Mx Female [Sci-Fi] Tales from the Void | Dune-Inspired Space Feudalism, Genetic Legacies, Living Ships, and Family Nukes [IM Only]


Jan 5, 2015
Eastern Europe
Hi there!

I'm an avid roleplayer from Eastern Europe. I've been doing it for a long time, not sure how long exactly. I'd like to think I'm pretty good at writing, and I'm looking for long term writing partners for long term stories. Before I get down to it, I'd like to give you some information so you know right away if we're compatible.

1. Writing medium. I always preferred IM services. Currently using Discord. I find it to be very useful and the annoying character limit can easily be overcome; It offers great functionality and a way to keep everything organized.

2. I'm not here to make passes at anyone, I'm only here to write a compelling story. Given time, we can become pals, that's about it.

3. Post length. I don't do one-liners. Hell, I don't do four-liners either. It's anywhere between a couple paragraphs and a fairly big piece, but usually 3-4 paragraphs is my average. I'm good at adjusting to your post length. Don't need 1000 word replies for the sake of it, either - I'd much rather have zero fat and a short reply than a dragged-out, over-padded essay. English is my third language so I will definitely use this card to get past some syntax errors that I tend to make from time to time.

4. Timezones. They're a factor with me - I'm generally on the other side of the world from most people on BMR.

5. Plot vs Smut. Smut is great, but it's definitely not essential. 80vs20 at most. I'm much more interested in stories and human relationships and emotions, and have no qualms about writing a completely smutless plot.

6. Things tend to get busy on my side. There are likely to be times when writing takes a back seat. Rest assured, I'll still be available to let you know that I won't be around to continue for a period of time. I'd appreciate the same treatment, and will certainly understand even if I'm particularly giddy to advance a story.

With that out of the way, I'd like to talk a bit about what I want to write. This is a newer idea, rough around the edges, open to interpretation and change, and definitely something I'd like to build on together, if worldbuilding is something you're fond of:
Even the deepest archives of the technological theocracy that is the Union have lost track of when humanity has first sailed the darkness of the Void. The oldest among the Splicers, first to master the craft, no more than over-sized brain tissue in glass chambers, cannot recall their infinite memory to remember. Ruins of an old and nameless government that once bound humanity under one banner lie overgrown with moss, and discordant noble houses squabble over the leftovers - petty and paranoid, their Lords and Ladies locked in standoffs, bristling with weapons of mass destruction, slowly falling prey to madness as their mind ages in ageless bodies. An age of dark barbarism, where billions toil under varying shades of oppression, where Law is bent and broken, where the cold and uncaring Void builds castles for some out of the bones of the less fortunate. In this world, the bet favors the hungriest hound with the stomach to go furthest in service of ambition. What will this be - another yarn spun by drunken salvagers in the foul shipyards of rusting metal and decaying organs, or a cautionary tale whispered among luxurious tapestry of a noble residence?

I'd like to explore a disparate humanity that holds very little in common with our civilization, save for the fact that for all the fantastical possibilities, people remain people. Prey to ambition, prone to depravity, prudent in their schemes.
Come to combine court politics with unaging rulers, old-fashioned swordplay with half-alive starships loyal to their pilots, archaic tradition with nuclear weapons.

If this is a walk you'd like to take, ye' best pressurize your armor, and step through the airlock.
Pardon the stale thread format. All manner of discussion and general pleasantries is most welcome in the PMs. The secret password is Tea Time.

Much love.
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