maybe they just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Either way, they're looking for a fight. And these won't be dainty little slapfights, these will be hair tearing, clothes ripping, blood drawing battles as they target each others arses, breasts, pussies, whatever they can get to to get an advantage. If you're interested, just drop a message in here, thanks for reading!
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