Engaging in the lifestyle with the whole irl deal, lemme tell you...
It's nothing like what you see on most roleplays, kinky sex times and leather.
It's actually a bit more complicated then most people think, the sub has more control than the dom does. After all, they get to tell them how far they're allowed to go, and they're serving them out of their own devotion. They could just as well choose to leave the dom to find someone else, but they actually picked this person to take care of them. The dom also depends on the sub for everything, for taking care of them in exchange for the protection they offer. The feeling of serving someone is lovely if they're the right kind of dom, they won't be pointlessly abusive. After all, they only punish you if you did something bad, duh, not just randomly to get their kicks.
If you're into a more violent relationship, sure you can work that out. But it's all consensual, it's not rape, and what physical punishment occurs, has been agreed on prior to it (such as boundaries set). It makes me disgusted when people think that it's all about the leather, the abuse, and just treating someone like shit. The point isn't to treat someone like shit, it's to exchange what you both long for to take care of one another.
In relevance to the topic, let me say that you're looking at the wrong place for masters. Also, dreams aren't literal, just like poetry isn't. He probably just represents anxiety in your life, and your brain just associates it with him. Confront the issue or just deal with it.