Mx Female Flame's (not so)little dragons


Oct 27, 2022
Hey there! Welcome, welcome! Couldn't wait to make a request thread as soon as possible..
I'll keep it simple for now so i can have something going and will add more to it as time passes.

Now, on to the title. I have a thing the last years, and that is that all my characters carry dragon blood in some way, shape or form. My little dragon army, if you may.
I will be listing them with some information on them, and we can see if anyone hits a spot ^^

Ill start with these two that are my main cravings, and will add more as we go.


Ferenir has black shoulder length hair, green bright eyes and two red horns on his head, and a tail to match. He is 6'7" feet tall, and he is the sweetest boy.
He has experienced trauma in his childhood, having been betrayed or treated ugly because of his blood.
Despite his strong appearance and great physical strength, he is awkward, shy and quite lonely. He tries to find his place on the world, and will lean to anyone who will offer their hand to him...
Easily molded, the paths he can take are many...
Ferenir is mainly a switch leaning to submissive. He is loyal and soft.
If he doms he is very, very soft.
And if he subs well.... Sky is the limit...

Igris on the other hand, has burning orange hair, yellow eyes and ashen skin. His horns have shades of red and black. Standing at 7 feet, he comes from a mountain barbarian tribe, and he loves fighting, drinking and sex. Lots of it.
Being more in line with the monster inside him, he is much more dominant.
Straightforward and honest, this barbarian is certain to raid your village and steal your heart.... And probably the whole you. He is more dominant, and loves to find toys, or powerful challenges to conquer~

More to come soon..

Now, on to plots.
I.... Admittedly dont have too many complex ideas other than some basic concepts we can expand on! For now, at least.

Plot 1(Ferenir) :
After being forced to travel alone for a while, due to exile or running away, Ferenir meets someone who offers him a hand of love and care.... whether that is by honest intentions, or because they find a magnificent toy in the dragon blooded man, that is up to be found~
Maybe they save his life, or maybe they straight up seduce him!
No matter what, little Fen will be hard to resist anything they might impose on him after..

Plot 2(Ferenir/incest):
Care and love go far, and double so when it comes from your closest people. With the world at his throat, or with a trauma badly haunting him, it is only a sister or a mother that can truly comfort Ferenir....leaning closer and closer to them, their bond becomes more than the world can know...

Plot 3(Igris):
Igris likes pretty things. And he likes pretty things a lot. And to add to that, he isnt the type to ask, nor take no for an answer. Growing up in a community that battles and raids humans as long as he remembers, they are little more than playthings to him..
He might have found quite the interesting one, this time... Will they be a willing one, or will he have to break them...
And how will that evolve...
Or instead, what if the powerful monster man finds himself the toy of someone else this time....

Plot 4(Igris) :
Igris is quite the forward and handsome young man. He is popular, and talented, as a result gets the attention of many, very little of it being unwanted.
What he doesn't know, is that his best friend(or sister for an incest route) is quite obsessed with him, even to unhealthy levels... To which lengths will she go to make him hers and only? Will be a simple romantic path, or something darker?

I think these are good for a basic start.
They are set in a fantasy setting, either purely so or modern fantasy, but i can be persuaded to run a purely modern scenario with them, if we match well.

My kinks are.... Vast. As you may have noticed from Fen's kink list. Not everything needs to be included of course, i just happen to like many different things for different situations.
I am more of a pleaser, if i can hit some of your spots, im perfectly happy~
Dont be shy about introducing to me an idea or a concept, honestly, i can count in one hand things im not into if you work me up enough!

If anything interest you, and more specifically one of the boys, feel free to hit me up. Also, if you would like to see them in one of your plots, that would be quite nice too~ Im veeery open to it~
Ill be waiting!
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