Random Requests of X


Feb 9, 2012
Hey, thanks for stopping by!

I joined the site a good while back and ended up ADHD'ing out, totally forgetting about it until this morning. I'd love to get back into roleplaying and have a few active partners to play with!

Who I Am

Name is Xavier but you can call me X if you want. I've been roleplaying for longer than I'd care to say out loud. I enjoy writing and would like to find some good partners to write with.


Like I said, it has been a while since I've had active roleplays so I'm pretty open to different ideas. I have a few listed below that I wrote out and will add more as I think of them and look at other requests to get more ideas.

My No's

I'm not a fan of the following... heavy bdsm, pegging, pregnancy, gore, toilet stuff, or death.


Real Life/Incest - I'm pretty open to the roles with this one, it could be older/younger or same age. We can come up with a good scenario together and put it in any setting that works out.

Fantasy/Beast - This could be real or fantasy beasts/monsters. I'm fine with playing as a beast or as a fantasy creature in various scenarios. It could be a woman adopting a new dog from the pound or an adventurer going out on a quest with a fantasy beast. The choices with this are endless and we can definitely do some world-building if need be.

Gaming/Cartoons - I'm open to various different games, cartoons, or anything like that. Happy to discuss ideas and cravings!

Thanks and hope to hear from you!

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