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NBx Any Life in a utopian future.


Oct 17, 2021
The Multiverse
Hello, and thank you for clicking to open my request!
I'm not entirely sure if this should be in the Requests by non-Binaries forum, but it is probably the best match thematically. I'm sure you will see what I mean when you get to the premise but let me set the scene first.

Sometime in the future, our characters are living in a world/society that is governed almost entirely by an algorithm. This began as a way of obtaining a utopian society where everybody's needs and wants could be met. The computer AI and its algorithm control almost every facet of life. It supplies food, and clothing to the accommodations that it also allocates. Each individual will only be able to access media, music, etc that has been assigned to them. By restricting people they will only meet/date others that the algorithm sees as a match for them.

This has been the way of living for longer than any living person can remember. It is the normal, accepted way of the world. Yes, there may be underground flea markets for blackmarket goods, food, etc. but most people are content, and happy with how their lives are run for them.

That isn't to say that the AI is kind or humane. It does things for the good of the city/world/society based on a vast data set from the lives of all its citizens. It will do what the data says is best, and there is no way to complain or argue. You just have to do it or you won't get any money, food, media, etc. Put up and shut up. The only options.

Now, the premise. The algorithm has decided that the area that my character resides in doesn't have enough females to keep a happy, healthy, functioning society. The AI simply reassigns him as a her. From that point on, all the clothing that they receive, or are allowed to purchase will be female clothing. The food that they receive in their apartment will contain a cocktail of hormones and hormone blockers to make him a better female. An essentially cis-male is forced to become a femboi by the AI governing his society.

So that's the world that I want to play in. It can be pretty free and open to interpretation. How sci-fi it is can be up to us. Nanotechnology, futureTech, can be anything we imagine for our story.

I am looking for a literate writer to play against my character. Yes, they are a bit of a blank slate at the moment because I don't know where I will be playing them in the timeline of their journey from him to her/them.

I would like to play in PM, but a could do Discord also.
I don't like to set post size requirements because I know that they tend to fluctuate depending on where the story is, but I would like no less than one, well-written paragraph per post. I usually average 2-3 myself, more if I'm excited.

Kinks and ideas that I want to explore:
Orientation play
Training - pet play
Gender reassignment
Hypnosis, mind control, gaslighting
Light BDSM

What I don't like:
Big. Unrealistically large anything. Asses, boobs, cocks.
Medical procedures. They make me squirm... in the not-so-nice way.
Blood and scat are definitely out. Pee, while frowned upon is sometimes okay.

If you have read this far, thank you. Please drop me a message if you are interested and want to chat about my idea.
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