Spanking chats / roleplays


Oct 27, 2022
I'm male. I want to chat/play with females (or someone who's so good at pretending that I never know that they're not female).

My interests:

M/f, F/m and F/f spanking
Punishment (spankings/punishments aren't supposed to be enjoyed at the time, though of course witnesses might like watching, or it might be a turn-on thinking back of them)
Spankings with implements
Ageplay (i.e. a family or school chat where those getting spanked are girls/boys), ideally a mix
Genital spanking (pussy spanking or penis spanking) - it's way more intense than just bare bottom spanking
Control (for example orgasm control - can have some fun with that )
Embarrassment (witnesses add to that, maybe hygiene inspections, lots of ideas for that really)
Fairness (girls and boys getting punished in the same way, maybe even not making any distinction between them...)
Other control (clothing, bathroom, etc possibly)
Storytelling (doesn't have to be a traditional roleplay - I'm okay with doing that, but there's something about building the 'universe' where all this happens)

Things I really don't like:

Penetrative sex (and not mad keen on oral either)
Generally any kind of insertion
Spankings that don't have a reason (naughtiness should lead to spanking, not spanking just-because)
Needles/sharp things
Anything which has too much of a BDSM vibe (no gimp masks etc because that doesn't fit the scene - I'd do BDSM type play in real life with someone but it's not good for this roleplay)

Things I do like:

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