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Fx M or F "I'm Home for the Summer!"


Shadow on the Sun
Oct 9, 2015

I want to play with someone who likes to write and who is able to draw up emotions and powerful imagery. What I'm looking for is someone who is interested in a slice-of-lifey, drama and romance and everything-in-between kind of idea. Picture for favorite drama with thirty year olds playing teens and early twenties for the vibes.

A small, American with a good mix of haves-and-have-nots; big enough to blend in, but not big enough to hide. The sort of place where everyone knows or knew everyone. The sort of place that a lot of people leave for the nearest city when they're young. The sort of town that you leave behind when you go off to college-- and find it waiting for you when you're back home. The specifics of the where and everything like that can come later, but that's the sort of energy I want to channel. The place you leave behind... or the place where you're left behind in.

I want to play multiple girls. Whether you want to play multiple characters, or its sort of a revolving door situation, whatever-- that's something we can hash out! I'm thinking a delinquent who dropped out and made it big, a valedictorian come back from college, a tomboy who stuck around, or maybe that friend's older sister is back in town. Hell, maybe its the rich new girl in town.

DM me if any or all of these girls and a slice-of-life sort of vibe is interesting. We can come up with the spicy details together!
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