Mx Female Is this good enough, sir?


Nov 1, 2018
Hi there! So I had an idea for a RP that's been floating in my head lately and thought I'd see if I can find a good partner for it.

As the thread title implies, basically YC is the submissive type, very attractive in real life, but with little confidence. YC has always felt inadequate compared to the girls she sees in real life, on instagram, etc. Maybe she tries a little to be sexy, but always hates how she looks because she doesn't quite compare to that absolute 10 she follows on Insta. Meanwhile somewhere along the way, she meets MC, who is her perfect everything - hot, rich, and yes, dominant. But not in a ropes and handcuffs sort of way, more of a manipulative dominant who negs her a lot. They start to develop a relationship and YC is basically just trying to meet the impossible standards set by MC, who is stringing her along for the sex.

Variations could involve YC being the opposite - VERY confident and arrogant, who gets knocked down by MC. Or really anywhere in between, but in the end I see the line in the title being used sometime when YC is dressing for MC and asking if the slutty outfit she is wearing is good enough for him to see her in as he fucks her...
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