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Fx Female GoT/ASoF&I craving, open to all sorts of timelines & stories


Not actually a Mouse
Oct 2, 2016
Hi, I'm Mouse(noises) & I hope to role play some sapphic romantics in the in the GoT setting, drama, damsels, tourney's & Intrique!

So, I've been writing for fun for nearly two decades, I'm nonbinary - I prefer They/Them Pronouns but typically play feminine characters as my main roles, I'm comfortable playing men as side characters & encourage a wide cast of minor roles to flesh out worlds! I typically write in the Adv-Lit area, but length is subjective to what's going on in a scene. Sometimes a couple paragraphs say more than a wall of text can, or provide more enjoyable replies, at least. I like a good amount of OOC banter, Discord is a great place for that but not required.

I have a few characters already made for the setting, but am open to making more. I have made an F-list for each of them.

A Lady Knight beholden to house & to vows, she tries her best to honour both.

Orphaned, Exiled, Stripped of lands & Claims, Lysa yearns to reclaim Harrenhal for the Whent name.

Jory Cassel's daughter, in search of answers after her father's unexpected death in King's Landing.

Please feel free to PM me for more details or to talk shop!
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