Mx Female A rough idea for a plot...


Apr 27, 2015
Hello! I'm Ilvaness and this is my...not-as-thirsty thread, and am Looking for an actual plot! (GASPS FROM THE CROWD)

Yes, I know. Shocking, isn't it? I haven't roleplayed in...years now. Three, to be specific. And I'm kind of looking at doing a roleplay where there's more plot than smut (though, smut can, and probably will happen do to the romance aspect of it, just at a much lower rate and with just a touch of spice. Think 80/20 for the plot/smut ratio). So yes, if you look at my other request thread, it looks like I'm just a thirsty guy who liked to type out sex scenes. But no! I actually DO like to write plot, characters, have development, and have a slow burn type of story! All that being said, I'll say a little about myself, and some do's and don'ts of my idea here:

I'm, in real life, a 33 year old heart transplant patient, who went through the procedure 3 years ago (now you know why I've been absent from roleplaying). I've been roleplaying before the "incident" for over ten years, been playing Dungeons and Dragons as a player for 8, and a DM for about 4. I like anything from fantasy to sci-fi fantasy (LOTR and Star Wars, as a reference), and even some modern and Cyberpunk style settings. For plots I do enjoy things to be on the darker side, but I do also like the idea that even in the darkest stories, the characters, though not unscathed, can eventually find some peace and make it out with as good an ending as they can muster. I enjoy exploring relationships because I'm garbage at it in my personal life, though my autism is apparently very funny to people, so they stick around. (I don't blame them. I laugh at it myself)

As far as do's and dont's:

-Don't be rude: Self explanitory.
-Be willing to work out plot: This is a rough, and I mean ROUGH idea. I don't mind people looking to critique the general concept, but they also need to bring solutions! I'm always willing to listen.
-Be willing to just chat for the sake of it: nothing wrong with making friendly acquaintances on here!
-Post "AT LEAST" once a weak: I'm a fulltime employee with a decently busy life. I get it.
-Nothing Sacrilegious: This seems like an odd thing, but nothing in the roleplay that would be considered bashing religions, or anything uhh...accult like. I know that sounds bonkers but it is a no go for me, I don't play with that.
-Please, if you aren't having fun with the RP, let me know, and we can adjust. Or, if you aren't into that idea, I have no problem parting ways. Easy peasy! I won't be mad.
-No text speak: Please, dear God, no.
-Type out at the very least, one very large paragraph, or multiple if the situation calls for it: You don't have to pontificate about...every gritty detail. I'm not asking for a novella. Just something to work with.
-If I forgot anything: I'll add it to the list, and make an update post.

So, without further dealy...the actual plot!



Humanity is on the brink. Several years into the new millennium brought back a predator emerged that began to hunt humanity, with deadly efficiency. These beings showed no mercy, no remorse, and were absolutely relentless, taking our population down from billions to less than a million in less than a decade. Over half of the world burned and was destroyed. It felt like the end of the world...

Humanity, however, was very resilient. We retreated to the darkest parts of the world, scattering in different directions. We began to learn, and grow. We began to evolve once more. Out of that evolutionary leap came the S.C.A.R.; The Similacra Combat Autonomous Ranks. These "humans" were built, not born, into this world for one sole purpose: To protect humanity. Formed with the innate need to not only obey orders from regular humans, but also to defend humans at the detriment of themselves, these "dolls" were able to completely turn the tides of many battles, though casualties were still very, very high.

But these puppets need direction, which means certain humans need to be on the battlefield with the Similacra, making sure they follow through with their orders. But only special people can actually hope to have the authority innately in them to be able to command such weapons responsibly.

There is, however, a dark secret to these 'Similacra' and their origin. One that anyone of any consequence knows of. To everyone, even the enemy, these 'people' aren't even people; theyre soulless vessels built as super soldiers in a war of attrition. Even if they speak and act as humans do, and form very serious bonds with their handlers.


So, that the idea. It's rough (I did say that, didn't I?) but it has several things that I wanted to touch on as far as plot. What actually makes a human, human? What are these creatures, and where do they come from? What is the secret of these "puppets" that causes anyone who asked about it to disappear?

These are only a couple questions I want to answer in this story, but I do want someone to plot it out with me! The inspirations for this story are, admittedly, from games that are...kinda spicy. So, one, is xenoblade chronicles 2, which has several moments asking if the 'weapons' are even alive. And a more recent game...that I'm not exactly proud that I'm playing, is called "Goddess of Victory: Nikke". In it, it's like a normal Gacha game, but its plot point resonated with me: Humanity uses "robot puppets" to fight against, essentially, terminators, while these robots are given orders they 'have' to obey. Which, as you can imagine, opens up things to be abused, and terribly so.

We can discuss more of the plot, the setting, and hard no's, or absolute yes's, in PM's if you find yourself interested in plotting out the rest a little more!

So please, send me a PM, and make sure to add your favorite candy in the title so I know you read the whole post! :D
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