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Mx Female Fandom Inspired Ideas [Craving Pokemon Adventure with AI Random Encounters]


Depraved Romantic
Nov 3, 2019
United States

Greetings, you may call me Ty! I have been role playing for about 17 years now so I certainly have some experience. I'm not perfect at all nor do I expect anyone else to be. Still, I do try my best when it comes to grammar, spelling and being coherent.

Role playing is a fun hobby for me that I like to indulge in whenever I have some down time. I like to keep things fun and casual and tend to be a pretty chill person. Never hesitate to hit me up in private with a message if you have any questions or ideas that you might like to share.

KINKS & FETISHES - Here is a link to my F-List, it also gives a good idea of what I'm into. I'm willing to play a variety of characters and I always like to discuss kink/fetish preferences with my partner before starting a role play just so we know what to expect. I will never pressure you to play out something you don't like, and if you are unsure if I like something then just ask.

CHARACTERS - I play strictly male characters and I'm looking for female writing partners. Please only hit me up for heterosexual pairings. My characters do tend to lean toward the dominate side. When it comes to female characters I am honestly not that picky. I like them of all ages, shapes, sizes and races - it just depends on what setting, character dynamic and story we are trying to establish.

BRAINSTORMING - Please be willing to discuss the details of whatever story/scene/pairing you wish to play. I like to hash things out with my partner and get a feel for what they want out of the story. Tell me what you are craving and what sounds interesting/exciting. I like to world build a bit if necessary and build the scene for our characters.

STORY vs SMUT- I will be honest and say that I am definitely here to indulge in some fantasies and dive into stories fueled by sexual desires...but I also enjoy an engaging plot. Repetitive sex scenes can get boring at some point. An interesting and intriguing story line can help keep the flow going and add some depth to the characters. The story elements and character development can even enhance the sex scenes if correctly implemented so finding a good balance is crucial.

WRITING STYLE - Please be willing to write in 3rd person perspective, I don't really care for 1st person. Also I prefer at least a couple of detailed paragraphs per post. I would say my sweet spot 3 to 5 paragraphs depending on the scene or what my partner gives me to work with. Of course quality always over quantity, but it's hard to fit juicy details in only a couple of sentences.

POSTING - Since I don't have a lot of free time I'm looking to role play over PMs, Forums, Email, etc. I don't do Instant Messengers. I will try to post at least once a day, but I can't promise to be consistent. Sometimes I might be able to reply multiple times, or it might slow down to every other day. It depends heavily on my schedule and how well it matches up with my partners. If for some reason I can't reply for a while then I will try to give you a heads up.


Here I will list ideas or inspirations. Some might be more fleshed out than others, but all are up for discussion. Anything here can be changed/tweaked so don't hesitate to throw your own ideas or suggestions my way. These are just current cravings and musing in my head. So if anything catches your eye then please send a PM.

CANON CHARACTER NOTE - I do typically prefer to play original characters in settings inspired by various fandoms, but in some cases I am willing to play with canon characters - though usually I like to do so in some kind of alternate universe or timeline so we aren't tied down by the preestablished story of the canon and can kind of make it our own.

Don't see any particular ideas on the profile you like but still think we might make a good match based on writing preferences and shared kinks/fetishes? Then feel free to hit me up with your own ideas. Here is a list of some pairings I'm currently interested in.

Werewolf x Vampire/Human
Vampire x Human
Demon x Angel/Human
Teacher x Student
Student x Student/Teacher
Orc x Elf/Halfing
Minotaur x Elf/Halfing
Human x Halfling
Tamer x Digmon
Digmon x Tamer
Brother x Sister
Father x Daughter
Son x Mother
Basketball Jock x Bookworm/Goth/Emo
Pirate x Pirate/Siren/Noble
Gangster x Cop/Reporter/Prostitute/Rival Gangster
Vigilante x Vigilante/Cop/Reporter/Villain
Anything with gifted individuals with some kind of super power or supernatural gifts.


First thing I want to say is I'm not looking for any bestiality or pokephilia here, just human on human relationships. No sex scenes with Pokemon period.

Our characters would be teenagers setting out to adventure/travel the Pokemon world together. In this setting we can have it be a bit more realistic with those between the ages of like 16 and 18 getting their starter Pokemon and trainer/catcher license or whatever. Never really made much sense in actual Pokemon that 10 to 12 year olds were allowed to run around unsupervised with dangerous creatures. So in this Pokemon setting/universe/region or whatever you want to call it, kids would actually finish their primacy school and studies first (learning math, writing, biology, etc) and then potentially follow a Pokemon based career. Of course there would be classes and studies about Pokemon in normal school too since it is a big part of their world.

The main focus of this story would involve the adventures of our two characters as they travel through various wild areas and forests, occasionally stopping in small towns or even big cities. After a few tests with Chat GPT I determined that I can randomly generate encounters for our characters - this means wild Pokemon, trainer battles and money/loot we find or earn will all be randomly generated by the AI. We would start the story with one starter Pokemon each, a small amount of supplies and money and then try to survive and thrive from there. Some of the details that we generate can be discussed with my partner and how we might want to handle various scenarios. This would involve us keeping track of our resources and inventory, that coupled with the random encounter generator can help shape the decisions of our characters and the path they take to survive/succeed.

While our characters explore the world I also want them to start exploring each other physically and intimately. With them traveling together there can be a lot of fun scenes of them camping together - sharing a tent and/or sleeping bag, washing up in the same stream/river/lake/waterfall/etc. Besides having some fun at night or while resting, there could be some quickies while they travel - a quick romp in the tall grass, pinned up against a tree, and other creative outdoor sex scenes. When in a city or town they might even rent a room somewhere for the night, splurge some money if they have the funds to share a shower and bed.

I would also like to include some kind of interesting plot that involves an evil organization like Team Rocket or Team Magma or whatever, we could also make up a brand new antagonist for our needs. Maybe there could even be threats of a Pokemon war with young trainers being drafted and enlisted? Other than that our characters could have their own goals they wish to achieve - such as my character may want to own a gym someday and be a powerful and well respected leader. The female character could have her own ambitions - such as be a Pokemon Breeder, or a Pokemon Healer/Medic, or a Pokemon Champion, or maybe even her own gym (it would be up to my writing partner).

If you are interested then send me a Note! The details can be worked out and discussed. Some other things we would need to consider is how our characters know each other. They could be siblings or cousins for those interested in incest/taboo pairings - or they could simply be childhood friends that are taking this journey together. I'm also game with them being strangers that happened to meet under various circumstances and now they are working/traveling together. The era in which this story takes place is also up for debate. It could be more modern Pokemon or more like that of Legends of Arceus (kind of like feudal Japan era).

Disregard this paragraph if you want normal Pokemon Trainer dynamics. I'm game for adding variables that make it so our characters aren't necessarily helpless as humans. So for example, if we went Legends of Arceus route then maybe my character is trained to use a sword almost like a samurai and maybe the female character is very skilled with a bow? Maybe we could even add fantasy elements with some trainers having an affinity for the elements - so for example, if a trainer as an affinity for fire-type Pokemon and shares a strong bond with them then they might be able to use fire-based techniques/spells/attacks themselves. Or, if we do something more modern/hi-tech then maybe there are tools and devices to help the humans fight - such as stun nets, or even something unique like a TM Cannon - a device that can be loaded with some compatible Pokemon TMs and be used to fire out that technique (so imagine a human with a TM Cannon strapped to their arm loaded with the Ice Beam TM, this would allows the user to fire out Ice Beams but would probably have some kind of cool down or charge limit).

Just recently got into this anime and I enjoy every bit of it. Schools for gifted students with powers has always been one of my favorite kind of settings. I would love to find a partner that would be interested in writing a romance between two students that are in the same class (probably not first years since those are a bit young). There are so many possibilities with this so I would like to brainstorm our character pairing and their powers. Some elements I do want to play with would be their develop of powers and adapting to dorm life (including sneaking in to each other's dorm room at night). I would also like there to be some kind of plot with a villain group that our characters somehow get dragged into (could be due to their past). So if someone out there is itching for a gifted school romance with action and drama then please hit me up.

For those looking for canon play I'm really not picky about the females, there are many attractive ladies in the series. When it comes to the males I would be potentially willing to play Deku, Bakugo, Shoto or Fatgum.

Dragon Ball Super
With Dragon Ball Super they introduced the many other universes in existence and I would love to do something with that. Our characters could be in one of the other universes, either one they already showed or a different one entirely. I'm always a fan of one of our characters being a Saiyan - such as a Saiyan crash landing on some planet and falling in love with some human-like being or a different alien species. I would love to explore a story similar to that of Vegeta and Bulma, or 18 and 17. Ideally both of our characters would be strong fighters that train and work together. Their goals and plot are ultimately up for discussion. Including tournaments is a fun idea, along with a hunt for some dragon balls!

Going with an alternate universe or timeline for those that like canon characters, I might be willing to play Vegeta, Broly, Android 17 or Gohan. When it comes to female characters I like Videl, Android 18, Bulma, Cheelai and Caulifla.

In this setting I would like one of our characters to be a human gifted with supernatural powers - they can see and interact with spirits, they might even have the potential to use powers like that of a Quincy or Fullbringer. The other character would be a Soul Reaper, Vizard or Arrancar that someone gets attracted to this special human. Maybe hollows are targeting them and they sense their unique soul, or there could be something more plot oriented. Either way, I want to develop a taboo relationship between this human and spirit. Could be something like Ichigo's parents, or a story similar to Ichigo and Rukia's (but with a romantic twist). Hit me up if you are interested!

I might also be willing to play Ichigo himself instead of an original character if we want to do some kind of alternate universe setting. In that case I would not mind pairing him up with Rukia, but there are honestly many fantastic females in the Bleach universe so let me know if you have any specific pairings/ideas!

Coming Soon

Potential Canon Play: Silco x Powder/Jinx

Coming Soon

Might be interested in playing as Naruto, Gaara, Shikamaru or Kakashi. Interested in Hinata, Ino, Temari, Anko, and Kurenai.

Would love to do something in the universe of Eragon, aka the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini. This could be an alternate universe where we kind of ignore the main plot and characters of the actual books so that we can tell our own story, or we could even say this takes place decades after the events of the books.

Naturally I would love to play as a male Dragon Rider - preferably a human or elf, but I also wouldn't mind playing one of the first Urgal/Kull riders since they are basically just orcs. My writing partner can be whatever they want, but another rider could be fun or maybe even a princess my character is tasked with protecting and traveling with?

If you love the Eragon and are interested then hit me up and we can brainstorm! Not really looking for canon play here...but might be willing to play as Eragon himself paired up with Arya.

Would be interested in two different kind of pairings here. The first one is where I play a male Digimon to a female tamer - I would prefer the Digimon partner I play to be rather humanoid in shape/form, so some examples would be Leomon, WereGarurumon, Flamedramon, WarGreymon, Angemon, etc.

The other pairing I would like to play is Tamer x Tamer - as in both of our characters are tamers with digimon partners (we both play our own partners) and the two of them adventure, fight and survive side by side while facing the trials of being a digi-destined.

Would prefer original characters, but here are some canon characters I might be down to play as - Tai or Izzy from adventure with either Kari, Mimi or Sora. Could also be Takato or Henry from Tamers paired with Rika. Some canon play from Cyber Sleuth or Digimon Survive games also possible.

Cyberpunk Edgerunners
Recently watched the show on Netflix and the ending was tragic but also poetic. It was a short series, but there was a lot of depth and emotion put into some of the main characters. I have also recently started to play Cyberpunk 2077 and I love the world and setting. If anyone is interested then I would love to discuss a potential role play in any kind of cyberpunk setting. I would love to play out a similar story with our characters working jobs/heists together. It is a high risk/high reward lifestyle full of desperation, thrills and the pursuit of chasing dreams and/or happiness.

I prefer playing/creating original characters but for those interested in canon characters I would be willing to play David against Lucy or Rebecca in an alternate universe/timeline setting.
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Bump, returning after a bit of a hiatus. Looking for partners to role play over PMs/Conversations or in a thread on these forums. I updated the Pokemon Adventure idea for now and I will probably update and edit this thread more in the next few days. Please hit me up if you wish to discuss a potential role play!
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