Mx Female Mature Adult Fairy Tale

Mature Male Writer

Nov 19, 2019
Coastal Georgia, US
Hello, and thank you for taking a look at my thread.

Among my latest cravings is a story of an older woman, 50 to 70 years old, or perhaps older if my co-writer wishes to write an older character, and a younger man, late 20s to mid 40s. Sorry, this plot idea is not for a boy, but a man, and not about incest. The premise is that the two meet, or may have known each other casually over the years, form a strong friendship that is mental, emotional, and spiritual. At some point in their friendship, the female character feels a need to be sexual, and approached the male character of her need/desire. She may not understand it, but she wants/needs a man to share sex with her. After some discussion, they decide to be physical. It will have awkward moments and some funny ones.

Americas or Europe, 1850 to present day

General Writing Style
I tend to write third person with a post of 100 to 300 words, but do go longer when there is something to describe or the muse strikes. Often I write conversationally, which will lead to a shorter post. Not a grammar Nazi by any means, but using a spell check program is appreciated.

Desires and Not Into

Slow burn, build up
Loving relationship
Physically believable proportions
A female character who like nice lingerie
A female character who is not embarrassed to be seen in shape wear.
Vanilla sex with chocolate sauce and nuts, but open to some experimentation.

Not Into
Physical abuse
Water sports and other related items

Thank you in advance for your consideration, and I look forward to your reply.
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