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Mx Male Looking for long term partner(s) m x m


I brought a knife to a gun fight
Dec 13, 2021

Please do not post here personal message me instead thank you

Dark demon's 1 to 1 search thread​

Please avoid using *Waves shyly at you*<--- This is one way ticket to avoid me to reply as I hate bracket world speech please speak normally. Don't speak like a child like 'I ish bored' it really does nothing for me.

Hi there, my name is Demon. I'm in my, thirties, I work part time currently phasing back into work. I have been ill with a mysterious Chronic thing that flared up four weeks ago and currently trying to live with it, so work is at stead pace at the moment.

I am looking for creative writers who understand the meaning of creative. Who enjoy spamming ideas, who isn't just a yes man and isn't afraid of trying new things. I'm looking for someone who speaks the same language, story development, character development all of that jazz. I'm very intuitive and connect with my characters on a much deeper level. Sometimes I don't even get a say in what they do or don't do. I have a little voice in my head that tells me how they speak, body language and how they react to others. Sometimes it's an extension of me, sometimes it's what just comes across.

I am a two sided coin, to others, I can be a talented writer, the writer I want to be, the experienced writer. Semi-literate advanced that can give you really good posts, on the other side of the coin if you said heads and you got tails, well, sometimes you wondered what the fuck happened to it. My writing will depend on you. The more we connect you will get the better side of me, if you make me nervous or we just don't click you will not enjoy your time with me at all.

I have a severe learning difficulty that I was learning to live with, as much as writing. It's been a challenge. I don't know why I feel the need to mention this but I feel like I do, to give you the heads up. I get easily confused. But the more the RP goes on you'd get a handle on how I operate and hopefully it won't be too much troublesome for you, I tend to proof read my work. As I want to give you nothing but the best for my partners.

A few pointers in handling me:

  • Work with me than against me, the more you communicate your wants, your dislikes or things you'd like to avoid. There's something bothering you, please tell me. Letting me loose on ideas or coming up with a plot will be a complete disaster in the making, you need to be completely on board with sharing your ideas. (I thought that was a normal thing.)

  • Bullet points for me to answer, I get easily confused with the idea process, I get overwhelmed, I have a lot of ideas yes-men won't work. Sometimes Bullet points help me slow my thought process down so it's more clarity.
  • Timing. I prefer at least once per week, although saying that. I'm pretty good at being patient if you got stuff going on or require more time. Communication is a BIG thing. As long as you're still interested that's all good.
  • Understanding & patience. I have a chronic flare up at the moment and have had me of for four weeks, sometimes my brain can't deliver the standards I want to and can be restricted never take it personal. I do Studyings on every Thursday. I am also grieving for the loss of a special person, so please understand that sometimes I might not be in the mood but welcome to PM me to find out whats up or I'd pm you.
I am learning how to deal with my 'loss of interest.' Sometimes my muse just drops I do apologise for that. I have had bad habits in the past that made me a bad role player and I don't blame people for not chancing me but believe me for the past few months I have built up a strong self-awareness. Which is why not so much 'rapid' responses' but once a week is probably what will keep my muse in check.

Posts that haven't been updated in a month I will consider them dead, if not being notified or not adjusted to your pattern or communication. I will not be chasing anyone. That is purely your responsibility.
Things I like in a role play:

- Character + world development
- Fast responses (Once a week at minim (can be discussed)
- Long term Rp's
- A/B/O
- male pregnancy
- Weight gain (Your character)
- Multiple paragraphs
- Size differences
- Good communication, the good the bad and the ugly.
- Honesty

I do not expect everyone to except this as this is a hit or miss kind of kink, I would LOVE, love love you forever if this could be included. My character just found he is pregnant maybe they have dangerous jobs, whatever. Kind of deal, however. He is not keen on the fact that he has to gain weight,. He had always been a fitness guy due to the demanding role that he has. His partner however, has always been a foodie. Love's his food, if it wasn't how fitness his job was he'd probably be a lot of fatter than he is. But due to an injury, he found himself not in an active role but more of a desk job deal. But he hadn't changed his eating habits, he normally eats more than the recommended. Gradually he starts to get fatter, his partner notices but doesn't say anything as he secretly enjoys it.

When he got to the point where he couldn't hide it any more, his partner (my character) questions it in his defence he had used to support MC, which of course is a fat lie. Both enjoy his weight-gain development and your character finds out he secretly likes his extra chub. How much he gains is completely up to you.
Currently Craving:

Death note: L x Light (or ocs)
Dragon ball z: Brolly x Goku, Vegeta x Goku,
Yuri on ice Viktor and Yuuri


Attack on titans

Black butler

Bleach ***

Blood blockade battlefront

Death note

Dragon ball z, super, GT, movies,

Naruto shippuden

My hero acdemia

Ouran host club,

Yuri on ice



Black dagger brotherhood,

Harry potter

Lord of the rings,
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