Mx Any Your personal adventure (Playing as Gamemaster/ WIP)


Feb 13, 2022
Hey Folks, I'm a big fan of creating original worlds, developing characters and generally roleplaying. That's why I'm offering a choose your own adventure type of RP where I'll take the role as the game master, meaning I'll manage the world, the other characters and you'll take the role as the hero. You'll venture out into the wild world, meet all kinds of people, creatures and it's up to you if you save the world or fail and meet a bad end. I'm generally fine with playing males and females, I'm also okay against playing male or females.

A little bit about me
First of all I'm a switch meaning I can fill up any desired role in the RP! Be it a rather dominant, jerk guy or even the role of the submissive shy cute nerd, I'm open for any role and I love to switch my roles. I'm generally flexible when it comes to replies. Normally I tend to go into detail when I write, for example I love to write down my characters thoughts and feelings on the current situation. I tend to describe well and the most important thing I adapt my length to my partner's preference.

I'm also flexible when it comes down to turn ons, I'm generally fine with anything be it wholesome stuff, hypnotic stuff, public stuff, I'm open for anything but I have limits which I won't RP. I will not do a RP focusing on weight gain, gore, vore, hyper, bathroom stuff.

Your Character

First of all it's your character, meaning you have the freedom of choosing what kind of character you like and what his personality is. Will be a hero, anti hero or villain it's your choice. If you've a character feel free to send a ref of the character and we can discuss stats and more further.

World and Setting

I'm generally fine with any kind of settings and I already have a few settings planned and I'll add more info to them later. I'm also open to take suggestion or any ideas, this is an open meaning your thoughts and ideas are always welcome!

Super Hero Setting (Invincible, Marvel, DC, The Boys...)

Fantasy Setting (Witcher, Lord of the Rings,...)

Sci Fiction Setting (Star Trek, Firefly,...)

Lovecraftian Setting

Horror Setting

-More Stuff to be added-
-Got any ideas you always wanted to try out but never found a partner? Hit me up!-​
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