Mx Female Romantic Historical Roleplay

Eternal Lover

Oct 7, 2022
Hi and welcome to my request thread! I'm looking for a woman to roleplay a romantic and sexy story with. I like different kinds of settings but because I have a passion for history I'd love to go for a more historical setting. My favourite periods are antiquity, the high middle ages, and Renaissance but I can certainly go for others as well. Of course, I don't expect people to be experts (I'm also not an expert) so what really matters to me is the feeling of the period, not the details of every little thing.

For your character, I don't have many preferences. Women of all ages, ethnicities, and body types can be beautiful because what really matters is the side that I often find to be undervalued in roleplay, which is to say, feelings. Without feelings, sex often feels like something purely mechanical so that's what I'm looking for the most.

For my character, I'm open to your suggestions of course but I mostly want to write someone who feels realistic and who I can identify with. So not some kind of complete monster or a bodybuilding billionaire model or the like. In terms of age, I like playing a man in his early thirties.

Of course, I have some kinks and limits. This list however is far from exhaustive. I also am not really the type for the dominant/submissive dynamic because I like relationships to be based on mutual love and affections and both characters to be driving things. In a roleplay, I don't have a preference for which person to use and tend to write one to three paragraphs.

Kinks: Romance, different locations, lingerie, outercourse, intimacy, varying positions, and mirrors

Limits: Public sex, pain, nonconsensual, anal, porn, BDSM, anything that belongs in the toilet, and probably a whole bunch more that I can't even think about now.

And most importantly, the pairing ideas. I'm always open to any suggestions you may have and these are mostly starting points to start developing our stories. In all cases, my preferred role is marked with an asterisk.

Here are a few basic plot ideas. It's only a small selection of what we could possibly do so I'm more than open to any suggestions you have.

My character was one of Alexander the Great's close associates and in the aftermath of his death he naturally tries to claim as much as possible for himself. Your character is a woman from one of the most important families of oneo of the conquered peoples and they get married and create an alliance to try to create their own new kingdom. The road ahead is filled with challenges from their personal life and judgment by others for marrying foreigners to actually having to wage wars.

To love the Maestra
Your character is a real renaissance woman. She's an amazing artist, a great scientist, and so much more. My character is the ruler of a city state and vies to be her patron. Something more happens however and they fall in love and they won't settle for just a secretive affair.

Courtly Love
Both of our characters are part of society's elite and seem to have a good life. They're married to good matches, are wealthy, and successful. The problem is, they are both married to someone they don't particularly like and one day, they meet each other and fall in love, starting a secretive yet loving affair.

More to follow of course.
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